Monday, July 7, 2008
That's what you get when you stream ALOT. was written at 8:00 PM

She is AWESOME *dengan dengan suara dari syurga*. Macam Corinne Bailey Rae jualah ia ani but NOT BY THAT MUCH. Corinne's more of jazzy-jazzy macam, bunyi fields, grass and all; tapi Adele punya jazzy-jazzy macam, rainy london downtown thingylah. Okay I hope that explains alot. I LOVE HER!Lagunya yang 'Daydreamer' and 'Hometown Glory' LAWA! So siapa minat Corinne, go for it.
And yeah the girl in the picture is her. She got beautiful eyes.
Au aku tau aku pemajal semasa. Napaan?? HAHA..
If you're my friend then you'd know..
I like to share..
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,