Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Highlights masa attachment was written at 4:33 PM

Yes, Yes, I know. Its past the time I should have blogged about my attachment but who cares? Before aku menghighlight attachment ku, the people involved are:

From Maktab Sains:-
1.Me, Fiqah The Awesome One
2.Hajah Kumal yang menaruh harta bendanya dalam bag ku yang gorgeous.
3.Gayah, Si Qayah
4.Fifah yang Jatul panggil Piping
5.Jatul tukang gambar pakai Cybershot Merah
6.Melvin yang KIUTT BERABIS. Banartah. And that’s an understatement.
7.Nigel yang ketawa inda bebunyi tapi gegaran badannya berijap

9.Adi Lisea

From PTE:-
10.Wafiy the one who asks weird questions
11.Mizan yang ada dua kubail
12.Melissa yang dorang pikir couple sama Wafiy

From Maktab Duli, the one and only:-
14.Farhan Murni sahabat ku masa Darjah 6. I so remember kami nyanyi lagu Avril Lavinge- Complicated in a French accent just to wait for the PCE results keluar. Hahahaha. Happy times

Day 1, Monday 16th June 2008

Aku dengan semangatnya tiba di hospital pukul 7.30. So what did I do?
I bought a Marie Claire magazine (sal atu ganya ada yang worth reading) and went to the Black Sofa di Lobby (tampat kami hangout). One by one datangtah manusia- manusia dangan ku attachment. Bla bla bla.. kami report ke tingkat 4 kana brief then comes lunch.

Aku lunch Si Farhan lanja pasal hes flying off. So again, THANK YOU FARHAN=D saya pun memakan mee mamak yang berharga $2.50 tapi ia sungguh pedas so I didn’t finish it

In the afternoon kami kana separate into groups, saya group A bersama Jatul, Gayah, Fifah dan Farhan menalor di Accident and Emergency (In hospitalese its called A&E)
The doctor yang incharge of kami macam berabisly reluctant to show us around hence kami menalor.

Farhan ajar aku cakap arab “Hal anta wujud syamas?” hahaha. Will tell you what it means at school;P . Farhan, if you read this do not tag the meaning mun inda I wont say Bagus macam Sugus like you asked me to. Me and Farhan also became the DJs of RIPAS FM.

Souvenir of the day: tongue check thingy yang kami curi arah A&E doctor’s cubicle

Day 2, Tuesday 17th June 2008

3 words: Uncle Benji Chan. Or if you want it to be lawa Abang Benji Chan, short ABC. Gosh now I know where Ian got his genes. Benji dan Ian Chan adalah pasangan yang jadi best example untuk the peribahasa ‘Bapa borek Anak rintik’. I wouldn’t want to elaborate much karang kambang tia ABC. Hahaha

Today kami melawat all the labs and all… not much macam biasa lah. Its just labs, they’re all the same.

Lunch Hajah Kumal lanja. Saya makan Kolo Mee yang inda nyaman so aku kacau Kwe Tiaw si Hajah Kumal and Farhan and if im not mistaken lapas atu aku makan murtabak kosong pasal bau nya nyaman

Patangnya kami ke Radiology and Pharmacy. Nothing much Nothing much. Just ada this fridge yang dalamnya contain millions so if you wanna get rich, curi fridge 10.

Souvenir : alcohol swipe I stole arah tampat X-ray

Day 3, Wednesday 18th June 2008

Kami arah Therapeutic Department which is tampat recovery. Note: if you are constantly feeling unwanted or neglected, This is the place to be. Seriously. Ani tah tampat where everyone tells us that they have a shortage of manpower and please join… (insert name of department).

Lunch saya makan Kwe Tiaw pasal the day before Kumal makan nyaman tapi masa aku makan it was just Ok=(

Patangnya kami arah National Dental Clinic. Not bad. But I wouldn’t want to work there everyday meliat mulut orang? Give me a break.

Souvenir: A ‘When to brush your teeth” bookmark

Day 4, Thursday 19th June 2008

Saya tiba di rumah Hajah Kumal pada pukul 8.07. first thing my mom says ‘ eh banyak jua kucing si Amal ani.’ Haha. So you can guess what I did before kami bertolak ke Child Development Centre. FYI, Kumal has an obese cat, I am not kidding.

Off we went to CDC. It was fun. I actually might consider working there. Oh1 arah bungalow 7 ada the most comfiest red carpet. Its like walking on belly fat. It was that comfy!!

Lunch? Heheheh before saya bercerita I would like to thank ayahanda tersayang Hajah Kumal, Uncle Yahya for lanja-ing us. I guess kami lapar banar pasal 6 orang makan $112.20 worth of food. Btw if any of the people who was there ( Kumal, Jatul, Fifah, Gayah and Farhan) becerita yang aku banyak makan: do not listen to what they say. They are LYING. Haha

Patang atu kami ke RIMBA Health Centre. Siuk lah pasal the Doctors sana very willing to explain and all although half of the time I just put on my ‘why-yes-that-is-quite-intresting-what-you’re-saying-there’ look.

Souvenir; Bio hazard bag yang si Farhan atau Wafiy kah unshamelessly ask for. So kami semua pun dapat=D

Day 5, Saturday 21st June 2008

Our last day, kami kana bagi Ward rounds which was VERY AKWARD *do it in a sing song voice*. My group abis pukul 8.40ish ah so this doctor bawa kami minum arah Orthopedic punya common room. VERY AKWARD. Haha. After that aku Menalored with the PTE boys pasal the other girl in my group, Adi Lisea balik pukul 9.30. But it was Ok the boys were cool and funny in a lame-but-still-haha-funny way.

Lunch, again saya makan Kwe Tiaw. I might be addicted to the stuff.

Patangnya was AWESOMEEE *buat macam bunyi dari syurga*. Guess What? Guess What? Kami masuk Operation Theatre ( hospitalese : O.T) but but before that… KAMI PAKAI SCRUBS
Hahahahah SIUKK !! Farhan kept on saying that it was like being in Gray’s Anatomy.

As you all should know, I am VERY VERY AFRAID of blood so guess what I did masa ada this very bloody operation? I had a long conversation with the person in charge of anesthetics. I kept on asking questions sampai the operation habis. So yeah, that’s one way of not looking at blood.

Kumal, Jatul… kamu nada=( it was fun masa atu and I know you guys would have enjoyed it.

Souvenir: The ‘hat’ yang pakai untuk masuk O.T

Sorry it’s a tad bit too long but atu baru highlights imagine if aku buat what happens ervery second. But yeah, overall it was a nice fulfilling week. I think I might go for the 1 week Shadowing in December. Mun kan meliat gambar check out Zatul punya blog and Farhan jua (linknya go to Mahirah's blog and click there)

Ydah Syah, Yun, Wina. Thy miss you guys. =D Shall we go out and get our hair cut together? Text me.

oh oh btw yesterday, 23rd june 2008 marks the birth of my new companion which i have yet to name^^,

btw kucing ku is now a FATHER!!! HAHAHA anaknya gorgeous, macam aku:P

P.S; buntal equals open bracket

You got me XOXO,


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UIC Zilche aka. Amer dengan si Mizan.
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Today's not my day.
I opened my eyes and I see suprise
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