Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sigh. Double Sigh. was written at 10:49 PM
Do u know that feeling? The one that makes up wanna give everything up and spend all day just plain lying around on freshly cut grass, inhaling its relaxing aroma. Imagine that times a gazillion.Thats how i feel right now.
I feel like abandoning all obligations. I dont wanna think about my personal statement. I dont wanna fill up my UCAS application. I dont wanna study for my A levels. I dont care if the world is hit with meteor showers which will later turn into awesome automobiles that can copy kick-ass cars just by using some kind of outta this world scanner. I simply just dont care.
I want to spend my days listening to music. I want to do my nails. I want to do my hair. I miss my long hair. I want to go shop. I want to travel. I wanna fall in love and get married. I wanna be rich- Like seriously in-your-face rich. I wanna go to Mars; I heard thats where men come from. They even made a book out of it. I want to meet these Men. Surely, having a planet of its own would entitle me to meet atleast one decent guy. Preferably taller 175cm with perfect abs and biceps and a killer smile. And has an affinity for stuffs i like too. To prevent future arguments or mishaps.
See how perfect the world would be without having to care about what career path I should take.
But NOOOOOO, back to reality. My personal statement is non-existant. I dont quite remember my UCAS password. I tend to procascinate everytime I think I should do my revisions.
And worse to come : the place I live in is somewhat losing its ability to generate electricity. Which leads to me spending my nights siting in the car hogging the air-conditioner whilst listening to dad's crappy CDs which you annoyingly end up singing along to. Thank god for diesel powered cars. i.e: cheap fuel.
To the guy/girl (Im sure its a guy but hey I might be wrong and I dont want to be labeled as a sexist) who discovered electricity, Im really REALLY sorry that ive taken thou creation for granted. All this time I have never really expressed my gratitude for the gift that has been bestowed upon us. Although it has created Global warming and started wars which are considered minor disadvantages, Life is not the same without electricity. I totally salute human beings way before me who had survived life without its presence. I am glad for the fact that I live in this modern era.
It is quite unnatural for me to even have my eyes open at this time of the night which explains the unreasonable things you have just read. but whatever.
You got me XOXO,
Dreams bursting at the seams was written at 1:18 PM
Yes aku gila
Forgive me bini
Forgive me teachers
Forgive me everybody who were there
Cause I did it
I ran around naked
HAHAHA.. Jubur itam nadada.. I'm still sane enough.. just insane to not go to school. Again. Anyways, I'm procrastinating.
Oh last night I tried to be normal. I mean the way I talked to him. It was easy enough really because I'm always good at that but it's sorta hard.. For my head. I guess I was really normal which was so wrong that it didn't masuk akal? Maybe. My feelings for him are still there but I'm trying with all my might to get used to himlah ah.. Macam, in a way if I get used to him and talk to him the way I did last night, I guess it'll fade away. I'm not hoping for it but when it does fade away, I think I won't realise it and maybe by then, I won't even mind? I've no comment on that.
So anyways, di malam open house arah si Yui. I wore baju biasa hantap. I look like a Bruneian inda tau tatasusila MIB. Banar tah. Haha tapi apa daya sabar saja..Durang ramai pun cematu wah so yeah XD.
I believe that if everybody would just aim for what they want before they go and mengasak arah canteen, everybody would have their food and drink; not only that but also enjoy it on their tables by 10.03. Banar. Sumpahku.
Forgive me bini
Forgive me teachers
Forgive me everybody who were there
Cause I did it
I ran around naked
HAHAHA.. Jubur itam nadada.. I'm still sane enough.. just insane to not go to school. Again. Anyways, I'm procrastinating.
Oh last night I tried to be normal. I mean the way I talked to him. It was easy enough really because I'm always good at that but it's sorta hard.. For my head. I guess I was really normal which was so wrong that it didn't masuk akal? Maybe. My feelings for him are still there but I'm trying with all my might to get used to himlah ah.. Macam, in a way if I get used to him and talk to him the way I did last night, I guess it'll fade away. I'm not hoping for it but when it does fade away, I think I won't realise it and maybe by then, I won't even mind? I've no comment on that.
What I do know is that I sound dramatic, I do know I shouldn't be this way and I do know that I sound scary but I can't help it, I am this person. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing depends on how you see me but I'm pretty sure you guys should feel lucky when you're noticed by me. Really.
So anyways, di malam open house arah si Yui. I wore baju biasa hantap. I look like a Bruneian inda tau tatasusila MIB. Banar tah. Haha tapi apa daya sabar saja..Durang ramai pun cematu wah so yeah XD.
I believe that if everybody would just aim for what they want before they go and mengasak arah canteen, everybody would have their food and drink; not only that but also enjoy it on their tables by 10.03. Banar. Sumpahku.
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
To ten million fireflies was written at 1:55 PM
Haha aku bored. Well, procrasting lah ah banarnya abislah orang kesian ulehku kana kacau. Hehe. Sorrylah powerful bah boredom ani.
So anyways, I went to school this morning; which I find was a miracle that my eyes were open exactly at 5.30 without any help from my mobile. Haha but I went back to sleep pulang ah and woke up at 6. Tapi cali, I felt like I was just bagas tutup mata saja but then rupanya tidur tah udah tu.. I mean the whole night.
So school was as always; dormant. Sekajap boring, sekajap buat tidur, sekajap siuk, sekajap it just makes you want to run around naked. I don't know why naked but yes, naked. The teachers start sudah suruh buat past year. Well andang dari dulu pulang durang suruh but now they're just pushing it and it feels like pushing out a baby from the vejayjay. Yes I know I've not yet experience the feeling but I do have a hunch that 0.1 fraction of the pain is there. I mean, I just want to do it but it just won't budge out? Something like that.
Fine, 0.0000000000000001 fraction of the pain tah. -__-' Wouldn't want to hurt the preggie population. Which by the way I think fluctuates ikut parts of the year? The population I mean. Somehow. Macam, in my school, the teachers and faculties who're preggie banyak masa time ujung tahun last year and basically the babies were born dalam December-January lah ah. Then I remembered the same teachers did the same thing (being preggie) 3 (somewhere between those years) years ago. So macam, wow.
Maybe the process of making them is infectious..Maybe. Viral ikut wind.. Horny wind I'd say.
In regards of my PS, tinggal conclusion nya saja lagi. I'm behind than my other friends. Why? Malas I guess.. And I'm not freaking sure what I want to do. UCAS lagi alumku apply. I'll do it later; my mobile has the reminder.
Tapi ah, I think I won't do good. Nauzubillah and I hope for the best but macam, if I wanted to be awesome I'd have work hard last year. Ani, Sigh entah ih. UITB sounds perfect right now..I heard they have sandwich? Yang ada baloney ah. Nyaman kali ah.
-___-' sigh bukan sandwich atulah.. Attachment thingy wah eh while doing courses crap. I just hope my results are awesome enough to go there.
There's also the part about my plan to work part time next year. I want to but macam, hmm why do I get the feeling I'd be too lazy to apply? To do the job is a cinch ganya to apply atu wah. I'm not good with people. My voice damit when I'm shy. Tapi mun udah ilang malu bah jaga..Macam setan tah tu. Haha. Oh and there's also the part yang pasal graduation thing. I'm in the decoration abis apa itu ini, maybe kan cari kerja on March? But then considering if I don't do good on my Alevel (NAUZUBILLAH) I won't be working, I'd be busy studying.
Haha it's that time of year again. Hun bukan month ah.. year. -__-'
Oh people please do listen to Fireflies by Owl City. AWESOME WAH HANTAP! LAWA BANAR!
Aight that's all. XD
So anyways, I went to school this morning; which I find was a miracle that my eyes were open exactly at 5.30 without any help from my mobile. Haha but I went back to sleep pulang ah and woke up at 6. Tapi cali, I felt like I was just bagas tutup mata saja but then rupanya tidur tah udah tu.. I mean the whole night.
So school was as always; dormant. Sekajap boring, sekajap buat tidur, sekajap siuk, sekajap it just makes you want to run around naked. I don't know why naked but yes, naked. The teachers start sudah suruh buat past year. Well andang dari dulu pulang durang suruh but now they're just pushing it and it feels like pushing out a baby from the vejayjay. Yes I know I've not yet experience the feeling but I do have a hunch that 0.1 fraction of the pain is there. I mean, I just want to do it but it just won't budge out? Something like that.
Fine, 0.0000000000000001 fraction of the pain tah. -__-' Wouldn't want to hurt the preggie population. Which by the way I think fluctuates ikut parts of the year? The population I mean. Somehow. Macam, in my school, the teachers and faculties who're preggie banyak masa time ujung tahun last year and basically the babies were born dalam December-January lah ah. Then I remembered the same teachers did the same thing (being preggie) 3 (somewhere between those years) years ago. So macam, wow.
Maybe the process of making them is infectious..Maybe. Viral ikut wind.. Horny wind I'd say.
In regards of my PS, tinggal conclusion nya saja lagi. I'm behind than my other friends. Why? Malas I guess.. And I'm not freaking sure what I want to do. UCAS lagi alumku apply. I'll do it later; my mobile has the reminder.
Tapi ah, I think I won't do good. Nauzubillah and I hope for the best but macam, if I wanted to be awesome I'd have work hard last year. Ani, Sigh entah ih. UITB sounds perfect right now..I heard they have sandwich? Yang ada baloney ah. Nyaman kali ah.
-___-' sigh bukan sandwich atulah.. Attachment thingy wah eh while doing courses crap. I just hope my results are awesome enough to go there.
There's also the part about my plan to work part time next year. I want to but macam, hmm why do I get the feeling I'd be too lazy to apply? To do the job is a cinch ganya to apply atu wah. I'm not good with people. My voice damit when I'm shy. Tapi mun udah ilang malu bah jaga..Macam setan tah tu. Haha. Oh and there's also the part yang pasal graduation thing. I'm in the decoration abis apa itu ini, maybe kan cari kerja on March? But then considering if I don't do good on my Alevel (NAUZUBILLAH) I won't be working, I'd be busy studying.
Haha it's that time of year again. Hun bukan month ah.. year. -__-'
Oh people please do listen to Fireflies by Owl City. AWESOME WAH HANTAP! LAWA BANAR!
Aight that's all. XD
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
was written at 4:07 PM
My raya is filled with aku beraya this year. I think this year tah paling banyakku beraya banar tah. Scary. Fun but scary somehow but can't explain why.
So studies were not done during this holiday. They were filled with cakes, late night memacah and sungkai galore. A roller coaster of thoughts comes into picture as well with me screaming at the wrong peaks and I can't help but feel; lost.
Lost; stuck in the middle of between something. Macam, what the hell is going to happen to me next year? This year sudah macam macam, apakah ni next year. Hahah. Mudahan saja panjang umurku, Amin.
Au aku rambling. Hehe.
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Trouble coldplay was written at 10:42 AM
Aku sedih..
Rasa macam kana avoid..
Maybe I'm paranoid but yeah..
So raya tak nampak, another day to puasa. Hahah yeay XD. Mum's downstairs baking; still. Ermm, the orders are more or less completelah ah..Sekali..I'm not feeling good, sajuk sajuklah tapi no fever thankfully. Di malam sahur at Yui's soto. So bored bangun tidur atu I went there at 12, cerita cerita, dangani durang buat popia gulung and went back home at 1 ish. Sekali looked through the internet and msn; no response so I went back to sleep.
Susah hatiku.. Pasal apa? my mum's orders and yang the part aku rasa kana avoid.
Rasa macam kana avoid..
Maybe I'm paranoid but yeah..
So raya tak nampak, another day to puasa. Hahah yeay XD. Mum's downstairs baking; still. Ermm, the orders are more or less completelah ah..Sekali..I'm not feeling good, sajuk sajuklah tapi no fever thankfully. Di malam sahur at Yui's soto. So bored bangun tidur atu I went there at 12, cerita cerita, dangani durang buat popia gulung and went back home at 1 ish. Sekali looked through the internet and msn; no response so I went back to sleep.
Susah hatiku.. Pasal apa? my mum's orders and yang the part aku rasa kana avoid.
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, September 19, 2009
was written at 12:54 AM
I'm exhausted.. Kabas jubur bejalan ke KB. Pukul 5pm jalan datang balik 12.30am..
The bini I sorry didn't reply your message; my battery went dead di sana.
Pokoknya jubur kabas..
The bini I sorry didn't reply your message; my battery went dead di sana.
Pokoknya jubur kabas..
You got me XOXO,
Friday, September 18, 2009
Nearly time was written at 8:29 PM
I think Im going to die. Not that I want to.Ive never heard of anyone die due to over-eating before and I for sure dont want to the first. But thats how I feel right now. I feel like I think Im gonna die. Because I over-ate.
Kue tiaw basah, Shepperd's (sp?) pie, sausage rolls, mee goreng, custard puff, egg tarts, some kind of green cake that tastes a tad bit like bananas, bandung and milo. Thats what i stuffed myself with and macam not in small portions. And no i didnt go out for sungkai but it feels like I had Cheezbox and Nyonya punya worth of sungkai buffet. NOT a good thing.
I bet my baju raya aint gonna fit me after this so yeah aku beraya pakai jubah tah ganya ni. I would say Im overacting but REALLY im THAT stuffed. Kan menaip ani pun macam payah and heaving. But as I wait for Ep 09 to buffer - which is taking eons - I couldnt think of anything worthwhile to do so i ended up typing all this.
I really dont know what possesed me onto stuffing myself with that amount of food. I sure was not THAT hungry.
but yeah. whatever.
Ramadhan is reaching its end and so far i had accomplished to :-
1. Clean my room.
More like mum threatened me to do so or else she would disown me. And I have to say its like good fengshui or something. Somehow im more reclined to study. NOT.
2. Sungkai with the bini/laki. HAHAHA
Had a blast. Was super duper uber fun=) and memorable.
3. Not care about my personal statement and universities whatnot.
Im not proud of it ganya mcm everytime I do it I tend to think of reasons why I should do it LATER. And I HAVE done my first draft gnya batah nungu the georgie kan check so Im left hanging.
4. Watch every single newly released episodes of My Fair Lady and Heading To The Ground.
Walaupun ia batah buffering and mun abis dah buffering datang tia jua gilanya alum abis the video inda tia mau play so mesti refresh lagi and tunggu lagi
5. Update myself of happenings in the korean entertainment industry
i.e : allkpop, soompi and popseoul.
6. To get a new haircut yg aneh teramat sangat but i like it even if it looks weird and babah ku cakap ia pun pandai mun aku kan begunting cani. No, its not the bowl/pot cut.
7. Manik -more like tampal thingies on my- baju raya. which i dont think i can fit by the time raya arrives so go figure!
8. Find the secret of making an amazing carrot cheese cake. less than three three three three three. *swoons* had baked like two cakes per week and I call it my staple food. Mum ckap aku kesakaian and I think she is secretly relieved as i dont have to spend her money di Fleur de Lis. tee hee.
well yeah atu lah saja.
currently missing the bini/laki yg sibuk baking. have fuunn. sama kau bau. and bukan harum.
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
was written at 3:47 AM
What's happening at my house at 2am?
My mum's baking time is nocturnal. It's usualy quiet but tonight inda baby XD. Durang ramai datang pasal bored bah dirumah sekali datang, iski kan tolong buat the cake! Haha especially si Fuad.

From cakes, to just being plain photo fanatics. XD
So anyways,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
was written at 3:30 AM
I still like you I really do. Don't know how you'd react to that if I say that to you but I can't help it so I might as well put it here first.
Masih samalah ah how I feel. I personally think it's a good thing but hey. Haha I don't have much to say about it. Que Sera Sera.
Masih samalah ah how I feel. I personally think it's a good thing but hey. Haha I don't have much to say about it. Que Sera Sera.
You got me XOXO,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Grateful was written at 6:06 PM
Di malam...
Was so bored macam tahi rasanya. I went online and macam, nothing to do seriously menalurlah. Chatted with the Bini and updated ourselves; she now has a haircut where his dad pun pandai buatkan untuk ia.. No comment, aku ketawa saja bahak bahak. HAHA. Then, kana panggil kebawah to do some raya shits but all I did was clean up the cabinet. Then bejalan tiaku ke Yui's.. The plan was to watch my dvd sana and then bawa si Yui tidur rumah since aku bored (Yes, Yui's my playmate now) but hurrah hurrah! Alhamdulillah! Ka Asmah messaaged me bawa makan dim sum. So I culik Yui and Ka Asmah picked us up at around 10.30 ish. Went to Gadong properties and ate there. Siuk lah cerita cerita ni..sampai the food payah kan masuk ke parut. Aku wah malar kana kacang.
Then abis cakap cakap and kan in a way I thought balik, ada tia Ka asmah bebunyi 'Lam macam alum kanyang aku ani.. bah ke McD tani.' So dengan banggangnya aku pun ikut and kami makan lagi di McD. Oh I forgot to mention; there was me, Yui, Ka Asmah and Salam. Ka Asmah lanja woi aku diam saja and be grateful. Hahah. So ordered McD, ate in the car and becali lagi. Gila wah. The burger had a hard time going down. Haha. Then abis sana, Salam minta bawa lagi makan ke JP tongkeng so macam kesana tah ni but sadly the kadai tutup so balik tah after that. Oh FYI aku inda pandai makan tongkeng so macam, yeah. Haha.
I really had fun. X) Terasa wah that I'm loved (eceh). Haha au au sounds weird but it's true and all I can do is be grateful. I can't explain exactly what I felt last night.. Macam every moment sama durang I can't help but just. Be. Freakin'. Thankful. Didn't talk about anything serious, I just laughed my head off.
Was so bored macam tahi rasanya. I went online and macam, nothing to do seriously menalurlah. Chatted with the Bini and updated ourselves; she now has a haircut where his dad pun pandai buatkan untuk ia.. No comment, aku ketawa saja bahak bahak. HAHA. Then, kana panggil kebawah to do some raya shits but all I did was clean up the cabinet. Then bejalan tiaku ke Yui's.. The plan was to watch my dvd sana and then bawa si Yui tidur rumah since aku bored (Yes, Yui's my playmate now) but hurrah hurrah! Alhamdulillah! Ka Asmah messaaged me bawa makan dim sum. So I culik Yui and Ka Asmah picked us up at around 10.30 ish. Went to Gadong properties and ate there. Siuk lah cerita cerita ni..sampai the food payah kan masuk ke parut. Aku wah malar kana kacang.
Then abis cakap cakap and kan in a way I thought balik, ada tia Ka asmah bebunyi 'Lam macam alum kanyang aku ani.. bah ke McD tani.' So dengan banggangnya aku pun ikut and kami makan lagi di McD. Oh I forgot to mention; there was me, Yui, Ka Asmah and Salam. Ka Asmah lanja woi aku diam saja and be grateful. Hahah. So ordered McD, ate in the car and becali lagi. Gila wah. The burger had a hard time going down. Haha. Then abis sana, Salam minta bawa lagi makan ke JP tongkeng so macam kesana tah ni but sadly the kadai tutup so balik tah after that. Oh FYI aku inda pandai makan tongkeng so macam, yeah. Haha.
I really had fun. X) Terasa wah that I'm loved (eceh). Haha au au sounds weird but it's true and all I can do is be grateful. I can't explain exactly what I felt last night.. Macam every moment sama durang I can't help but just. Be. Freakin'. Thankful. Didn't talk about anything serious, I just laughed my head off.
So after that malam macah, went home and dangar them cousins of mine belatih lagu Cinta Ini Membunuhku. Again, I can't help but feel.. Ermm.. A sad lyric with a happy tune? Something like that. Hahah. Then last last, subuh atu meliat Adventureland.. Pokoknya it's full of weed, love and college grads. Haha.

Blogging to kill sungkai time affects the functionality of my family system. Basically my mum pissed of sudah having to shout for us to come down for sungkai. HAHA!

Blogging to kill sungkai time affects the functionality of my family system. Basically my mum pissed of sudah having to shout for us to come down for sungkai. HAHA!
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, September 13, 2009
was written at 5:41 PM
My mum has been trying to get me to talk to her these past 5 days. Talk about what? I don't want to tell you that. Pokoknya, it's stressing me out. I go down and macam do my own thing ambil barang apa she'd go 'Ydah ok kah?' and I'll go, 'Au ok kenapa?' Then malam malam she asked me stuff and I'd have to answer her lah ah but the things I answered are not the things she wanted to hear.. She wanted to know my exact problem.. When in fact I don't have any..
Well I do have problems but who doesn't? That's just life bah you go on lah do the things you do saja with it occupying your head and besides, these problems are not that crazy sampai sampai I'd do suicide bah! Come on!! My life is too precious for suicide. Haha. Aku macam, aku stress pasal my mum pulang ni. -__-'
I know she's concerned about me ganya it's just that.. What she wanted me to tell her atu is just the thing I don't, never talk to her about wah. It's the thing I'm comfortable talking about with someone else but not her, it's always been that way. I love her because she's concerned atulah ah but I assure you mum, I'm alright bah =).
And seriously, I say this again and again (tarus nyanyi lagu 2pm) I'm fine. Kuat kali ah aku ani ingat apa? I mean I'm not perfect; I whine, I cry, I get pissed off apa with unreasonable points..But in the end I'll be fine and I'll admit my mistakes when I have them.. I make sure I do. X)

Well I do have problems but who doesn't? That's just life bah you go on lah do the things you do saja with it occupying your head and besides, these problems are not that crazy sampai sampai I'd do suicide bah! Come on!! My life is too precious for suicide. Haha. Aku macam, aku stress pasal my mum pulang ni. -__-'
I know she's concerned about me ganya it's just that.. What she wanted me to tell her atu is just the thing I don't, never talk to her about wah. It's the thing I'm comfortable talking about with someone else but not her, it's always been that way. I love her because she's concerned atulah ah but I assure you mum, I'm alright bah =).
And seriously, I say this again and again (tarus nyanyi lagu 2pm) I'm fine. Kuat kali ah aku ani ingat apa? I mean I'm not perfect; I whine, I cry, I get pissed off apa with unreasonable points..But in the end I'll be fine and I'll admit my mistakes when I have them.. I make sure I do. X)
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, September 12, 2009
was written at 6:14 PM
It's not oscar awesome macam Speedy Scandal tapi cali jualah. A nice movie to see time time sunshine rainy thingy. Haha somehow.

My favourite part was time durang explain explain why the dude yang lama udah kenal the girl likes her. All of them said it's because he was with her his whole life yatah grew the feeling. But the dude instead said,
Macam, DAMN SON! Haha Abang abang yang cematu atu, please see me *wags* HAHAHA! Nada wah. Still nice words.. Nice words..
Rasa wah aku ah to kill time tunggu sungkai..And the time has finally come. HAA! See ya! XD

My favourite part was time durang explain explain why the dude yang lama udah kenal the girl likes her. All of them said it's because he was with her his whole life yatah grew the feeling. But the dude instead said,
"I didn't love her because I was always with her. I was always with her because I love her."
Macam, DAMN SON! Haha Abang abang yang cematu atu, please see me *wags* HAHAHA! Nada wah. Still nice words.. Nice words..
Rasa wah aku ah to kill time tunggu sungkai..And the time has finally come. HAA! See ya! XD
You got me XOXO,
Friday, September 11, 2009
Que Sera Sera was written at 1:06 PM
Sudah tah. I don't know what to do lagi and I'm sorry.
Ok, hahah nada pics bah sini ah! Kesian. Bah I upload pics lah ah..
Ok, hahah nada pics bah sini ah! Kesian. Bah I upload pics lah ah..
Malam Pacah
Malam Sungkai di Nyonya
Awesome Thursday

This Thursday was time meliat bulan so basically abis semua buddies di sana lepak and kan main game karas lah ah before the puasa starts. Oh yeah sama time time ani Pe Dept lanja the PSR lot makan so we basically didn't have to go out and find food. Hahah, thank you chers.The best bah tart ah! I played my ass off time netball and dance hard jua *wags*. Pokoknya I got the teachers traumatized. Haha handal jua udah tu aku atu wah ah. Haha!
Hmm I guess the blog is waking up now? I hope. What do you guys think? Haha.
Hmm I guess the blog is waking up now? I hope. What do you guys think? Haha.
You got me XOXO,
Monday, September 7, 2009
Bored was written at 3:24 AM
Bored and my head is occupied. It's not improtant and it's just me being paranoid. I think I need to stop thinking about it so that way it'd go my way. Haha I doubt it but yeah..
So tadi hmm.. I woke up, brushed my teeth, washed my face and went downstairs. It was 11am and then I went to Yui's house. Au, I didn't shower yatah my mum marah and asked me to shower first but aku melawan yoh =(. I feel guilty but my hard headed-ness won. So anway I went there and just sat and talk. Najeen was there as well so macam I watched Yui kacau ia tidur; they look cute. Sekali macam, sana cerita cerita then I went home to shower. After the shower, I went out ke kadai ujung kg to buy bread for my baby brother. Got back and went online and surfed the internet. When I went down, I noticed that my aunts were here so sama durang tah cerita cerita apa. Sekali Fad messeaged and asked about going to the airport thing and I said maybe nada lah transport but in the end we got transport from an old friend of ours; Hazwan. So Fad, Hazwan and I went to the airport to send Sabri off. Sungkai kami di sana and then said our goobyes to Sabri. Oh yeah Bon Voyage dude see you when you get back. Haha. Then kami balik, Hazwan dropped me off but then this thing happened that go me so ticked off that I just walked tarus ke Yui's with my stuff. So there I was limpang limpang and liat tv apa. Najeen was planning to come but then inda jadilah. It rained so I had to wait for it to reda to walk back home. So now here I am, lying on my bed lapas liat 2 dvds. Life's good.
So tadi hmm.. I woke up, brushed my teeth, washed my face and went downstairs. It was 11am and then I went to Yui's house. Au, I didn't shower yatah my mum marah and asked me to shower first but aku melawan yoh =(. I feel guilty but my hard headed-ness won. So anway I went there and just sat and talk. Najeen was there as well so macam I watched Yui kacau ia tidur; they look cute. Sekali macam, sana cerita cerita then I went home to shower. After the shower, I went out ke kadai ujung kg to buy bread for my baby brother. Got back and went online and surfed the internet. When I went down, I noticed that my aunts were here so sama durang tah cerita cerita apa. Sekali Fad messeaged and asked about going to the airport thing and I said maybe nada lah transport but in the end we got transport from an old friend of ours; Hazwan. So Fad, Hazwan and I went to the airport to send Sabri off. Sungkai kami di sana and then said our goobyes to Sabri. Oh yeah Bon Voyage dude see you when you get back. Haha. Then kami balik, Hazwan dropped me off but then this thing happened that go me so ticked off that I just walked tarus ke Yui's with my stuff. So there I was limpang limpang and liat tv apa. Najeen was planning to come but then inda jadilah. It rained so I had to wait for it to reda to walk back home. So now here I am, lying on my bed lapas liat 2 dvds. Life's good.
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, September 6, 2009
was written at 10:32 PM
Aku bored and I just remembered lama udah inda beupdate blog ah and yes it's getting boring, I know. Malas bah udah kan update and I write here if I have worries saja nowadays. Inda lagikan teupload pics shitcrap; just go to my facebook for that one..Atu pun I makin malas juga udah.
So anyways I've been thinking alot. I don't know which to categorize this but I think 'for future reference' would be the right choice?
I realise that what ever we do, whatever we give to a person.. Doesn't matter if it's big or small, expensive or cheap; what we tend to feel from it depends on the light we see the person in. I mean, I can give this person I love a piece of paper and this person whom I hate a golden necklace but in the end what matters the most is whether does the person I love keeps the paper well or not, whether it's still with them or not, whether he knows it's special or not so that's why I gave it to him. Then I wouldn't care whether the person I hate atu lost the golden necklace eventhough it may cost a billion quids. So mcm, I guess that what it means when people say 'it's the heart that counts.' Then in a waykan, if lah we receive something like that paper atu and we'd think it's crappy.. I mean really, apa special a paper? but since we love that person, we'd keep it jua wah bisai bisai without noticing it. Because we ;ove that person so kami simpan saja because of that person. Serious, it depends on the person atu. So the fact that ada this person, keeps my stuff I gave them well.. I'm really glad, grateful and I smile whenever I see it.
So now, all that's left is for that person to keep my feelings well.. so that I'd feel good, glad and happy till my smile is so wide you can't believe it exists.
I think too much and I'm getting tepesong. HAHA I think it's time to go back on track and do the things MY WAY.
Haha au lai aku emo. Emo hantap. Maybe it's the hormones ni. Banar.
So anyways I've been thinking alot. I don't know which to categorize this but I think 'for future reference' would be the right choice?
I realise that what ever we do, whatever we give to a person.. Doesn't matter if it's big or small, expensive or cheap; what we tend to feel from it depends on the light we see the person in. I mean, I can give this person I love a piece of paper and this person whom I hate a golden necklace but in the end what matters the most is whether does the person I love keeps the paper well or not, whether it's still with them or not, whether he knows it's special or not so that's why I gave it to him. Then I wouldn't care whether the person I hate atu lost the golden necklace eventhough it may cost a billion quids. So mcm, I guess that what it means when people say 'it's the heart that counts.' Then in a waykan, if lah we receive something like that paper atu and we'd think it's crappy.. I mean really, apa special a paper? but since we love that person, we'd keep it jua wah bisai bisai without noticing it. Because we ;ove that person so kami simpan saja because of that person. Serious, it depends on the person atu. So the fact that ada this person, keeps my stuff I gave them well.. I'm really glad, grateful and I smile whenever I see it.
So now, all that's left is for that person to keep my feelings well.. so that I'd feel good, glad and happy till my smile is so wide you can't believe it exists.
I think too much and I'm getting tepesong. HAHA I think it's time to go back on track and do the things MY WAY.
Haha au lai aku emo. Emo hantap. Maybe it's the hormones ni. Banar.
You got me XOXO,