Friday, July 4, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD was written at 2:09 AM
4th July marks as my dad's birthday so yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki and ah.. banyak-banyak tah lanja aku~ Princess kita~ hahaha apakan apanya si Wedah ah~So tonight was the celebration; combined with his long time best friend's birthday, Uncle Simon (or is it seamon? ntah eh. HAHA). His birthday is on the 3rd of July. So yeah there were two big boys having their big birthday bash in a way family style and a little girl! I almost forgot! My lil cousin; Tasha. Hahah.
So yeah..
Before the party:
I was excused from helping as I had stomachache and it was total bliss! I just laze around in my room handling the pain alone. Padahal di bawah ada my aunts making chicken rice, some guys menguling the kambing -as my mum calls it- and my dad was designing the whole place; usai meja, pindahkan batu ke sana sini and usai the plants. Haha cute wah ya ah. Iski kan birthday party. Uu~
My brothers, cousins and neighbour were playing the bouncer. Jealousku aku inda dapat main pasal parutku sakit. Of all the time wah. -__-'
As the party was starting:
I decided to ikut my aunt and go ambil the cakes cause aku mau ikut tarus bali present for my dad. So, my cousins 2 orang ikut; Ka Amal and Lina. We had a mission, which was to get the cakes, get ice and get pasai kah namanya tu.. Ntah eh lupaku pokoknya it's food lah ah.
Banyak.. Rintagan.. Sampai in the end inda jadi bali present. -__-'
1. The fuel was near to 'E.'
So we went to the Gadong gas station.. Ada banyak kerita. We went to the one yang ampir post office. Kami bebaris right, sekali udah ampir and udah lama nungu, baru sadar that there was a sign saying, 'DIESEL HABIS.' TAIE WAH. So buang masa tah kami and went to the other station and yeah BAIK JUA SANA ADA.
2. Mum's ada ramai orang time udah kami masuk.
Masa kami masuk inda ya ramai; deserted wah usulnya. Udah dalam 3 seconds ramai tia urang ah! Macam, are we THAT lucky? SERIOUSLY WAH ANNOYEDKU. So pendek kata, we had to WAIT IN LINE LAGI.Ukh. We ordered 2 cakes and yeah SLOW SERVICE. TEBAKAR KAKIKU MENUNGGU.
3. Couldn't find the house that got the pasai.
It was in Tungku, the perumahan was making me dizzy, I was hungry and my mum gave a very pathetic info about the house: ada perahu tebalik ampai-ampai di rumahnya. KAMI INDA TECARI PUN. SAKIT TEBAKAR MATAKU MENCARI PERAHU TEBALIK AMPAI-AMPAI. NADA JUA ADA. Cari punya cari inda jua dapat, my dad called oredering us to get back home pasal orang makan udah. Tapi aunt ku pajal jua mencari pasal kesiankan mamaku and in the end we found the freakin house and got the pasai. The house was the one kami lintasi 3 kali udah and about the perahu: IT WAS BETAPUK UNDER THE STAIRS. MACAM TAH URANG NAMPAK TU! PUI! Yeah I was pissed.
At the party:
We arrived and the food was nearly gone. MARAHKU KALI AH. So aku laju-laju mengaut. I was the first to ngaut among the ones yang bejalan but I WAS THE LAST TO EAT. The down side of being the party host, KANA SURUH DO STUFF. CRAPPY STUFF. I was ordered to go around ambilkan barang apa with my plate on my right hand. PISSING. In the end ku suruh cousinku pigangkan plateku.
So my plate was somewhere and I was busy helping with the cakes, mencari the crappy digital camera, mencari gunting, mencari selipar urang and mencari my plate filled with food. =S
After all of that's done, I was summoned into the music room. The room was filled with guitars, keyboard, a bass guitar and my drums. And in the middle of this stuff stood this gorgeous guy. VERY GORGEOUS. Tall, lean and he wore a cap. I remembered him. We went to the same school, couldn't remember which but I think ugama and I can't believe he would be there in my house. IN MY HOUSE. Gorgeous~~~ TAIE~~~ Hahah.. dengan-dengannya ada pulang =P: My mum, her ex-recruit and this other dude but I'm not interested in him. HAHA. Rupanya ex-recruit my mum went to school dengan aku jua! He remembered me! Tapi aku inda ingat ia and he said I was small masa atu. Bangga juaku tu kana ingati uleh urang basar. Wawawa.
Anyway, as suspected, they were musicians and YES the gorgeous guy is one jua. Except the other dude yang aku inda interested. Ia duduk saja diam-diam macam anak misali. HAHA. The gorgeous guy plays the guitar, the keyboard and the drums! Tepikat juaku lagi tu! Double bass lagi tu ya main. Tebakar mataku mliat. AND HE'S GORGEOUS~~~
Durang balik-balik suruh main but aku malas and lagi pun aku inda pandai pasal aku mau gawk arah the gorgeous dude saja. Haha. Gatal aku ah. Paduli ya sementara di rumahku atu jua. I didn't take pictures of upstairs though =( so nada ia lah. But oh yeah~
So I asked about the drums, Travis Barker (and uh! he looks like him jualah =P. In a way) and becalilah. Cali wah ya ah. Cute XD. Fun.
So aku di sana saja arah tempatnya and belajar drums.
And yes, he's again, gorgeous. Ada biceps and very rock. I LIKE. haha majal.
Cousinsku kesian wah yang para-para guitarists ah. Malu sorang-sorang kan masuk. Udah durang di luar bediri-diri baru tah durang masuk and main guitars. Haha. Entah eh.
Aku jahat pulang tadi cause I didn't layan alot of my cousins and aunts apa. I don't know I was really pissed tadi. Taie but the gorgeous guy made my night. HAHA apakan.
So yeah that's what basically happened. Teehee.

So yeah..
Before the party:
I was excused from helping as I had stomachache and it was total bliss! I just laze around in my room handling the pain alone. Padahal di bawah ada my aunts making chicken rice, some guys menguling the kambing -as my mum calls it- and my dad was designing the whole place; usai meja, pindahkan batu ke sana sini and usai the plants. Haha cute wah ya ah. Iski kan birthday party. Uu~
My brothers, cousins and neighbour were playing the bouncer. Jealousku aku inda dapat main pasal parutku sakit. Of all the time wah. -__-'
As the party was starting:
I decided to ikut my aunt and go ambil the cakes cause aku mau ikut tarus bali present for my dad. So, my cousins 2 orang ikut; Ka Amal and Lina. We had a mission, which was to get the cakes, get ice and get pasai kah namanya tu.. Ntah eh lupaku pokoknya it's food lah ah.
Banyak.. Rintagan.. Sampai in the end inda jadi bali present. -__-'
1. The fuel was near to 'E.'
So we went to the Gadong gas station.. Ada banyak kerita. We went to the one yang ampir post office. Kami bebaris right, sekali udah ampir and udah lama nungu, baru sadar that there was a sign saying, 'DIESEL HABIS.' TAIE WAH. So buang masa tah kami and went to the other station and yeah BAIK JUA SANA ADA.
2. Mum's ada ramai orang time udah kami masuk.
Masa kami masuk inda ya ramai; deserted wah usulnya. Udah dalam 3 seconds ramai tia urang ah! Macam, are we THAT lucky? SERIOUSLY WAH ANNOYEDKU. So pendek kata, we had to WAIT IN LINE LAGI.Ukh. We ordered 2 cakes and yeah SLOW SERVICE. TEBAKAR KAKIKU MENUNGGU.
3. Couldn't find the house that got the pasai.
It was in Tungku, the perumahan was making me dizzy, I was hungry and my mum gave a very pathetic info about the house: ada perahu tebalik ampai-ampai di rumahnya. KAMI INDA TECARI PUN. SAKIT TEBAKAR MATAKU MENCARI PERAHU TEBALIK AMPAI-AMPAI. NADA JUA ADA. Cari punya cari inda jua dapat, my dad called oredering us to get back home pasal orang makan udah. Tapi aunt ku pajal jua mencari pasal kesiankan mamaku and in the end we found the freakin house and got the pasai. The house was the one kami lintasi 3 kali udah and about the perahu: IT WAS BETAPUK UNDER THE STAIRS. MACAM TAH URANG NAMPAK TU! PUI! Yeah I was pissed.
At the party:
We arrived and the food was nearly gone. MARAHKU KALI AH. So aku laju-laju mengaut. I was the first to ngaut among the ones yang bejalan but I WAS THE LAST TO EAT. The down side of being the party host, KANA SURUH DO STUFF. CRAPPY STUFF. I was ordered to go around ambilkan barang apa with my plate on my right hand. PISSING. In the end ku suruh cousinku pigangkan plateku.
So my plate was somewhere and I was busy helping with the cakes, mencari the crappy digital camera, mencari gunting, mencari selipar urang and mencari my plate filled with food. =S
After all of that's done, I was summoned into the music room. The room was filled with guitars, keyboard, a bass guitar and my drums. And in the middle of this stuff stood this gorgeous guy. VERY GORGEOUS. Tall, lean and he wore a cap. I remembered him. We went to the same school, couldn't remember which but I think ugama and I can't believe he would be there in my house. IN MY HOUSE. Gorgeous~~~ TAIE~~~ Hahah.. dengan-dengannya ada pulang =P: My mum, her ex-recruit and this other dude but I'm not interested in him. HAHA. Rupanya ex-recruit my mum went to school dengan aku jua! He remembered me! Tapi aku inda ingat ia and he said I was small masa atu. Bangga juaku tu kana ingati uleh urang basar. Wawawa.
Anyway, as suspected, they were musicians and YES the gorgeous guy is one jua. Except the other dude yang aku inda interested. Ia duduk saja diam-diam macam anak misali. HAHA. The gorgeous guy plays the guitar, the keyboard and the drums! Tepikat juaku lagi tu! Double bass lagi tu ya main. Tebakar mataku mliat. AND HE'S GORGEOUS~~~
Durang balik-balik suruh main but aku malas and lagi pun aku inda pandai pasal aku mau gawk arah the gorgeous dude saja. Haha. Gatal aku ah. Paduli ya sementara di rumahku atu jua. I didn't take pictures of upstairs though =( so nada ia lah. But oh yeah~
So I asked about the drums, Travis Barker (and uh! he looks like him jualah =P. In a way) and becalilah. Cali wah ya ah. Cute XD. Fun.
So aku di sana saja arah tempatnya and belajar drums.
And yes, he's again, gorgeous. Ada biceps and very rock. I LIKE. haha majal.
Cousinsku kesian wah yang para-para guitarists ah. Malu sorang-sorang kan masuk. Udah durang di luar bediri-diri baru tah durang masuk and main guitars. Haha. Entah eh.
Aku jahat pulang tadi cause I didn't layan alot of my cousins and aunts apa. I don't know I was really pissed tadi. Taie but the gorgeous guy made my night. HAHA apakan.
So yeah that's what basically happened. Teehee.
My dad punya cake.
yours truly,
You got me XOXO,