Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Maximum Manipulation was written at 1:42 PM
I'm bored as hell and I refuse to do homework so buat apa lagi? Edit the pictures that's been stored in my card.
The last 2 were untouched. Peace!
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
was written at 6:50 PM

Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
-__-' was written at 7:15 PM
Talur kali -__-'My mum picked me up at 4 something tadi. Sekali saya minum bersama dia dan ayah saya serta sahabatnya. So the place; I don't like. Banyak kucing. I hate cats. So anyway, abis makan apa itu ini, my dad cerita-ceritakan pasal cats. Sekali inda semana-mana ada tia this cerita pasal kucing wah and I joined in the middle of the story and it went like this:
Dad: Au eh! Si kadir wah ma ah.. Ya Allah.. Mun ya nampak kucing pantang wah! Mun kucing melintas abis bah di raumnya sampai mati. Anak kucing! Abis patah mematah bah di raumnya banar banar di anunya! Kucing si Yunus! Anu yang jenis kucing tabal ah! Si Yunus memiggang kan sekali ada si Kadir, abis bah! Di raum nya ambilnya dari tangan si Yunus ah!
Kawan ayah saya: Au wah Si Kadir ah ingatku tu eh! Asal nampak si Kadir sorang sorang beteriak "Si Kadir! Si Kadir!" Si momad (my uncle) wah tu ada kah!
In my head all I thought was.. GILA kali lelaki si Kadir ani! Jahat sampai abis kucing patah mematah ulehnya! Gila! Sekali ku tanya mamaku..
Me: Ma Siapa kan si Kadir ani?
Mamaku: Kucing mulah ninimu dulu.
PALUI -__-'
Catulah.. Aku inda ingat lagi.. But seriously si Kadir -__-'
Reminds me of Sulaiman sama si Setan.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Monday, February 16, 2009
Random thoughts was written at 7:01 PM
Haha pantun itu memang gilerr bebeh! Killerr!Tadi aku sama Fiqah lari arah the cross country route. Kan matui kuyuk sana sini and yeah..Naleh.
I was really tired tadi pasal malamnya aku akhir tidur. And I'm not asleep yet..
I miss engkau yang serba sexy *wags* Haha.
Anyway so far lah ah.. I think I'm running on the right route. =)
I've yet to get hooked with the hooker. I hope I remember to bring it to school tomorrow.
Aku lama udah inda check lagu apa ada yang lawa.
I think lagu Greenlight is VERY sexy. If a guy would sing that song to me I'd be very attracted. Lowa bah lagu ah itu baru namanya sexy song *wags* You know. *wags*
HAHA au I know lambat aku ah pasal lagu ah but screw it. I'm jut really prejudice yatah lambat kan kelawaan barang and crap.
Seriously that song is very sexy. It's like a box of fine truffle chocolate.. The name sounds cheesy and it does reminds you of mushrooms but when you eat one it's the Best. Thing. Ever.
Au talur bunyinya but screw it.
Haha I see you later~~
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Rambles was written at 9:24 PM
Tadi masa lunch kami membuat "rhymes". It can and shall be the future lullaby for babies. Atau words of wisdom or inspirational quotes of the future =)Untuk GG :
"Alo, My name is Mr. Lohan,
I come from Japan,
Im 5ft tall and have a tan,
Im searching for a man. "
Untuk Buntal :
"Ui Wang, Behapa kau?
Behapa kau tadi di luar atu?
Cali usulmu, Kau pigang penyapu,
Talur usulmu ada jua macam babu"
Si Wai tu punya keraja. Nada keraja banar. Kali lapas atu we went to the gym to harass the P.E teachers : Sir Azlan and Sir Barney Fart-a-lot. And what do we get? FERRARO ROCHER. Pasal Sir Azlan cakap kami nada Valentine. Right. I ended the visit with applying finishing touches arah mapnya.
Will kacau again this Monday.
Sigh. Its quite depressing to spend a Saturday night dapan laptop but Im not complaining.
Double Sigh.
You got me XOXO,
Monday, February 9, 2009
In Denial was written at 8:12 PM
Goodbye is such a misleading word. I mean when you say it, you dont really mean it, you say it just to be polite. BESIDES you know that deeeeeep down inside its NOT goodbye. Its NOT a parting. BECAUSE you WILL see that person soon. Maybe not tommorow. Maybe not this week. But soon is assuring enough.So YOU, you know who you are - I am respecting your wishes not to expose your identity but people will figure it out soon - I wont say goodbye but I wish you all the best on the starting of your journey. Its what you wanted and I am happy that youve actually going to achieve it.
I will always cherish what we have. That does not mean I wont miss you cause you've been a part of me for a looong time that I feel Ive taken it for granted. The memories we had are too much to be listed out but it will all forever be carved in my heart.
Yes I sound lesbi-ish. Biar tia aku Homo moment. Bukannya selalu.
Anyway. I'll see YOU soon mate=)
lessthanthree, Fiqah
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Rambles was written at 9:22 PM
Yes ladies and gents; NEW LAYOUT.
Gila kali naleh ku memikirkan bah layout ah..AND IT'S NOT EVEN FINISHED YET.
I don't get it. I put my time and sweat on these layouts and I should get tired of it. You know, customizing layouts just 'for a blog,' a mere blog that not many even reads. But I'm not. Seriously, I freakin love it. The thought of changing it sends shivers up my spine and thoughts of paning crap just won't come up; udah ku abis baru tah.
Tadi saya akhir bangun and I was late for school.. 3 minutes late I think so taruslah ah aga my regis teacher who was teaching next door. I was hoping for sympathy.. And I got it. TEEHEE. =3
Today was VERY uneventful.
Saya sukalah lagu ah.. Pictures of you ah. Payahku mencari since I can't remember names well. Lama dah inda tengok lagu lagu baru.. I'm getting behind on it. Speech's due on monday and I've yet to start.
I'm doing one on Twilight: Is it that good?
Lawa tajuknya? Ok kah?
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
was written at 5:55 PM
You got me XOXO,
Friday, February 6, 2009
was written at 11:41 AM
My room's really cold right now and I'm not even turning on the fan or AC.Bahapa saja saya?
I've been watching 2Days1Night..Utube..
Boys before flowers aku baru abis liat ep 10 tadi..
I'm still in my pyjamas..
Sajuk eh talur kali.
I like rain; tapi if its ujan panas lagiku suka. I mean, rain sama sunshine wah at the same time!
Kemarin kami house meet and I don't got no pictures to show. =(
My camera's with my aunt di Brisbane so I've to wait for tomorrow.
So anyway I've been doing my work very well. I haven't study regularly yet tapi I'm getting there. Konsentrasi saya meningkat untuk Computer dan Physics sudah; saya perlu kan nya untuk Math sama GP lagi. Semua kerja saya buat kecuali Math; entah kenapa aku tidak mau buat.. Saya tidak suka numbers.
Pelajarku makin banyak numbers! Gila kali.
Sekali ada classmate computer saya bawa booklet Warwick Uni kemarin. Gila excited saya menengok.. Booklet jua ganya. -__-'
Sekali Ms.Robina becakap pasal Brunei. Dia kata kami patutnya berasa sungguh beruntung kerana mempunyai Kad IC berwarna kuning.
I couldn't agree more.
Rehat and Lunch was boring kemarin. I've no idea why.. Maybe semua were not in the mood.
And lagipun there's a friend of ours yang kan terabang..
Bah atu saja.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
was written at 7:46 PM
Talur eh piss off tadi. Gay.Anyway,
Tadi aku sekulah! Was fab, did alot shrieking time computer, time di library and in between walks to classes just to let off some steam. What kind of steam? Maybe the flabbergasted ones.
Sekali kami (the computer students) dangani Mr.Chong with his books dari pukul 1-2. The 4 of my friends (Insy,Hafiz, Pejun and Nuren) wrote the number codes on the book whilst I carry and stacked them on the trolley. In 45 minutes we managed to do 400 books. Inda bangga mana tu bui~ And Mr.Chong said he deals with 4 thousand of those per day. Gila jua tu. =(
And he said he's open if anybody wants to help him =D.
Maybe it's just me but I think the canteen food makin bland. Nada lagiku beliurkan belari kebawah and bali that kind of makanan like I used to. Too many oily ones. Maybe I should look at the other canteen I guess. Gila aku baru sadar aku lama dah inda aga the canteen yang jual minuman!
And miraculously I did my Physics tadi patang di library! I managed doing that and joked around with bebehs ku.. inda handal mana bui. Did 9 Qs in an hour. An accomplishment even I say so myself.
Aku annoyed.. Manly berabis eh.
That's it =D
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Monday, February 2, 2009
was written at 1:34 PM
Aku absent tadi. Aku inda mau bagitau pasal apa.Anyway,
Pines ah. Au cool saya suka. Saya lagi suka tempat itu dari Excapade. Masa 1st time ke Excapade ah, sakit atiku nada kayang, tapi 1st time ke Pines, gila kanyangku bui. Inda payah order extra, ku order yang main course nya saja. Gila sakit parutku kembungkayangan.
Sekali balian kami tiga $20 saja. Gila.
Pasal discount 20% pulang since durang baru buka but still! Gila.
Aku suka chopsticknya basi ah sama sudunya yang panjang handlenya.. Very korean.
And masa kami makan atu I hear lagu korea, saya suka.
Just don't order the sushi in my opininon. Excapade punya sushi is better I guess.
Palaw wah si fiqah ah ia cakap Pines ia punya version dapan dapan mamaku and aku karau menahan ketawa sekali rupanya si fiqah cakap pines catu pasal ia inda sadar. -__-'
Ok that's it.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, February 1, 2009
To be young again. was written at 6:42 PM
I wish i was five. The only thing I'd worry about is pukul berapa main Ultraman so I wont miss it.I wish i was six. I can play the swing the whole day.
I wish i was seven. I'd only have to make ten sentences for my composition. But sadly im *GASP* seventeen. I guess its worth a try :
1. Nama saya Dk Nurul Afiqah Pg Suhaimi
2. Umur saya tujuh belas tahun.
3. Saya menuntut di MSPSBS.
4. Saya tinggal dalam rumah.
5. Saya suka makan kwe tiaw basah.
6. Saya suka minum air.
7. Hobi saya adalah tidur.
8. Pada masa lapang saya suka tidur.
9. Saya ada seekor kucing.
10. Kucing saya amat hodoh.
Mun cematu O Level A1 sudah tu BM ku. JAN BAGAI!!
Sooo anyway. Tadi wah. Kami ke Pines Restaurant. Mun kamu baca in a malay way lain tu bunyinya. mun paham lah ah.
Iatah kami ani makan kan. Banyak makanan nya datang. Kali kami minum. Pastu kami menyibuk jap. Kali kami bayar. Terpegun kami. Pasal kami 3 orang makan total nya $20.00. Macam Whoaaaa. Sadang.
The food was great. Si wai makan Bimbap. I think. Which is nasi sama kimchi. sama seaweed. saya macam2 lah. Banyak lah side dishes nya. Si syah makan Kimchi Fried rice. Nyaman. And Padas. Aku makan noodle soup. Simple. Its , as u know by now, a korean restaurant. The atmosphere was nice. Pleasant lah ah. TVXQ ada. BoA ada. Rain ada. Catulah. Bukan pulang in person, mind u. Atu banar. Inda ku balik.
And the waiter and waitresses BAIK TERAMAT SANGAT. Sakit kepala ku mikirkan. Pasal aku takut. HAHAHAHA, Luan baik ani wah. Sama the toilet is very civilised. haha.
next time we should try the bbq thing. Pasal the thingy that protudes out of the ceiling is cool.
Kali kami liat Pertempuran Pengantin Perempuan. Sungguh seronok. Si wai sungguh seronok sampai jacketnya tanpa di sedari membawa balik sebiji bertih jagung.
Overal a productive Sunday. Pictures arah Syah.
=) Fiqah
You got me XOXO,