Saturday, January 31, 2009
was written at 6:44 PM
I'm still proud of myself for what happened Thursday. WAHAHAHA..Anyways, masa Thursday results for O, A and As were out; and that's not what I'm proud about. My results were not good man. Sasak saja. Sigh.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Hopefully a decent update =D was written at 1:36 PM
Di malam wah aku liat this sinetron..Usually, well, memang tatap pulang ah, I don't get caught up with sinetrons.. Pernah 2 saja.. Hikmah sama 1 more tapi I don't remember. The other one was FREAKIN SHORT so sanang atiku meliat. Hikmah, I watched like the first 40 eps? Then tarus melumpat ke last ep. HAHA.
Yatah this sinetron namanya Hareem; It's about a Kampong girl kana bawa ke bandar oleh papanya sekali rupanya his dad bawa ia ke tempat Kanjeng kah namanya the dude, pasal kan kawinkan ia arah si Kanjeng ani. The girl inda tau yang ia kan kana kahwinkan, yatah masa si Kanjeng tau yang the kid inda tau marah ya pasal ia inda mau the girl kahwin sama ia pasal kana 'paksa.' But in the end the girl kawin jua sama ia pasal ia kesiankan papanya yang kana tumbuk tumbuk pasal hutang. Sekali the girl pikir she's the 1st wife sekali rupanya she's the 4th. Yatah gila! The girl was the same age as his daughter! So in a way nampak lah the things that shall happen to her.
The 3rd wife jahat, anak anak Kanjeng jahat and yeah..atu lah so far..
Macam, malas tiaku kan meliat.. Pasal if aku liat jua, I just know aku sakit ati karang ni.. Ah well.
I did get hooked on this Malaysian drama.. Namanya Rona Roni Makaroni.. Inda pulangku avid but I watched it because of the guy and aku kehandsoman ganya urang lain inda kehandsoman so aku hairan kenapa durang inda kehansoman but whatever janji ku bahagia.

Sasak juaku tu. Kanak kanak tu!
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, January 24, 2009
For The Sake Of An Update. was written at 8:50 PM
Anu bah macam atu macam ani.
Click that.
Pastu liat masa 1:07 and the few seconds after it. TAG to let me know what you see.
Pastu liat masa 1:07 and the few seconds after it. TAG to let me know what you see.
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
was written at 11:08 PM
Now I know who you chose. I mean really friend, is that how you see us as? Some kind of 'thing' that you can discard just as you please just because we may not be as cool or outgoing as 'them'? Just because we express ourselves differently, unlike 'them'? Just because we befriend someone else with no disregard to 'your' feelings just because you hate them? Well, now I know where your loyalty stands.I hope you're happy, I hope you guys be friends forever and I hope.. For your best.
This week has been hectic. Not in the physical state, but in the mind. There's just too much going in my mind that it just keeps pushing me down; way, way low. I don't know why I should feel this really. I mean, I shouldn't. Jealousy, hatred, sad , insecure; entah eh. It pisses me off as well. I was hoping for you to be around but you weren't there. I was hoping to hear your voice but it's getting distant and I was hoping that you could say something, anything even a mutter.. But nope, nada, nothing.
What is up with this I ask. Ujan ani kali jua wah.. My family's sick and I think I'm catching it as well. Sakit ni kepala saya. Hahah. Sigh..
I've lost 2 people that I adore.. And both went to the same person.
Inda gay mana tu..
Gay berabis..
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
was written at 5:39 PM
Bunut Banjir bebeh!
But thankfully foundation kami tinggi sikit compared to the other houses so yeah selamat lah. =) My dad and brothers went out to help our neighbours and aku.. tidur. Hehe. Au wah au wah I felt guilty when I drifted to dreamland but apakan daya, my dad jalan udah.
And last night was Obama's inauguration. I didn't stay tune to watch the whole thing.. Lama wah and I wanted to see Obama's oath. Not the singing.
Tapi cali wah. A few days back, I told my brother what's inauguration.
Sekali adiku, Udin atulah ah.. Last night as the inauguration starts, the brother of mine knocked my door and shouted, "Ka Ydah! Ka Ydah! Obama punya inauguration starting!" Sekali I said "Au au.." so I went out. Then udah my brother nampak aku keluar on the way tia ia ke biliknya sekali ku tanya, "Inda kau meliat inauguration atu?"
Sekali ia cakap, "Inda I'm not American." Then tutupnya tia pintunya.
So I was left with the -__-' expression.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Friday, January 16, 2009
was written at 11:26 AM
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
di kepala saya XD was written at 4:07 PM

Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
was written at 1:24 PM
Because of this certain person who's a bastard.
I'd like to call him Mafakar.
Yes, Mafakar.
I was freaking late today and I got mad at my parents for making it so. They got mad back and I just shut my mouth after that. I feel guilty; am still for blaming them but sigh, I still blame them for today.
I'm thinking Mafakar should realize that he's very rude. Very, very, very rude. Macam minta tampar rudenya. I get what I did but seriously dude, you're the ONLY person in this whole wide world who's that.. Bastardly Mafakar. I can't describe the hatred but it's enough to say that,
when I see you or even think of you like what I'm doing right now..
I just feel like staking you at the chest.
I hate you Mafakar, go back to where you came from..
Annoyedku banar tah rasakan di latuk.
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, January 11, 2009
was written at 4:11 PM
So apa ada? Nada apa apa.. Nada main Budi ni ah. Just school (pfft), Homework (double pfft) and resting after school. Oh I did go absent for 2 days because I was sick.. But.. Yeah that's it.
Ah tadi saya bersihkan bilik saya.. Yatah gila tebakar mataku meliat bersih. Well not 'that' clean but yeah.. It's clean to my standards. Sekali saya cuba drive kereta Toyota land cruiser merah ayah saya. Gila kali sakit kepala memikirkan.
Yeah that's it.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Monday, January 5, 2009
1st Day was written at 7:57 PM
Kan ke sekolah:
Weh - I woke up early; had difficulties sleeping as I was nocturnal during the holidays. Had my shower, put on my uniform and went downstairs at about 6.10am. When it was 6.30, I wondered why mamaku alum turun turun.. Rupanya alum bangun! So I woke her up and kami jalan dalam pukul 7.03. Inda akhir mana bui.. Datang sekolah at 7.33 am. My habit is yet to change.
Weh - I woke up early; had difficulties sleeping as I was nocturnal during the holidays. Had my shower, put on my uniform and went downstairs at about 6.10am. When it was 6.30, I wondered why mamaku alum turun turun.. Rupanya alum bangun! So I woke her up and kami jalan dalam pukul 7.03. Inda akhir mana bui.. Datang sekolah at 7.33 am. My habit is yet to change.
Fiq - Wai kau bau=P. My day started off nicely despite the fact that it was a monday and the weather was perfect for sleeping in YET i managed to drag thyself to the bathroom to start off the day. I had my new shoes on which looked crap but SOOO COMFY that i didnt care how ugly it looked.
Di skulah :
Weh - I came in (as usual) late. Awal awal masuk takutku cause I didn't see any gray in the mess, just purple. But then nah ada tia some gray at the far end. Paling scary at that time was that I said good morning to the Principal. Takutku kali ah gila.. Yeah found bebehs semua and sat with them. I gave them the bracelets I promised and yeah.. Banyak talk lah masa atu especially for us since ada Sixth Form Comittee (SFC) and I SERIOUSLY WANTED TO SLEEP MASA ATU GILA KALI TEBAKAR MATAKU. SAKIT WAH KEPALAKU. GILA.
Fiq - We had to seat on the floor in front of the blue kerusi. Nya syah macam urg kan meliat concert. i disagree. bagi ku cam indons di bandar nunggu bas ganya nada tampat duduk. Bayangkan lah. =D Well except kami bisai lagi usul kami pasal kami pakai uniform yang serba putih. Wai bagi galang yang awesome teramat sangat saya suka. THANKSSS.
Weh -It was supposed to be Mr.Saxon but then ia inda tau ia regis kami so we had to wait outside our class (it was locked). PANAS KAN MATI. But then ok tia lah udah si Haziq panggil. Ganya tukar udah lah ah.. Jadi Ms.Rahimah.
Fiq - I have Ray George =P
Weh -Aku lupa that I was hungry, so I just had water and cerita sama durang. And aku relax kepala saya di sana.
Fiq - Usual.
Periods after break
Weh -I had GP and Physics. WE WON'T BE HAVING ANY TEACHERS FOR GP 2 WEEKS ANI! hahah.. I've no idea what to be excited about since we haven't even started but yeah.. Physics ok, aku takut cause that subject is freakin hard so I was calculating on how to be good there whilst listening to Ms.Rahimah talk. I is scared for Physics.
Fiq - Maths and GP. Cikgu Farid and Ray George respectively.The only interesting thing was that kami semua kana suruh diri atas kerusi. =.=" manasajatah.
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, January 3, 2009
was written at 12:20 AM
Okay, I'm officially bored.So I just finished reading our (Fiqah and me) blog archives.
And all I got to say for my 2008 is..
It was a blast..
I sincerely feel that 2008 was a blast..
I mean,
I traveled, I did things out of the ordinary (my bebehs should know this), I laughed, I cried (-__-' Don't we all?), I went to new places (like xcapade; who knew it was my first time goin there in 2008), listen to new music, read new books, meet new people, said goodbye to friends and did handball which I'm still not a fan of.
I'm thankful and I hope 2009 will be best as well. I hope I keep on doing things that's unexpected of me (like studying my ass off) and I hope I stay happy. I love being happy.. -__-' Don't we all?
Anyway, I'm actually sad right now. My heart really hurts and NO it's not because of a guy..It's something else. Boys are not the only reason for my heartbreaks. I already cried my eyes out and blabbed about it to people I know except for the person who REALLY needs to hear about it. I can't really tell you the specifics but I should say that that was the last straw. It really broke my heart.. It feels like your heart's position is way low, like it's touching your diaprham (sp?) and it feels wet in there and your breathing's abit off from it. Sasakku. I could say that if people was to label me as evil from this then be my guest. I'm already evil, the devil, jahat, no feelings, lupakan orang and crap. I know I am. I know bad karma shall forever follow. I know and I accept.
I miss Gigi T.Keith. Haha. You thought I've no interest in him anymore? You're wrong bebeh. I'm still into him; I didn't bring him up much in this blog cause people say I'm too obvious and it's not cool. But now I've realise; it's no use. I think EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS that I freakin like him except himself which is frustrating. So yeah screw it I'm mentioning him now. I freakin miss him and I'm 'scaredly excited' to see him again when school opens up. If that's even a word. For the past month I've miss him like shit. Paluiku memikirkan. Kalau bejalan I hope he's anywhere where I was, kalau MSN I hope ia ada and crap kalau ku di rumah I think about him. Hopeless I know. Very hopeless, very sick. Even I can't deny it. Whatever screw it. I just HOPE HE KNOWS I'M TALKING ABOUT HIM.
I hope that he actually knows that I like him even if he doesn't feel that way.. but the problem with him is that he's freakin blunt. Blunt like ass. So yeah.. Frustrating..
Sigh I'm done.. I suck really.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Friday, January 2, 2009
was written at 12:11 PM
I know lambat but peduli ya..HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
All I know is that I'm not ready for school. Sort of scared but excited in a way. PE lagi nada ni! Sigh.. I'm goin' to miss that class.
Bah atu saja.
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,