Friday, October 24, 2008
gigi was written at 9:41 PM
Woke up at nine with computer in my mind, my heart started jittering; it started withering.
Withering aku inda tau kenapa, tapi I think pasal aku inda cukup membelajarinya; computer ah.
So my heart terasa seperti aku tidak bersedia.
So anyway, before aku bangun or even smelled my breath, I turned to my left and grasped for the meths.
Haha nada wah eksenku saja wah.
I went for the notes that I cuddled like a teddy bear.
The one I tried to read last night but my head just couldn't bear..
With the solitaire..
Of despair..
HAHA apakan~
Awoo~~ Ooo~~ Ooo~~ Ooo~~
Withering aku inda tau kenapa, tapi I think pasal aku inda cukup membelajarinya; computer ah.
So my heart terasa seperti aku tidak bersedia.
So anyway, before aku bangun or even smelled my breath, I turned to my left and grasped for the meths.
Haha nada wah eksenku saja wah.
I went for the notes that I cuddled like a teddy bear.
The one I tried to read last night but my head just couldn't bear..
With the solitaire..
Of despair..
HAHA apakan~
Awoo~~ Ooo~~ Ooo~~ Ooo~~
Yes ladies and gents; tadi at 2.30pm I had my Computing exam. How was it? Ok jua lah. Insyallah. I hope. I mean, sampat juaku angan angan on how to make a bad video then upload it to Youtube and people wouldn't know who'd upload the freakin thing sampai Scotland Yard/Guardia kah apa pun apa inda dapat track saya. It involves 20 video cameras being sold to shops around the world and going to Chile.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,