Sunday, September 28, 2008
Ku susun 10 jari was written at 4:14 AM
Inda jua ngana tu. WTH.
Once again (I NEVER seem to fail you guys on this *department), aku baru ingat Raya inda lagi lama. Like, liat bulan is on Tuesday? Yeah.
Someone asked me the other day. He asked, 'Siukkan raya ani?' And in my head I'm all, Woah someona is actually asking me this.
That question had been sitting in my head for the past 2 weeks; before he asked by the way.
It's not the 'siuk' part that I'm thinking about; it's like the whole thing really. I mean, when I was little, raya is like Christmas; I mean the way you see christmas movies yang ada anak-anak atu get all excited, payah kan tidur apa, iski nampak inilah itulah.. Yeah I was that way. I slept at 3am masa esuknya kan raya; every time ada the urang tua dude declare esuk rayakah inda I'd pray with all my shitty little heart could for raya to fall on the next day; baju gets all ironed up 3 times by yours truly just to make sure I'd look great; I'd get iski liat cucul apa; I'd ask my dad to turn the cucul on if our neighbour turns their cucul on and the list goes on and on.
Then on the raya itself.. we'd go to my grandparent's house and my family would always, for better or for worst, be the ones yang datang awal and would wait for my other relatives 3 hours di sana kan sama sama convoy; then after like 3 houses, we'd go home pasal bagas naleh nunggu. Then 2nd day of raya the same thing happens and then the 3rd day is either nada keluar or just one house or two. This thing's been happening for nearly, literally, my whole life.
As for the preperations; I'd tell you one day when you ask me or when I'm on my deathbed. Pokoknya it's not worth doing it when all you'd do is the things I mentioned above. I mean, it's just that exhausting.
Raya is for forgiving, celebrating that we had fasted for 1 month = 30 days = 720 hours = 43200 minutes = 2592000 seconds and getting forgiveness.
I haven't witness those begged for forgiveness and forgiving what not since I was 10..
The relatives I used to visit are getting lesser and lesser..
So for the past.. I don't know.. 4 years already? I've prayed for raya to NOT fall on the next day once, I've sent my kain to the tailor 2 weeks before raya once, I've brought my normal clothes to my grandparents and took a nap there once.
So I can't really pin-point onto 1 reason to answer is raya siuk or apa.
Siuk at times, boring at times, membari sasak at times, ironic at times and ... at times.
In the end I just gonna have to agree with you;
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Friday, September 26, 2008
VERY RANDOM INDEED was written at 9:39 PM
CALLER: Hello?
YOU: Hello?
CALLER: Hello?
YOU: Hello?
CALLER: Hello?
YOU: Hello?
2 hours later…
CALLER: Hello?
YOU: Hello?
CALLER: Hello?
YOU: Hello?
CALLER: Hello?
Clearly if this really did happen, both parties are not too bright.
CALLER: Hello, Ann?
YOU: Nope
CALLER: Annabel?
YOU: Nope
CALLER: Jessica?
YOU: Nope
CALLER: Suzie?
YOU: Nope
CALLER: Leslie?
YOU: Nope
YOU: Nope
YOU: Nope
YOU: Nope
CALLER: Sarah?
YOU: Nope
YOU: Nope
YOU: Nope
YOU: Nope
CALLER: Nathan?
YOU: Nope
CALLER: Oh ok. I think I have the wrong number.
… Seriously.
YOU: Hello?
CALLER: Oh Hey! Ure Awake!
YOU: Yeah well I am now
CALLER: Good cos I need company. I can’t sleep.
YOU: That makes the two of us.
CALLER: So listen I had the most brilliant idea! I think if we catch all the mosquitoes that ever existed in the world we might become millionaires.
YOU: …
2 hours later…
CALLER: Ok so cancel zebras. MAYBE MAYBE... OH! I’ve got a good one! What about dinosaurs? Dinosaurs are awesome right. So what we do is…
YOU: …
2 hours later…
CALLER: Well if u look at the time! Its time for me to get ready for work! Thanks for listening man.
YOU: …
CALLER: So I’ll catch u later, yeah?
YOU: …
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
100th post was written at 12:20 AM
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Rugged beb was written at 4:20 PM
I'm bored like horse shit waiting to decay in the desert. I mean lama udahku inda pakai baju rugged. HAHA. *Inside joke*
So raya's coming; I mean, next Tuesday meliat bulan and I just realised that. Call me pathetic? Yeah why not.. for being oblivious that is.
Then the other part,
*sigh* I haven't studied.
*sigh* My mum's still baking.
*sigh* Haircut? Not yet.
*sigh* Baju rayaku? Balum ambil.
My grandmother's sick right now. It's sad seeing her. She has this shaking thing; I'd say it's Parkinson's but my dad said it's a different kind. It's been going on since I was like 12 really so I'm kinda used to it but it's getting worst. Not worst as in fatal but worst in a sense that even the medicine was not helping and her shaking acts up in the utmost inconvenient time; dari evening sampai night time time urang kan tidur. I mean it's tiring for her; she sweats while she shakes and she can't eat at that time as well. Sungkai is like masa Maghrib kan yatah.
So what's Parkinson you may ask?
Well to my understandinglah ah..
It kinda damages the part of your brain that controls the movement of the muscle so you start to involuntarily move your body. Twitching, shaking and even your eyes move up and down; you can't control it.
Wikipedia says..
Parkinson's disease (also known as Parkinson disease or PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer's motor skills and speech, as well as other functions.[1]
Parkinson's disease belongs to a group of conditions called movement disorders. It is characterized by muscle rigidity, tremor, a slowing of physical movement (bradykinesia) and, in extreme cases, a loss of physical movement (akinesia). The primary symptoms are the results of decreased stimulation of the motor cortex by the basal ganglia, normally caused by the insufficient formation and action of dopamine, which is produced in the dopaminergic neurons of the brain. Secondary symptoms may include high level cognitive dysfunction and subtle language problems. PD is both chronic and progressive.
PD is the most common cause of chronic progressive parkinsonism, a term which refers to the syndrome of tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability. PD is also called "primary parkinsonism" or "idiopathic PD" (classically meaning having no known cause although this term is not strictly true in light of the plethora of newly discovered genetic mutations). While many forms of parkinsonism are "idiopathic", "secondary" cases may result from toxicity most notably of drugs, head trauma, or other medical disorders. The disease is named after English physician James Parkinson; who made a detailed description of the disease in his essay: "An Essay on the Shaking Palsy" (1817).
What I heard..
Even the 1st symptom would show that 20% of the part is already damaged.
All I can do is pray and hope that she gets better.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, September 21, 2008
hope my boyfriend don't mind it was written at 2:07 PM
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
RAMBLING was written at 9:41 PM
Yes ladies and germs, I is still alive.
So on to the random stuffs…
Kemarin I drank like a liter of water and ended up bloated like an obese humpback whale. NOT a feeling you would like to acknowledge but yes, my lips were less cracked after then.
Starting the holidays early wasn’t such nice of an idea. It was funnn until things got … boring. Sigh.
Fiqah is currently blabbing.
My cat is scaring my neighbor’s chickens. They might come over to sue, my neighbors, not their chickens. My kampong is currently belawan main letup- letup so im hearing KABLAM!! KABOOM!! Whhiiiizzzz…PAK!! BOOM!!! For the past three weeks. Not that I care. I mean karang aku launch my missiles gerenti dorang appreciate tu.
That one day I was squeezing my toothpaste right… kali out of nowhere BAAAAKKKK!!! Ada tia this humongous explosion arah my toilet window. What happened to me? Well let’s just say my bathroom mirror was covered with Colgate. And I just want to say this… THANK U VERY MUCH!!!! WAIT FOR MY MISSILES=)
Bah saya updated.
p.s : Buntal wags eyebrow. HAHAHA. Apakann.
You got me XOXO,
Friday, September 19, 2008
was written at 11:45 PM
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
You're a doll was written at 10:18 PM

You got me XOXO,
Pacah II was written at 12:28 AM

You got me XOXO,
Monday, September 15, 2008
Pacah was written at 2:12 AM
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Last farewell was written at 12:05 AM
Boredku eh gila kali macam, daeng man. Uneventful bah banar tah. Class in the morning, sleep in the afternoon then at 3, bangun and help usai the sungkai thingy. Kami gather-gather makan sungkai lagi. Hahah. That's about it really. -__-'
Sama laptopku alum dapat di selamatkan. You know. Sedih juaku tu. It's the blue screen of death which is common in the computer world ganya, tempatku mengantar ani alum dapat mereformat pasal well, it kept turning on and off. Pathetic tempatku antar atu.
I'm loving those pictures. BANAR TAH. HAHA. Zatul.. sigh.
Macam lesbian bunyiku.
Ah well.
Yes Sir I'd like the tunnel very much; I can bury you in there. Sarcastic jamo Sir GP ku ah sayang bangetku kan ia. Sigh.
Raya's getting nearer and I can feel it already..
Mamaku kemarin bali..
- 760kg of flour
- 3600 eggs
- 240kg of ovalite
- 94,000 varities of food colouring
- 7600kg of butter
and my dad's busy with his new miniature birds and chickens that he just bought.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Edited to suit keadaan. HAHA was written at 10:45 PM
Do you know what it’s like to be alone in love
With the one you adore?
Do you know what it’s like to be hold by him?
Do you know what it’s like to feel the way I do?
Well if he only knew
I’m gonna keep on hoping
He catches my smile
And I’m gonna keep on hoping
That he likes my style
And I’m gonna keep on hoping
That one day he’ll be mine
Did you ever wish you could get away?
And do you know what it’s like to want him?
And to breathe his name
In every song you sing?
He is in everything
I’m gonna keep on hoping
That he catches my smile
And I’m gonna keep on hoping
That he likes my style
And I’m gonna keep on hoping
That one day he’ll be mine
Did you ever wish you could get away,
Even for a day,
Where they don’t know your name?
Did I ever think I could find someone
Who would be the one to love?
Do you know what it’s like to wonder?
Yes I know what it’s like to feel the way you do
And this one’s for you
I’m gonna keep on hoping
That he catches your smile
And I’m gonna keep on hoping
That he likes your style
And I’m gonna keep on hoping
One day you’ll find love
That’s why I’m gonna keep on kissing
Him in my dreams
And I’m gonna keep on
Waiting for those yellows to change to greens
And I’m gonna keep on
Hoping one day he’ll be mine
I’m gonna keep on hoping.
You got me XOXO,
Less than three was written at 6:45 PM

You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ass was written at 6:28 PM
My PMS..Call it post, call it pre; whatever, whichever. Pokoknya aku hormonal lah ah masa ani.
So what's life when I'm hormonal?
It's like black hairy ass dipped in sweat being shoved up your face.
Pissing jua tu. You just feel like killing people for letting that happen to you. You feel like screaming to everyone's faces and everything. But you just can't cause you know it's not their fault.
Ok, awal pagi..
The day was beautiful; blue sky, cloudless and sunny. I was sleepy so a bit pissed; always been when I'm sleepy like that. If my mother was to talk to me I wouldn't listen cause voices in the morning are just. Plain. Annoying. Even the ones in my head. So it was pleasant that my mum decided to be quiet tadi.
So I was late; again but I was saved cause my Math teacher wasn't in yet. As usual we did our past year and oddly enough, I was doing them. Quietly and I was focused on doing them which is not me. At all. Banar tah and I finished the damn thing. Freaky.
At Physics we were learning about potential divider with the circuits and as anyone should know.. the wires on the circuit diagram and the real ones are NOT THE SAME. So, paninglah to see the connection. The wires were too curvy. So my eyes got foggy lah at that time.. Starting to fog up.. Slowly pissing off.
Break was the epitome of my school days; always been. I was in a happy mood. Pasal jumpa kawan apa kali yatah.. Baibun, bejalan, stalking.. etc. The fog thinned down time break.
Then computer was ok, we were done doing work and listening to Ms.Robina's orders in 10 minutes so I surfed the internet to kill time. I was engrossed with (credits to Fiqah biniku) so yeah aku inda sadarlah that I was quiet. Yatah Si Hafiz mencari aku. Haha. Cali. Ia cakap lain kalau aku diam.
Lastly, GP. GP annoying like shit. My eyes literally covered up my view. Annoying. I hate the part about the crime and punishment thing. I don't get it. It's confusing, the people who answered hurt my ears, my head hurts and I literally wanted to run. My feet were tapping like ass. Ass banar. I hate it when any answers can be right. Just makes it.. easy to hurt your head. You know, the pain just shines through.
My day was not that pissing really, but PMS piss it off for me without concrete reasons.
I consider it as his loss.. Hahah..
Au random.
Yeah that's it. Too pissed to go on any further. Hong tau kenapa tu. Sigh.
haha and yeah Hong I posted. Haha.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Monday, September 8, 2008
Blindly rambling was written at 3:50 AM
Awesome and THAT'S what you call an ending. Haha Fiq saya dengan bangganya mengumumkan bahawa saya sudah habis baca. LOWA.
Ganya kreditku abis.
So saya tidak reply sms kamu.
Dan juga Si Syah. Haha.
Ganya, it feels like macam urang pemalas membuat cerita ani. Or is it because macam a mediocre writing an awesome plot? Bowh, harsh. It feels like it. Sahaja. Don't get me wrong, it's still awesome! Haha undescribable sahaja. Macam, some parts are missing. I'm sorry I've fail to explain things normally; again.
Saya bagas sahur tadi. Nyaman.. Ayam. Sama pudding. Sama nasi. Aku separate makan nasi sama ayam, pudding in one bowl. Kalau ku campur the nasi dengan the pudding lain jua tu ah. DUHH. I know you know. I just love pointing it out. Mana tau kamu 'inda pernah sungkai' kan yatah takut assume the latter. Haha. Yes inside joke. Ani saya blogging to churn the thing in my stomach before aku doze off lagi.
Laptop saya masih away and berkemungkinan data dalam laptop saya lenyap kana reformat inda dapat di selamatkan ke dalam external hard-disk. Sedih saya. Abis gambar gambar; abis lagu lagu.
Lagu lagu.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Membabi buta was written at 10:20 PM
Kemarahan saya membara ni jangan bebagai. Palui kali! Laptop saya mati bah! Buduh banar! Swearing tahku ni jangan anda bebagai. Palui banar banar eh sasak saya pikirkan. Kalau di pikirkan dengan lebih lanjut buleh aku mati ni bah marah banar. Sudah tia Breaking Dawn ku cari 4 tempat nada. Ada pulang udah di Booker terima kasihku kepada Ms.Robina membaritau tapi yang buduhnya Booker atu bah! Aku aga tempat atu kemarin kan sekali ku tanya, "Ada Breaking Dawn?" Sekali nya penjajanya, "Nada."SEKALI esuknya as in HARI ANI ada tia memessage Ms.Robina memberitau ada udah di sana Breaking Dawn. Macam..
Rasakanku latuk 3 urang atu.
Cuba tah gitau aku yang esuk sampai buku atu.
Indaku payah payah mencari tempat lain and sasak sasak.
Kan ku salah kan urang mamaku bah jua punya pasal. Adakah di installnya ecard app dalam laptop ku. Sasak jua ku timbul pulang the so called 'BLUE screen of death.' Want to know how it looks like? Well it's just blue. Ok? BLUE SAHAJA.. SASAKKU EH.
Anyway, tadi saya sekulah. Haha akhir lagi tu sama aku pakai beg itam adiku yang setungkang basarnya sampai belakangku pun inda nampak mun memakai. Sigh.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Bored was written at 3:13 PM
I'm bored like shit. I was absent because well, aku inda sadar sedunia! Haha.. Kana banguni indaku sadar and antiku cakap aku bagitau ia aku inda sekulah. Sigh. I hate this. I miss Gigi.. Banar tah! Gah!Just so you know, leather shoes are not the only thing that you have to worry about concerning kulit babi. Apparently, -I just found out- some of the bases of shoes are made of kulit. AND it may be KULIT BABI. So people check your shoes now cause I bought 5 flats yang ada KULIT BABI. SASAK JUA KU TU PIKIR SAJA.
Menyamak tahku ni karang.
Bah atu saja. I've got nothing to say.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Whatever. was written at 1:31 AM
It is a public holiday. I less than three. Berabis. Mengapa nah? PASAAALL I don’t have to do 3 periods of stats. WOOTS. Haha. Ok so that’s kinda mean, but not entirely. It’s not my fault. Well, just partly. I guess I should, after all this time, give him a chance but … Whatever. I don’t have to state nor do I even choose to state who I’m taking about. Yes saya vague. It’s for the best.My two mates are prolly smuggling chickens in Thailand. Do remember to smuggle some for me. Manatau the price of chicken here in Brunei kana inflation jadi sky high. I do advice that you should actually pluck or shave (sendiri punya pilihan) bulu ayam atu pasal karang excess kapih kamu membayar. Or another idea is that I would lend my submarine so you two can wake up at three in the morning to sneak the chickens in. I doubt that is a good idea though. I don’t fancy my submarine to stink of chicken poo (Faizul, I HOPE U DON’T READ THIS, would call it Brown babies. He’s a whacko, that one).
School has been uneventful. What we do AND only do is PAST YEAR, PAST YEAR AND OH DID I MENTION PAST YEAR? With the exception of chem. For which were doing ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND OH HAVE I MENTIONED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY? Yes that’s how UNEVENTFUL life has been. I think I might need to find a new hobby to keep me occupied. I’m thinking between watching grass grow and calculating the rate of decomposition of man’s effluent (HAHA insert English lesson here) arah Sg. Akar dumping area. Either way, I know my doings would benefit the country. For better or for worse.
Eh apakan. I’m practically spewing crap here. AND PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY READING. AHHAHAHAHA. =.=” (credits to Sabri)
Gosh I’m so bored I’m surprised I don’t have the word stamped on my forehead.
Obama punya speech awesome. Aku salute. I amazed myself for actually listening AND reading the whole dratted thing. Two thumbs up to you Obama. If we lived in Democracy (if that’s what he’s doing cos my politics suck) – a subject which I’m not that keen to talk about – I might want to grow up to be JUST like him albeit my father’s not Kenyan nor my mother an American but yes, you get my drift. Still vague and full of crap but yes, I know you get me.
I think kan a person should get paid for being awesome. Banartah. I mean it’s all hard work and all. It’s not that everyday a person with AWESOME stamped in their blood is born. It’s quite rare actually. Apparently for this to happen, you have to be born on the 30th of may 1991 at EXACTLY 9.45am. Figures. I was born at the EXACT time.
TALORR kali. I think the tuna I ate for “tea” had expired or worse molded. Whatever that means. Screw it.
Bah bah bah. ENOUGH crap.
You got me XOXO,