Sunday, March 22, 2009
was written at 2:25 AM
Many apologies to all friends of mine whom I've neglected for the past 3 days. Saya di rumah cousin saya saja yatah nada online juga and even if I would, I'd be neglecting the messages. Sorry yeah. =)
Yours Truly,
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, March 21, 2009
We're Invited !! was written at 8:05 PM
Invitation to all Pra U2 2009
Majlis Malam Bebedak Awangku Azlan Shah Bin Pengiran haji Ahmad a.k.a Sir Azlan=)
Pada : Hari Jumaat, 27 Mac 2009
Bertempat : No 142, Azza Villa, Spg 160-2, Kg Lambak, Jalan Berakas, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
Jam : 8.00 malam
Sorry I have to blog about it rather than liatkan the kad jemputan pasal the invitation masa ptg last day of school baru sir bagi so yeah=)
You got me XOXO,
Monday, March 16, 2009
was written at 6:47 PM
Ok maybe it'll annoy people.

Since I'm not a Super Junior fan before this recent comeback of theirs.
And you people might get pissed off on what I'm going to write about them..
But screw it. I like this comeback of them so yeah..

Since I'm not a Super Junior fan before this recent comeback of theirs.
And you people might get pissed off on what I'm going to write about them..
But screw it. I like this comeback of them so yeah..
Macam tah they know any of us anyway..
- The opening with the keyhole, dress ripping and pearls thing; I don't get it. Apakan ertinya tu? Does it signifies that SuJu has grown and have become peeping toms and that's why they said sorry? Cause they peeped through the hole and saw that? Apakan?
- All of them wearing suits; GILA HOT BEBEH JANGAN DI KACAU. They were all looking away from the camera jua kan and when they turned their heads to the camera and popped their body atu..DAMN~
- The position of the SuJus in the dance routine; Tarus wah kedapan yang pandai dance. Hankyung, Eun Hyuk, Sung Min and Dong Hae (I THINK). SUKA KU.. EUN HYUK FREAKING HOT MAN.
- Masa single shots of them; GILERR HOT LAH. Durang punya stares atu *wags* HOT! *wags* All grown up *wags* EXCEPT for Heechul. He just looks disgusting dengan dengan jarinya malar mentrace his jaw and lips. Macam, apakan -__-"
- NO OFFENCE, Ryeowook looks faggish masa ia nyanyi and kana focus ia. The way he moves his body while singing..Err..
- Sung Min; Giller sini terselah ya ah. Ganya lain I don't know why: the way he moves his body seems sexy, I mean I guess it's suppose to be ganya macam, yeah..faggish? Faggish pulang lagi si Ryeowook lah ah.
- HANDS DOWN Eun Hyuk has the BEST WARDROBE THERE. Hahah.. Number 2 si Han Kyung. Why he's in number 2? Pasal semua wardrobenya kana sama besuit so yeah.. Ganya ia bespec HOT. MY FAVE: EunHyuk's black suit with the black undergarment with the glove bebeh..HOT! Berabisly gangsta.
- The best dude yang duduk arah the rotating box has got to be si Han Kyung. MATI GILA KALI! Ia dengan dengan suitnya and specsnya atu wah! Duduk punnya perfection! Orgasmic berabis sexy! The right width of banggkang. HOT..! Gila eh -___-"
- Kang In macam kesian rasaku. Makin lampuh ah. CUTE PULANG MASIH ( Yes I'm biased here) ganya.. Sayang nada banyak kana focus (again, being biased). Rambutnya saya suka lah! XD
- KyuHyun, ermm..No comment pasal he's like in the back of my mind. Aku inda kehotan pun nor am I starting to like him. He looks like he's addicted to something..Not cocaine or ganja.. Sugar perhaps..Sama Gundam..
- Yesung atu gila kali macam si Lee Jun Ki usulnya eh. =S
- Dance durang COOL BERABIS.. Macam ikut the beats banar banar ani wah!
- If you'd notice, in the dance scene, they're only 11 of them. Kibum nada inda salahku.. Yang seorang lagi indaku tau. It's not clear who is who time durang dance.
- And si Kibum closeup shots of him ganya ada.. Napakan? What's wrongkan?
- EunHyuk punya solo dance HOT! Gangsta banar..Macam instead of guns, he uses his skills *wags* HAHA.
- Lampuh lampuh pun si Kang In atu I didn't see his stomach bladdar bebeh!!! KYA!!
- HanKyung GILA KALI the way he stroke his body with tis hand when he sang part baybeh.. DENGAN DENGAN SPECSNYA! GAH!
- The 4 dudes and I think it was si HanKyung, EunHyuk, SungMin sama si DongHae punya shuffle meniyirng and kedapan atu VERY AWESOME GILA KALI. AKU JELES TERAMAT SANGAT. Aku mau belajar itu shuffle. GILA!
- Then in the end semua turun right and the last one standing si Heechul; APATAH TU?! All he did was trace his jaw and lips and sang one part. BAHH! WHATEVER!
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Barney Stinson less than three was written at 10:34 AM
Take a deep breath.Do you smell that?
Im sure you did.
The scent is getting stronger by the day.
No doubt its the smell of the HOLIDAYSSS =)
For sure it aint much of a big deal seeing its just a week- minus Fridays and Sundays BUT STILL. THE HOLIDAYSSS.
Anyway kudos (i dont know what that actually means but i assume it means Congrats pasal ppl always say that in a cheerful way) to Wai who must have put a record for leaving things in the spur of the moment. Ani compliment ni Wai ah. I mean.. Who else would leave their own school bag arah kerita orang lain? *salutes* HAHAHA.
This week has prolly been one of the shortest. Mcm only three days of school. And i soo regretted not attending the Sports Selection. Macam siuk usulnya. Tapi panas. But whatever. Its history now. And Im not part of it.
Oh btw.. To Man U, bali tah keeper baru. Mun dapat yang matanya inda kabur. wawawawawa.
=) Fiqah
You got me XOXO,
Friday, March 13, 2009
was written at 7:53 PM
It's that time of month again so right now I is really piss off bebeh. Macam macam buat aku piss off and I even think saya macam kana benci oleh kengkawan saya but I hope it'll pass.Rabbits have not yet adorn my house.
Apakan masaalahya? What's wrong with rabbits? What's wrong with me wanting two? Seriously -__-'.
I've just realize that I have about 2 month 'till the As Levels.
Baruku sadar and it's freaking me out. Belajar kah sudah? Sudah tapi sikit banar banar so it can be considered s alum belajar jualah ah. Whatever.
I just found out that rabbits are made into satays.
Pasal siapa jua? Tu nah para jejaka dengan ku duduk physics masa Rabu. -__-' Satay..That's just wrong.
I miss Gigi T.Keith.
Au miss banar ani wah tapi saya tahu dia tidak suka saya pulang ah. Saya tahu dia tahu saya suka dia tapi dia berlakon buat duhh saja. Sedih saya teramat amat. Sadang jua lah. Buat kawan saja.. Sanang. No strings or feelings attached. Besides, saya masih muda dan kuat tenaga. =)
Saya tadi baru habis tengok movie Carolina Moon yang 'BUKU'nya awesome teramat sangat.
Tells the story of a psychic that went back to her hometown where her bestfriend was killed to make amends about it. Pokoknya, she ends up dating her dead friend's brother and the killer rupanya kawan abangnya itu selama ani and psycho berabis.
The movie sucked ass like shit.
Sucky banar banar gila kali tebakar mataku memikirkan. Both Tory and Cade in the movie are SO out from the character in the book. It pisses me off like shit. Taiee.
Yeah itu saja I see you nanti ^^,V
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Friday, March 6, 2009
was written at 11:45 PM
Saya is in love dengan ini punya lagu! The music rugged and the lyrics just clicks. Not catchy but click sajalah ah.. Hahah..
Yours Truly,
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, March 1, 2009
MS Cross Country 2009 was written at 1:46 AM
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,