Monday, November 3, 2008
was written at 2:29 PM
Kerli, Love Is Dead.
Banshee bersuara lawa. Seriously, most of her stuff are alternative and she presents it with high octaves. So yeah.. A banshee with a nice voice. Aku suka Walking On Air atu saja. I mean, she is good with two thumbs up ganya aku inda minat alternative berabis..

Eric Hutchinson, Sounds Like This.
Awesome jualah. Cool saja lagu lagu nya. I like his lyrics.. Macam, pasal love pun inda jua emo like shit sampai kan te don't-leave-me-or-I'll-carve-myself shit. Just nice, makes you laugh shit lah ah. Then bunyinya macam.. Yeah as seen from his album cover, Folk? I guess. Yatah saya suka! Nyaman telinga mendangar. Err semua lagunya lawa except for some 2 in between.. I can't decide for the last 2 songs in there pasal aku naleh kan tidur time mendangar so yeah.. In a way macam sama saja bunyinya; the last 2. Hahah...
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,