Friday, June 27, 2008
A bit of this and a bit of that. was written at 1:16 AM
Okay I've been downloading songs.. Randomly downloading macam orang kana belacan saja. So yeah...
Matchbox 20

I'm addicted though 2 of their songs were annoying 'cause they were TOO LONG. But not to the extent that I'd go 'WTF' and delete them completely; ada fuzzy-fuzzylah. Ommph songs would have to be 'If you're gone,' Rob Thomas' cover of 'Time After Time' and from their recent album,'These Hard Times.' Their music is really soothing (except those 2 songs) not to mention Rob Thomas' voice. His voice just blends in with the music but stands out which is cool; relaxed and sincere.
Corinne Bailey Rae

Her music feels like.. Hmm. when you drive down the hill yang hampir dengan Istana, her music just blends with that scene; peaceful. Haha. As always, she's amazing! My fave; well all of her songs really but yang oomph 'Young & Foolish,' 'Butterfly,' 'Enchantment' and 'One rainy day.' I mean, she has this thing with her music; cool, relaxing, sweet like, the day shimmers macam ada after rain glow, though the day was not raining. Haha apakan. Lawalah =D
3 Doors Down

I downloaded them because of 'It's not my time' really. Their music's good, I listen to them with ease but none of their songs stands out and got me freeze and stop what I do to listen. Yeah I'm not too crazy for them. Ommph song: 'It's not My Time.'
Michelle Branch

I'm giving her a 2nd chance here since someone asked me to..hahah so my conclusion: fuzzy-fuzzy saja. But, I have to say she's good. Her lyrics are awesome; they speak to me but I have this problem with her voice. Lawa pulang but there's some part of her singing got me clenching my teeth so yeah, unexplainable. Ommph songs: 'Breathe' and 'All you wanted'. Her songs made me feel that she writes them all alone in a room or somewhere and just.. thinksabout it. It just flows out and that's just sincere.
Oh Fiq, I totally agree with you on 'All you Wanted.' XD
Oh Fiq, I totally agree with you on 'All you Wanted.' XD

My playlist aku dangar sampai abis right and 'Blind' was on time aku downloading. So yeah; randomly downloaded. His voice soothing~ Their music just makes you want to lie down on the floor; letting gravity pull you down and you just gaze off whilst listening to them. The rain falling, the weather sajuk without you turning the aircond or kipas on and you just lie there; still macam urang mati. Ommph songs: 'Blind,' 'From Where You Are' and 'Hanging By A Moment.'
The Starting Line

I just have 'Island' from them. I love the song; enough said. Haha... just makes you float away to your own land in your head. Their lyrics and music suit eachother. Floating~ *dengan dengan suara dari syurga* Haha.. yeah. Adakah lagi lagunya yang lain ah? hmm..
The Kooks

Duhh, they're good; as always. I just wanted more of their songs. Cute wah lagu-lagu durang ah. The guy's voice pun lawa. Some of my cousins said they're weird but whatever. Durang tu yang weird inda pandai dangar lagu. Pui. Ommph songs: 'Naive,' 'Mr Maker,' and 'She Moves in Her Own Way.'
Yeah that's it.
Yeah that's it.
Nah Hong updated udah.
My legs hurt.
Yours Truly,
My legs hurt.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,