Friday, July 24, 2009
Steps For A Successful Procrastination was written at 12:56 PM
Step 1
Make this your mantra : "I'll do it later. There's more time."
Step 2
Come up with things you ought to do three weekends ago. If u cant think of any, these may help :-
a) 'My table is too dusty. I cannot study in these conditions thus I should dedustify.' Take at least 3 hours to "find" the duster before you start dusting.
b) 'Whats that song i need to download again?' Hmm... Switch on your laptop and get carried away.
c) 'My socks are not organized. I MUST search for my other purple pink polka dot pair.' and
This never fails -
d) Ask your parents if theres any cleaning to do. Quite beneficial as this is major sucking up and you'll prolly end up with a brand new car by the end of the year.
note : the word 'prolly' is bolded so DONT get yur hopes up.
Screw it. Go watch TV!
Step 4
Think Hungry. Think "Brain food". GO TO KITCHEN.
And if all fails; you're STILL studying then
Step 5
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
AKU RANDOM was written at 11:55 PM
Something's bothering me.
I want to do these things crap but I know, if I do them it'll just end up exactly what I was trying to avoid.
No one knows what tomorrow brings so just smile and look forward to it.
Anyways, esuk Physics and I'm just reading the notes. I know it's not helping to just read but macam.. hish.. Screw it..
Au I'm being random..
I want to do these things crap but I know, if I do them it'll just end up exactly what I was trying to avoid.
No one knows what tomorrow brings so just smile and look forward to it.
Anyways, esuk Physics and I'm just reading the notes. I know it's not helping to just read but macam.. hish.. Screw it..
Au I'm being random..
You got me XOXO,
Monday, July 20, 2009
Avoiding past years. was written at 6:21 PM
Yes lama udah inda update sorry.. There's been alot happening but I've no idea which to talk about, let alone where to start. Anyways three pictures editted to show you guys what's been up. And au it's VERY outdated. Very.

First picture is time time kami BARA MS. We went to Tasek Lama and did these activities provided. Pagi was this team building actvities and it consists of spiderwebs, the giant slipper and trust methods thingy thing thing. Haha. Then patang was these challenging activities lah ah kirakan.. Flying Fox, River-Crossing, Rock Climbing and Aussie Rundown. SIUK HANTAP! Oh and the food was provided by Cigu Farid and NYAMAN HANTAP!! HANTAP!!

Last but not least si Sabri. HAHA. Ia datang ke rumah saya seriatu and we hanged. Duduk duduk dangar lagu, main drum, webcammed sama si Riza, cerita sal sekulah apa dan buat milkshake. HAHA milkashake si sabri awesome hantap sekali minum..inda mau lagi. HAHA nada wah. It was manis hantap but addictive. Nyaman.. X)
So now, ni exam esuk ah and right now I is rehat and procratinating lah ah. Maths the first paper and I tell ya.. Inda cali ni. -__-' Takut ku. The paper's freakin hard! Aku cuba specimen. Kan nangis saya. Sigh. I just hope I manage.. banar tah..
Ohh I'm in love dengan lagu Kelly Clarkson I Do Not Hook Up. Cantik X).
Ah, I is confused/happy. Atu lah ah. Haha.
So, that's it. Nanti tah lagi update! X)
You got me XOXO,