Saturday, June 27, 2009
Im not Broke, Im Bankrupt was written at 10:04 AM
How Palaw is this? For some unfanthomable reason aku lupa datang for my driving class. Well not unfanthomable really. More like a pathetic misunderstanding. Macam palaw lah ah and yet aku amused ni jan bagai.The story goes that I dreamt that my driving class was cancelled. Kali masa mama banguni and tanya what time is my class, I said my class is cancelled. Showing how palaw I am at 6.48 in the morning. She asked why and I remember dozing back to sleep. Kali mcm pkul 9.30 ah ada tia instructor ku call and asked where I am. And me being the palaw person that I am jawab "Baru bangun Cikgu". Enough said. As you can see by now, I love using the word Palaw. Si Wai tu ngajar and now its stuck.
Esuk BARA and I CANT WAIT. Mostly pasal aku kan jumpa bini ku. She promised a hug. HEHE. Jan saja nada. And if Im lucky I might get a peck on the cheeks. HAHAHAH. Hint tu wai.
The day after that buka tia skulah... Something Im not looking foward to. I am quite comfortable waking up hours after the crack of dawn. And I dont think I actually did any studying. Quals in like 3 weeks time. Then again bila jua wah urang study 3 weeks before exam? No offense but if you DO, hands down pasal i wish i had your willpower.
Anyway... Me thinks this is the right time to introduce thy husbands
No. 1
Introducing sexy beast which I named Lukman =)

Ak. Tae Sung bin Pg. Lee

I was watching shopaholic ari atu and this line got stucked in my head
" I was stalked once... By a dog"
HAHAHA. Priceless.
Lastly, Who wants to bet si Wai inda datang first day of school? HAHAHAHA =P
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Holiday. Or so it says. was written at 2:46 PM
Its past a week since the holidays started and it feels like baru kemarin last day of term. I hate it when time flies, but I'm not having fun. I remember sleeping A LOT and watching A LOT OF DRAMAS and thats it, Basically my holidays mcm a repetition of Sundays. Not a good thing.Baru lagi kana gtau Chem ada project and Im like hvdgxnsxoschslcsdkfidsojfdlf pasal we need to make a freakin presentation. Kapih ku just BUYING the thingies. Atu sad attempt lah ah kan start buat project ah. The transparency costs $1.30 a piece. No shit. And entah mengapakah aku si tahai membali 15 pieces. As if I want to bore the whole class with 15 pages of crap. Kali the pens lagi cost me $7.50. MACAM HELLO KAPIH WORLD, I will embrace you. Sigh. And the worst part has yet to come - THE ACTUAL PRESENTATION. URGH. Pasal Physics tia lagi presentation ku ani mcm tah ku paham.
Anyway my bini is prolly having a blast di KK. Pasal ada Secret Recipe. Sama BURGER KING. and A LOT other yummy places. Not forgetting Kopitiam and Kenny Rogers. That said macam deprived jua Brunei ani ah. Ada pulang bunyinya Secret Recipe kan buka di Mall (at least ada coming soon sign) gnya smpai ani wah nada jua ada buka-bukanya. The only carrot cheese cake available mun ku craving arah Fleur de Lis ganya and that place DOES NOT COME CHEAP.
Currently Im crazy over Romance Zero pasal the guy yang blakun, as always, HOTT and ia ckap ia kan kawin sama aku. HAHAHHAHAHA. cali tu bui. WAWAWWAWAWWA=.=" and ada si kang in yang bagi ku annoying ia sana tapi ia adorable jua at times. The jalan cerita is quite nice mcam not the typical korean drama macam ada omph factor lah ah and yeah IM CRAZYY OVER IT. Obsessed to the point that EVERYDAY ku check mysoju mun ada kah nada new episode. And ada that one day I slept like pkul 1 and was absent the next day padahal my chem exam was 3 days away. THAT obsessed. LAWA LAH AH YG PASTINYA. atu majal.
Also watching Knock Knock Loving You which is Taiwanesse. Im only watching it sal ada Ming Dao and ia HOTT inda ku tau napa. Prolly sal mcm melayu ada jua usulnya =.=" Or Not. He has appeal lah ah and macam apa saja drama ia ada, I know I'll end up loving the drama. Pasal ia ada. and gila kali urg taiwanesse punya badan lawa kan gila. macam tall and skinny as I will never be. Its Crazy. And rambut dorg lawa. Enough said.
anyways kan abis sudah buffering my heaven soooo a happy holidays (belated and advanced) to you all.
wai, i bet kau rindu aku.
Alive and Well,
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sigh was written at 7:53 PM
Chala eh. It's like everywhere I go I'm beggining to notice signboards and the roadlines. Macam, seriously chala jua tu. I'd even say I'm lame man. Yes lame hantap. Oh tadi bagas hantar me mum to the airport, she's going somewhere with her friends. My brothers, my dad and I on the other hand would go to KK tomorrow. Sigh. I'm kinda 50/50 on this trip. I want to cause it's fun; I don't want to cause my mum won't be there, I didn't even touched my homework and my project. Atulah ah. Anyways,
Sekali aku guilty arah the friends yang datang at my house tadi. =( I left them. Sigh.. Sorry dudes. Macam, jahat rasaku. Gah.
Bah eh aku blank. I see you.
Sekali aku guilty arah the friends yang datang at my house tadi. =( I left them. Sigh.. Sorry dudes. Macam, jahat rasaku. Gah.
Bah eh aku blank. I see you.
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, June 18, 2009
was written at 10:02 PM
Everyone's sick. My family I mean. My mum and brothers lah ah. My dad sihat masih. XD HAHA APAKAN AKU AH.. Bored boy hantap so I took some pictures of well, messages. Inspired by Nickelback and yeah.. Thank you Nickel, saya akan cuba hidup sepertinya hari yang terakhir bagiku. Eseh. HAHA.
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
was written at 10:10 PM
You got me XOXO,
was written at 7:11 PM
It's been 4 days since last sekulah. I haven't done any work; no computing, math or physics or even a light read to get ready for my mocks. Ijapku eh. Gila kali.
Oh! Tadi aku abis udah krusus undang undang thingy. Macam, dman son. I think I should've let my parents give me the krusus. Sama jua wah ceritanya.. I don't get what they say janji aku pass exams then they think they win..
Something's bothering me right now. Inda pulangku kan cakap exactly what it is~ Hello~ But yeah adalah ah..
Oh there's this song aku suka hantap! At first I thought it was Indonesian tapi rupanya Malaysian and I tell ya.. Cool.
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Me day was written at 6:46 PM

So I woke up early today dalam pukul 8. Yes that's early for me. If it was 7 I'd say I was crazy. Sent my dad to the airport so on the way there I told him about Fiqah's driving lessons. Sekali udah atu baru ia membagi aku license L ku. Lupa ia membagi -___-. I applied to a driving school in the morning and had the undang undang lessons thingy that afternoon and was shocked to see Wina and Kwang there. I mean really, the odds of having the same school is like, 1/10. Haha.
It was raining hard as well macam memberijaplah ah..But emak I kata Syukurlah kerna dah lama tak hujan. HAHA. Eseh apanya~ Hahaha.. And for the record, I DON'T EVER WANT TO GO OUT WITH HARRIS EVER AGAIN UNLESS HE'S 16. -___-'
It was raining hard as well macam memberijaplah ah..But emak I kata Syukurlah kerna dah lama tak hujan. HAHA. Eseh apanya~ Hahaha.. And for the record, I DON'T EVER WANT TO GO OUT WITH HARRIS EVER AGAIN UNLESS HE'S 16. -___-'
You got me XOXO,
Monday, June 15, 2009
Term..inated. was written at 9:02 PM
So I open with a picture of us both sick, limpang-limpang macam homeless dudettes with them di bawah kana brief oleh cigu Izam. HAHA. Sanggup lagi tu kami ah datang to practice. I was wondering why were we there, we could've just stayed home and rest.. Sigh I still wonder.

So Pesta Sukan Remaja was held yesterday and if you want to get an inside about it (which includes video of the performance) click here. Sadly I didn't bring my camera on D-Day, I brought it on a very boring day instead which didn't include any of us wearing the PSR clothes and such. Talur bah saya ah. Sigh. It was a fun experience really. The moves were created in two days and we learned the whole lot in, also two days and though the week practice was excrutiating, it was still fun! Me and Fiq will miss the lot that we dance with; the teachers who were involved and yang datang support pun, we'll surely miss you guys! Haa! Sama the food, mun ada lagi, panggil tah kami. HAHA!

So Pesta Sukan Remaja was held yesterday and if you want to get an inside about it (which includes video of the performance) click here. Sadly I didn't bring my camera on D-Day, I brought it on a very boring day instead which didn't include any of us wearing the PSR clothes and such. Talur bah saya ah. Sigh. It was a fun experience really. The moves were created in two days and we learned the whole lot in, also two days and though the week practice was excrutiating, it was still fun! Me and Fiq will miss the lot that we dance with; the teachers who were involved and yang datang support pun, we'll surely miss you guys! Haa! Sama the food, mun ada lagi, panggil tah kami. HAHA!

I did nothing today to officially start my holidays. XD Haha.. I just woke up, took my shower, ate and just lay down on my bed. Bliss yoh jangan jua! XD It was freaking fun! Hehe..

That's it for now, till then.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Friday, June 12, 2009
was written at 10:58 PM
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, June 11, 2009
was written at 9:27 PM
Today marks the day that I am free... from exams! Haa! Tapi talur ah, I couldn't care less.. Payah =S so an hour time limit jadi a 45minutes-ish by yours truly.
Today marks the day that I am free... from exams! Haa! Tapi talur ah, I couldn't care less.. Payah =S so an hour time limit jadi a 45minutes-ish by yours truly.
So anyways, somehow me and the bini involved ourselves in the Pesta Sukan Remaja punya performance. In like, 3 days we managed to learn all the dancemoves. AWESOME KALI AH HELLO~ Hahaha.. the people involved are fun yaw so macam I think if I didn't join I'll be very sad. I mean I'm not saying just because you didn't that makes you the sad person.. Aku lah I mean. So the dancemoves awesome I'd have to say eventhough the music..crap =S. Tapi really, the ones in charge made the song cantik yaw~
4 days of going to the stadium at 10.30am-4/5pm you gotta love it XD. Skipping class.. Yes yes I do feel guilty about it but hey, duty calls. =P HAA! Sekali aku nada membawa cameraku kesana 4 hari ani.. Mcm paedah jua tu. Karang kamu cakap aku membual! FINE, wait for it on saturday..Woo! Sekali kan aku nada cakap sama ia pun which makes it sad. Well not really since aku macam like him when I see him so I guess I don't like him anymore. Well I may still like him considering the fact that when I see him I get the tingle but hey that may just be my habit which is yet to fade. You know. But hey, life goes on. APANYA~ HAHAHA..
Acne ku working up lagi ah -__-' Sedihku ni. Seriously I'm not being funny. Nalehku bepurdah around people. =( Ia pun aku nampak staring at it. Yeesh =(. Entah eh.
Nantilah I'll post some pics of it when I do take the pictures.
That's it for now.
PS: Aku in love with Yuna yang nyanyi - Dan Sebenarnya.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Friday, June 5, 2009
LOVE =) was written at 6:23 PM
thanks kuteeeenn^^,
You got me XOXO,