Tuesday, December 30, 2008
was written at 7:43 PM
Wishlist:- A camera stand.
- 15mm-55mm Nikon standard lens (like Syah's).
- Noise cancelling earphones.
- Camera flash.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The last 48 hours was written at 8:20 PM
I was exhausted, dehydrated and hungry..But now I'm just plain jobless. I want ice creams, chocolates and milk..But I'm too lazy to go and get it. Yes I know I'm being random.
Anyway kemarin aku jalan sama kawan kawan saya. Durang bebehs lah ah..Gambar arah si Syah so yeah nanti tah di upload when she uploads it. Kami sushi, movie and did icecream/cake. Nyaman cake si Syah; talur kali. Made me regret not going to Secret Recepies. Haha.
Yalah iya lah iya iya lah..
Namanya jahmaiidong~ hahahahahah..
Yours Truly,
Anyway kemarin aku jalan sama kawan kawan saya. Durang bebehs lah ah..Gambar arah si Syah so yeah nanti tah di upload when she uploads it. Kami sushi, movie and did icecream/cake. Nyaman cake si Syah; talur kali. Made me regret not going to Secret Recepies. Haha.
Yalah iya lah iya iya lah..
Namanya jahmaiidong~ hahahahahah..
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dari isnin sampai ani was written at 4:20 PM
8am-ish - Wake up.. Brush my teeth.. Wash my face.. Turn on the laptop.. Go online.. Check itu ini.. Read a book.11am-ish - Go downstairs.. Search for food.. Found food.. Go upstairs.. Shower.
12am-ish - Go downstairs.. Eat food.. Go upstairs.. Repeat 8am-ish regime.
6am-ish - Shower.. Go downstairs.. Eat food.. Go upstairs and again, do 8am-ish regime.
1am-ish - Turn off laptop.. Read a book.
2am-ish - Sleep.
HAHA.. Fiq ani LAGI sad.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
was written at 11:17 PM
Overall, a fun trip. I didn't buy alot of things there; just a pair of jeans and flats. I told Fiqah this and she was in shock bebeh. Hahah..
My highlights would have to be going to Pulau Malukan and going to the new mall there. It was big I'd have to say but I didn't get to see all of it cause I was not in the mood AND I was hungry.
Kept going to McDonald's at 12am with my cousins havin' midnight snacks. Sama asal ke mall nya, all I do is sit and drink with my cousins.
Tadi saya tengok Twilight. It was freakin' romantic and awesome! I love chemistry si Bella sama si Edward itu; bari kan menyanggak rasanya. The CG (sp?) was not that awesome, you can see the movie was a low budget one but they pulled it off. And with what? 3 weeks since their premiere (in America mind you) they've reach 150mil and in 3rd place this week; I'm guessing they hit it big time. Untunglah ah.. I just hope the next would be better, nampak more cinematic and Jacob, PLEASE GET A HAIRCUT.
Huh, that's it.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, December 14, 2008
was written at 11:49 PM
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, December 13, 2008
was written at 2:46 PM
My dream holiday schedule would be :0600 - Sleep
0700 - Sleep
0800 - Sleep
0900 - Sleep
1000 - Wake Up. Lie on bed. Think of food.
1030 - Getting ready for shower*
1100 - Make Breakfast*
1130 - EAT*
1200 - Annoy Siblings
1230 - Annoy parents
1300 - TV*
1400 - TV*
1500 - TV*
1600 - Think of food*
1615 - Make food*
1645 - EAT*
1700 - Annoy Siblings
1800 - TV
1900 - TV*
2000 - Dinner*
2100 - TV*
2200 - TV *
2300 - TV
2400 -Sleep*
* subject to change.
INSTEAD, my daily schedule consists of :
0600 - Dad barging into room to water plants on the verandah. Pretend to sleep. Seething inside.
0700 - Little brother sits on stomach demanding to play Ironman. Pretend to sleep. Still seething inside.
0800 - Try to sleep while the lovely very thoughtful amah decides to vacuum the room. Trying very hard to pretend sleeping. Fuming inside.
0900 - Drags self to shower
1000 - Battles with brother over TV
1100 - Battles with sister over TV
1200 - Annoy Siblings
1230 - Lunch
1300 - Opts to watch DVDs
1400 - Still on DVDs
1500 - DVDs
1600 - DVDs
1700 - Realizes hunger. Think of food.
1715 - Make Food
1745 - EAT
1800 - Shower
1900 - Battle with sibling over TV
2000 - End up losing and watching DVDs
2100 - DVDs
2200 - DVDs
2300 - DVDs
2400 - Realizes how broke self is buying too much DVDs. Sleep.
LIfe is bliss.
Wai Syah Yun Win Kumal : KAMU BAU=)
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
GILA SI WEDAH JIWANG~ was written at 4:08 AM
TO GIGI.. Gahh..
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A Monday was written at 12:46 AM
Lens (55-200mm zoom lens) Report:
I had to make used to being far away from the subject to get a shot as it was a 55mm starting point thing.
That's it, 'till then.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Lapas dari Tutong was written at 3:32 PM
Saya beli ini.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Mari Becerita was written at 10:09 AM
Something tells me I need to mark my pictures.. I don't know why but I just feel like I have to; I need to. Macam, you know.. The thought that "it's mine" says so.Well anyway, I'm going to Tutong today. Why the hell am I going there? Atu, kan liat this shop yang jual cameras, its equipments etc dengan murahnya ah. Cali jua pasal ke Tutong ani.. Masa raya indaku ke Tutong, hari biasa ke sana pulang. Haha cali tu bui jangan inda galat!
I watched WGM episode 36 last night and I just freakin love Hwan Hee! Very 'namja' I should say. 'Namja'? 'Namja-deri'? Hahah..
Saya wah time subuh subuh ah.. Bangun! Tapi takut!
Bah atu saja..'till then..
P.S: Fiqah nada khabar berita pasal she's dead busy.. I've no right to tell you what it is but when she listed it down, I'll have to agree about it. Gila atu inda busy! Urang naik Haji saja aku busy apa lagi ia!
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Friday, December 5, 2008
was written at 10:38 PM
These lot.
This lovely circular thing.
I just hope to God you know what I mean by this.

Tadi saya sama cousins saya pergi ke Mall and seriously, honestly it was.. boring. Macam, bangangku banyak urang ah gila kali! But then again.. OMG WHO AM I KIDDING.
Yours Truly,
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, December 4, 2008
emo-ish was written at 9:23 AM
I'm on the floor, my cousins and brothers are still fast asleep. Mana inda, tidur pukul 5.30 seorang seorang. Aku nyaman tidurku udah tu. Hahah.. Durang sleep-over sini! and today's day 1.I don't know why but I feel emo-ish today; you can tell it from the way I'm typing this post. Banar tah. I'm confused about something; battling it in my head. It's confusing as it's not as obvious as others. I mean, when I think that way at first, my head would say it's not that simple or absolute when I think about it further. Point is.. I just hope it is what I think it is.
Anyway, hari ani baru tah saya akhir bangun (8.30) after 4 days of not. I cannot describe the bliss that it gave me when I open my eyes and I see sunshine shinning on my bed. Heaven bebeh~ Hahah.. I've been competing in the IGS Explore Venture thing along with my other schoolmates and yeah, it was fun. Those 4 days of work felt like a week's worth, so I guess it really occupied my time.
As of now I am a picture uploader addict on Facebook and I've come to understand why people sanggup tunggu 60 pictures to be up; pasal it doesn't take that long! And to tell you the truth there's a whole lot of pictures in my laptop that I don't know what to do with it but biarkan bejaruk saja. And as I tagged them up; I can't help but feel like a stalker. Macam, mati gambar kamu atu sekali di kumpul buleh buat album kisah hidup kamu. Belambah. -__-' So yeah I shall be uploading some more nanti when my excitements are at its lowest level.
I have no idea what to do with my cousins.. As in what activities should we do to occupy time. I've asked them and all have said that they don't mind if I'd just leave them with my laptop and the internet. So I'm all.. Hmm. Durang ani tah banar. Haha.
Seriously my emo-ish thingy is confusing me like shit.
Till' then. bye.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Monday, December 1, 2008
was written at 8:52 PM
The rules are simple. Use Google Images to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.
After that tag 7 people.
Why do you blog?

The age of my next birthday:

A place I'd like to travel to:

A favourite place:

A Favourite Thing:

A favourite food:

A favourite colour:

The city i live in:

College Major:

Name of first(and only) love:

A bad habit:

A hobby:

Current wishlist:

Tagged by Wina; Thanks Win! XD
For this I tag: Mia, Deeba, Ani, Afiq, Nurun, Syahirah & Fiqah. HAHA.
Yours Truly,
For this I tag: Mia, Deeba, Ani, Afiq, Nurun, Syahirah & Fiqah. HAHA.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,