Monday, October 6, 2008
Kukuku was written at 9:25 PM
Masa atu bah saya ikut 07's MA5H and MA5A punya convoy. It was fun bebeh! Macam it's my first time in my whole life beraya about 12 houses in 1 day. 12 house usually takes my family.. 3 days. Sigh. HAHA but! Yeah siuk!Yeah I know you're all, "STOP typing about it and START UPLOADING THE DAMN PICTURES!"
You know I'd love to but the espeed at my house craps like shit; it works at times and it won't work for most of it. So yeah payah kan upload.
So if you guys want the pics, -I SERIOUSLY WANT YOU GUYS TO AMBIL YOUR PICTURES pasal well, kenangan lah- just give me your pendrive and FYI memorynya about 1GB. And, aku nada pendrive yang basar memorynya. Pasal, well, aku cuai so you give me your pendrive for example today, you'd get it the next day. Enough said. Hahah..
Ku cucuk matamu esuk!
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,