Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The river will keep this friend was written at 9:38 PM

I took this picture last year. It's memorable cuz after the so called click ada tia something tejadi. It's as if telling me to remember that moment. Hahah.. Inda pulang aku macam urang gila meningat-ingatkan ganya aku pernah mewonder the how comes and why nots of it.
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Cheesy yet true was written at 5:36 PM
Shit shit shit
Shit shit shit
Man laki si Fudge,SHH ah.. Jangan bising.. Haha ku latuk kau if you do!CONGRATS TO
The Scholar Receipients
Especially to
Sabri Lakiku
Jamalina Kekasih Lamaku
Yee Fah Hong Kutu Babiku
I'm happy for you guys, make us proud yah. No party party, no drinking drinking (except for pina colada; atu buleh. HAHA.) and ALWAYS REMEMBER US DI NEGARA BRUNEI ANI.
Aku kenal ia dari kami umur 3. We were in Nusa Laila Putri together; and then when I transfered to Sakam Bunut, he was my classmate as well. I remember the time when we were in nursery. LAMPUH jamo si Sabri ah sampai ia begarak garak pun inda nampak wah. I mean, marung lagi tu nauzubillah. Haha. And masa di Sakam Bunut, masaku baru sadar ia bagas dari Nusa Laila aku mention arah iakan. Yatah ia time time atu sedang makan sorang sorang arah tangga ampir class kami atu. Yatah aku cakap,
"Kau ani bagas dari Nusa Laila Putrikan?"
Sekali ia cakap, "Au."
Me: Kenal aku?
Ia: Kenal ih napakan?
Sekali aku takut; so I ran off. Haha.
Then kami jadi classmates sampai... darjah 5. Sekali Darjah 6 tukar class but we were still close; I was Assistant head and he was head prefect. Hahah. I remember him pendiam, ambung ambungan sal ia pandai kalah aku. Malar best student apa; I hated him once. Sekajap pulang pasal ia malar tinggi markah. Haha lame plang but yeah. Haha. Paling manis was the time a group of my friends (including him) kana panggil oleh principal pasal beklaie sama primary 6's; we were in primary 2. Sekali ia kana panggilkan, iatah ia inda mau so ia ampai ampai betiarap with his head down di library punya floor. Kalah wa principal ia biarkan ia sana so he was safe. He's like this jeweled student; kana sayang uleh cigu. Hahah..
Then I remembered I used to fight dengan ia sampai kami 2 nangis (in a way) pasal ia ambil aku punya this cool pen/colour thingy. Ia minjam kan tapi inda balikkan wah yatah aku minta balik ia cakap ia punya! So aku marah and cried and ia marah jua. He doesn't wail, ia kalau marah diam tu and nangis diam jualah. Silent killer. Haha. Sekali aku pernah kalah kan ia arah mid year exams primary 5. Hahah..
Then I remembered kami malar ke rumah Fadzay to do projects and all but in the end we ended up bemain. In a way.. I thinklah ah. I think he was there. Hahah. I THINK now I'M NOT SURE.
Sekali masuk MS, entah ah I can't explain but we were close? In a way? I mean he knows who I like and all apa. So yeah we were. Ganya inda stick that much. Ia ucap ucap aku apa. Tukang mengucap wah ia ani. Matiku jadi mangsa. -__-' I'm gonna miss that. Sigh.
This year baru tah ku pernah bejalan keluar sama ia.. I mean how ironic is that? Taie wah. Hahah. Baru tah te 'TKG' 'TKG.' =( Shit eh.
So Bri, I'm happy for you yoh. Iskiku mendangar. You're my best guy friend; I have to admit. Lama lama tani kenal inda putus friendship atu besyukurku. You make me laugh, mengannoy aku jua and kau bau. HAHA.
Bri baik kau jangan lupakan aku udah kau di sana. Chat chat jua, if inda chat pun emailku kah, telipun kah! Yih! I know sebulan lagi kau jalan but screw it! You're going! And baik kau lanja!!
Jamalina(Far right)
Jamalina aka. Jah Kumal aka. Katak. Hahah danganku orientation dulu group Periwinkle. Remember mal?? Ingat?? Ingat? Baik kau ingat kalau inda ku tatak kau di sekulah. I mean, tani masih jumpa right? Haha.. Dangan dangan mencari flag, dangan meliat sekulah MS Rimba and yeah dangan belari lari but after that inda, nada contactlah ah. Not that we noticed. Jumpa and tagur tagur pulang but not in talking terms. Hahah..But udah form 3, I think that was the time tani becakap lagi (INGATKU LAH AH) and we were talking about your foot pasal injured so inda dapat main netball interclass. Hahah. Bangkak purple lagi tu, like a periwinkle. Hehe. So udah form 4 and 5 got close pasal aku malar hang arah class kamu rasakan ngaga biniku si Fiqah. Huu..Good times.. Oh! Close lagi since tani school team netball and team Violets jualah. Huh..
You like Japanese/Korean stuff. BANYAK LIKE SHIT BUKU AND DRAMAS SO RAMAI URANG MINJAM ARAH KAU. hahah and yeah I WILL TRY TO FINISH THE DRAMA. Sorry yah =(. Comicsmu lawa lawa like shit but when you're gone I won't get to read any new ones lah ah. I'm gonna miss you. Really I will. =D Cerita pasal familymu always makes me laugh. I'm gonna miss that jua. You're nice and I will always remember tani tag each other time besabalahan comp lab. Haha.
But I'm happy for you; ajja fighting sana! Belajar kuat kuat ah (hahah camanakan tu?) and jangan lupa aku.. Contact contact lah and don't lose contact. Hahah. Apakan aku ah. Hahah

Bangga kau Fah aku panggil kau Yee Fah? hahah Hong aka. Katak aka. Kutu Babi. See the reason that I insist on calling you kutu babi is because Jamalina udah Katak! long before YOU did. Haha ok? Anyway..
Yee Fah, sahabat saya semasa di tingkatan 1 hingga 3. He's the only chinese guy in the class and yeah. Palingku ingat pasal ia was the time.. Either Syazwani or Fiqah tu. One of 'em nyaya si Hong suruh lanja since it was chinese new year. Sekali duit nya yang di wallet kana ambilkan and it was a fifty and he said just take it with all the sincerity nampak wah.. So yeah I was shocked. Gila! Mun aku nadaku membagi! But they didn't take though; SAYANG. Sekali ia selalu kana kelaikan uleh Tiqah and Syah. Macam, they were all 'yee fah's mine!' 'No! Mine!!' hahah.. and he'll just diam saja and senyum.
Sekali naik form 4 I didn't see him that much pasal we were in DIFFERENT circles since ia ambil accounting kah tu. But when I do see him aku iski lah! Buleh lagi aku pernah nampak ia telanggar trash can. I mean, ia telanggar the trash can yang tempat Physics corridor. BASAR bunyi ia telanggar ah and I saw the whole thing from the OTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING. THAT was funny! BERABILSY FUNNY. hahahahaha..
Then, baru pernah jalan sama ia tahun ani jua. He said aku makin bising. Haha whatever Hong tapi di aga nya juaku. Cakap nya inda mau liat movie sama aku lagi pasal aku bising tapi udah di bawa datang jua ya. So yeah, I'm glad. Haha.
Hong Congrats and I'm gonna miss you. Same as above, study hard sana, don't drink too much, don't party that hard, focus and always remember me, your ambuk di Brunei. Bangga kau Hong aku cakap aku ambuk? Baik kau bangga kalau indaku tatak kau. Haha. Jangan ambung!
Yee Fah, sahabat saya semasa di tingkatan 1 hingga 3. He's the only chinese guy in the class and yeah. Palingku ingat pasal ia was the time.. Either Syazwani or Fiqah tu. One of 'em nyaya si Hong suruh lanja since it was chinese new year. Sekali duit nya yang di wallet kana ambilkan and it was a fifty and he said just take it with all the sincerity nampak wah.. So yeah I was shocked. Gila! Mun aku nadaku membagi! But they didn't take though; SAYANG. Sekali ia selalu kana kelaikan uleh Tiqah and Syah. Macam, they were all 'yee fah's mine!' 'No! Mine!!' hahah.. and he'll just diam saja and senyum.
Sekali naik form 4 I didn't see him that much pasal we were in DIFFERENT circles since ia ambil accounting kah tu. But when I do see him aku iski lah! Buleh lagi aku pernah nampak ia telanggar trash can. I mean, ia telanggar the trash can yang tempat Physics corridor. BASAR bunyi ia telanggar ah and I saw the whole thing from the OTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING. THAT was funny! BERABILSY FUNNY. hahahahaha..
Then, baru pernah jalan sama ia tahun ani jua. He said aku makin bising. Haha whatever Hong tapi di aga nya juaku. Cakap nya inda mau liat movie sama aku lagi pasal aku bising tapi udah di bawa datang jua ya. So yeah, I'm glad. Haha.
Hong Congrats and I'm gonna miss you. Same as above, study hard sana, don't drink too much, don't party that hard, focus and always remember me, your ambuk di Brunei. Bangga kau Hong aku cakap aku ambuk? Baik kau bangga kalau indaku tatak kau. Haha. Jangan ambung!
So yeah, again, CONGRATS =D
Hahah cheesykah? I guess. Aku reminscing wah! But yeah..
Tadi aku cakap sama ia. TEEHEE..
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Monday, July 28, 2008
Totally Random was written at 2:35 PM
When I woke up this morning there was a tingly little feeling at the back of my head and I knew it’s gonna be a hella good week. Yes im that awesome. ;P HAHA
‘Why?’, you may ask. Pasal…
1. There would be no stats FOR THE WHOLE WEEK. Heheh. Esuk nada pasal ke audi thingy and Weds nada pasal CUTI<33
2. July is ending.
3. Mr. Bean, the cartoon kan datang melawat Brunei.
4. SpongeBob ada a whole new season.
5. The Prince of Guacalulu is sending me gazillions of dollars.
6. My room would paint itself Platinum.
7. My cat is currently learning its 2493051991st language.
8. James Marsden realize sudah yang I am his one and only.
9. Si Waidah bau.
10. Si Syah pun bau.
11. Same goes to Sabri, Wina, Nurun, Amal and Hong. Kamu BAU.
12. Fiqah is awesome.
13. Fiqah has a hole arah abdomennya. It’s called a bellybutton. Or a navel. Or Pusat. Pusat Bandar.
14. 080808 is nearing.
15. Im getting married arah Tambing at Kianggeh. Or I might elope to Alaska. Or Greenland. Or Guacalulu pasal the prince bagi aku a gazillion dollars.
16. My nostril is flaring.
17. Undigested matter tends to tumbir-tumbir. WAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHA.
So… Anywayyyyy…
Hari ini saya telah menduduki Ujian Topikal Kimia untuk kali ke-6 dan kepala saya terasa macam hendak meletup. GILAA TEBAKAR KEPALA KU MIKIRKAN.
I wonder masa si Einstein fulu masa ia muda rumbutnya lawa. I mean inda jua ia masa ia lahir rambutnya macam bulu ketiak si #$#$%%^*()%$ atu kan? GAWD. I would blame it to his parents. Talk about BAD genes.
Bah ok. Enough Crap for the moment.
Less than three Fiqah^^,
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Sound Of White was written at 11:43 PM

Yeah I finished the book; finally. It's slow yeah I agree Fiq and it's freaky. Freaky. Gila kali. Freaky.
just like to say goodbye to Fadzay. I've known her since Pra (along with Sabri, but I've known him since I was 3) and I'm glad that I've gotten to know her. To reminisce back, banyak jua ni ah..Naleh juaku. But to pendekkan what I have with her..
I'm happy for you Fad; as another friend of mine who's going for her dreams. Though it's sudden but yes, we'll meet again. Lintas-lintas jalan kampung atu jua wah. Hahah. Strive yoh and excel di UBD. Don't menyiring and lose track of your vision; it's what you want so yeah.. hahah you don't need that much of advice, you're pretty tough yourself. Don't change, keep that playful heart of yours cause atu yang aku enjoy about you. =D
I came late tadi but as Sir Albert mentioned; 2nd last. Hahah Naqiu yang paling akhir. It was pretty normal. Nothing much happened; unless you count 'an attempt to excape Stats Math but inda jadi' as something. Fiqah said nampak mukaku merah macam bedusa saja time ia melintas aku. Haha I guess I was scared; just shows that I'm not evil. Got my computer paper back; it was ok, my marks was not the highest but it'll do. I don't care for marks that much.
Yours Truly,
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Friday, July 25, 2008
Peachy was written at 11:47 AM

Foo Fighters
YAWN. I'm sorry. It's loud; all the songs in there got the same decibels that can burst your earphones (tarus tah your ears tu). I think I'm getting old. I literally fell asleep listening to it.
Missy Higgins
LOVE HER. Tebangunku tarus ulehnya. She's got a nice voice and acoustic lah most of her songs. Macam, an Australian Colbie Cailat. Hahah Missy Higgins Australian bah. -__-' Or an Australian Dido? Musicnya kan sama in a way; she looks like Dido as well. Or is Dido Australian juakah? Nanti tah check. Hahah. 'Peachy' lawa, 'Where I Stood' pun and 'The Wrong Girl.'

LOVE HER. Tebangunku tarus ulehnya. She's got a nice voice and acoustic lah most of her songs. Macam, an Australian Colbie Cailat. Hahah Missy Higgins Australian bah. -__-' Or an Australian Dido? Musicnya kan sama in a way; she looks like Dido as well. Or is Dido Australian juakah? Nanti tah check. Hahah. 'Peachy' lawa, 'Where I Stood' pun and 'The Wrong Girl.'
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Monday, July 21, 2008
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? was written at 2:47 PM
The following is a random conversation between Person A and person B:
Note: The characters are a work of fiction thus has no relations with anyone dead or alive. HAHA. Apakan. Anyway…
Note: The characters are a work of fiction thus has no relations with anyone dead or alive. HAHA. Apakan. Anyway…
A: eh yaw, tau kau si Fiqah kah?
B: Fiqah? Fiqah mana?
A: Ehh... si Fiqah yang anu bah… yang awesome atu...
Three days later …
A: Tau kau kan?
B: Awuu. Kenal ku. Yang malar inda online ah. Yang ia share blog sama si Waidah atu kan?
A: Ahh… Ia tah tu. Napa ia malar inda online atu kan?
Iatawah. Aku pun betanya. Napa banar ah aku jarang online?
Haha. And I being THE Fiqah they’re talking about might have the answer(s) to the very question. So Why? Why? Why?
1. Aku malas.
2. Aku mau tidur.
3. Aku malas switch on laptop.
4. For the past three days, badan ku sakit. Banartah. Thanks to Circuit Training masa PE (Freaking BURPEE. Siapa kan yang berjasa sangat mencipta atu?) and Softball yang ada Coach De Guzman yang nada bagi Take 5. Ngalih kali ah bejamur atu. TEBAKAR KULITKU MIKIRKAN. Hang on, Its… TEBAKAR JIWA KU MIKIRKAN.
7. YouTube has disappointed me.
8. Aku malas.
9. Entah.
Mmm… yeah that’s it.
Bah I posted ^^,
Awu Wai aku tau aku awesome teramat sangat sampai aku pissed off cos I can’t figure out the aimini thing and you had to try it out for me. HAHA. Thanks. Its heart touching, really, the things Waidah does for me. He he=3
Banarnya kan, banyak udah wah urang ngajar aku cana mendownload videos and songs, aku ganya babal. HAHA.
Thanks to Sab ngajar aku kai which yes, I downloaded the file but don’t know where it is in my lappy top. I search and search and search some more, still I fail to locate the video downloaded.
Thanks to Jeer yang balik-balik kan ngajar pakai the helper thingy that I don’t quite remember the name but yeah, THANKS.
Thanks to Ydah yang patiently (I’m just assuming here. HAHA nadawah. Aku tau you liked doing it=D) mengajar and mendownload and everything. Lurbsss^^,
While we are on the Thanking subject I would also like to Thank Mr. Albert Polita yang membagi saya chukulit for me bday. HAHA=P
Thanks to Hajah Kumalina for the Green Tea set<33333
Sama Thanks to Syah and Nurun and Wina for being Syah and Nurun and Wina.
<333> Fiqah.
P.s : Wai i figured out udah the aimini thing ^^,
P.p.s : Buntal ^^,
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The way the war was won was written at 4:08 PM
I can see that aku paling banyak post. Sekalinya? Haha. But yeah I can't deny it, you see them, you see the dates; I post. ALOT. Maybe pasal I have alot of stories? I like to share? Kali jua or maybe I'm just plain..SAKAI..
Sakai of blogging, sakai of uploading, sakai of streaming, sakai of downloading and sakai of..
Or not but screw it I'll get tired of it one day.. In the near future.. Somehow.
There I was sitting with my head down reading my Computer notes. You on the other hand, well, sitting with your head down as well but I'M POSITIVE you're not doing anything. Abit of it I guess but since you're that bisu, no one (and what I mean by 'no one' is a certain big eyed bald headed saint) can really tell if you're rajin or what.. BUT I CAN.. I can tell.. Haha..
So my mind drifts around; a second I'm reading my notes, another I'm staring at it and angan-angan, then I'd steal a glance to see what you're doing..
I KNOW.. I KNOW.. Stalker much? I'm not. You just happened to be there so what could I do? I'm only human.
So yeah I wasted my time on reading computer and stealing glances; SUE ME.
So then I switched seats; you were no where to be seen. I know where you are but I couldn't go there at that time. Someone might be looking for me. So I expertly did my work; meaning I try to 'look' like I'm doing some work but it's just.. Gaaahhh.. Pain strumming my head. It doesn't hurt but it irritates. Alot. I write stuff on paper. He goes,
"So class, continuition correction is just simple..blablabla.."
My mind goes, "Gila tebakar kepalaku.."
*He turns around to look*
*My head snaps up from the table and nodded; as if I've been listening and getting it*
When infact, I have no clue.
Then I heard a calling; giving me a message that I 'should' go to the spot with the algae glorified oasis. AS FAST AS I COULD so that no one would get the place. So I did.
Nothing beats the algae glorified oasis, it soothes the mind, it has food and drinks. Mind you not the oasis, near it wah. -__-'
I had food, drink and oasis sitting side by side with me; it's like a crumb of heaven. Haven? Heaeven? Syurga? Yeah..
So there I was sitting again with my head down lookin at my notes. I looked up and there you were with your head down as well. Ain't that sweet? We're doing the same thing. Sigh. So again, I glanced. Alot. One second, your head was down, the next it's up, then down, then you talked, then down again. Yes, I should get a life but it sorta hard to get one when you already have one? Get me? I mean, the life we have is just. Plain. Boring. And predictable.
So I read some more and was on the edge of my sanity. When I fall, I'll sure to scream with my eyes buldging out. Suprise, suprise, I fell. I screamed loud (the loud'nest' was between a mice and a hippopotamus) and my hand covered my ears to prevent my brain from oozing out. When I relaxed my eyes automatically darted to your direction to steal a glance; you were smilling but you were moving forward. A part of me thought of something but I conclude otherwise; you don't see me at all.
So I climbed the hills back to reality that can help me with my future and started to feel my head membakar itself. Too many equations, too many minutes, too many.. You were on the other side of the barrier.
Then I faced the test that haunted me for 3 weeks. 3 freakin weeks. Tebakar tanganku menulis only God knows by how much. My hands were shaking. It was aching. BUT I finished 20minutes before it was over. To brag, it was a 2hours test. Yes we skipped lunch to have the test. Sue me.
When are you going to invite me to your malicious sorority nomad society? I can't wait.
Yes I'm being random like radiation.
Sue me.
Yours Truly,
So my mind drifts around; a second I'm reading my notes, another I'm staring at it and angan-angan, then I'd steal a glance to see what you're doing..
I KNOW.. I KNOW.. Stalker much? I'm not. You just happened to be there so what could I do? I'm only human.
So yeah I wasted my time on reading computer and stealing glances; SUE ME.
So then I switched seats; you were no where to be seen. I know where you are but I couldn't go there at that time. Someone might be looking for me. So I expertly did my work; meaning I try to 'look' like I'm doing some work but it's just.. Gaaahhh.. Pain strumming my head. It doesn't hurt but it irritates. Alot. I write stuff on paper. He goes,
"So class, continuition correction is just simple..blablabla.."
My mind goes, "Gila tebakar kepalaku.."
*He turns around to look*
*My head snaps up from the table and nodded; as if I've been listening and getting it*
When infact, I have no clue.
Then I heard a calling; giving me a message that I 'should' go to the spot with the algae glorified oasis. AS FAST AS I COULD so that no one would get the place. So I did.
Nothing beats the algae glorified oasis, it soothes the mind, it has food and drinks. Mind you not the oasis, near it wah. -__-'
I had food, drink and oasis sitting side by side with me; it's like a crumb of heaven. Haven? Heaeven? Syurga? Yeah..
So there I was sitting again with my head down lookin at my notes. I looked up and there you were with your head down as well. Ain't that sweet? We're doing the same thing. Sigh. So again, I glanced. Alot. One second, your head was down, the next it's up, then down, then you talked, then down again. Yes, I should get a life but it sorta hard to get one when you already have one? Get me? I mean, the life we have is just. Plain. Boring. And predictable.
So I read some more and was on the edge of my sanity. When I fall, I'll sure to scream with my eyes buldging out. Suprise, suprise, I fell. I screamed loud (the loud'nest' was between a mice and a hippopotamus) and my hand covered my ears to prevent my brain from oozing out. When I relaxed my eyes automatically darted to your direction to steal a glance; you were smilling but you were moving forward. A part of me thought of something but I conclude otherwise; you don't see me at all.
So I climbed the hills back to reality that can help me with my future and started to feel my head membakar itself. Too many equations, too many minutes, too many.. You were on the other side of the barrier.
Then I faced the test that haunted me for 3 weeks. 3 freakin weeks. Tebakar tanganku menulis only God knows by how much. My hands were shaking. It was aching. BUT I finished 20minutes before it was over. To brag, it was a 2hours test. Yes we skipped lunch to have the test. Sue me.
When are you going to invite me to your malicious sorority nomad society? I can't wait.
Yes I'm being random like radiation.
Sue me.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, July 17, 2008
DANGAR was written at 10:16 PM
Your Vegas

The Last Shadow Puppets

'The Age Of The Understatement'
Aku inda tahan kan pajal... DANGAR DANGAR DANGAR...
Click on the song title tarus ke vid nya tu. hahah..
Click on the song title tarus ke vid nya tu. hahah..
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Thousand words...or 3...or 138084038...#%$ was written at 11:09 PM
Ms.Robina's Birthday
What happened at PE stays in PE.
Tadi aku bali this thing and I don't know why.
A bear shaped tabung with a penguin's face.

I buy weird things. =S
Owh yeah, thanks Pejun for the birthday pics and Amoy for the PE pics. =D
Bah atu saja, au I know betambah. Hahah..
Yours Truly,
I buy weird things. =S
Owh yeah, thanks Pejun for the birthday pics and Amoy for the PE pics. =D
Bah atu saja, au I know betambah. Hahah..
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
MY perfect guy was written at 10:14 AM
Ever wondered how awesome it would be to have the perfect guy? Life would be Oh-so-bliss. Believe me. ‘Perfect’ is a matter of opinion thus the perfect guy varies for different females. What’s my definition of perfect? Read the following:My perfect guy is…
- At least between 4-8 inches taller than me
- Boyishly handsome
- About the same age as me
- Considerate
- Thoughtful
- Well-Educated
- Bespectacled
- Gorgeous
- Rich but not famous
- Easy-going
- Funny
- A Hopeless Romantic
- Creative and Unique
- My partner in crime
- Single and not married
- A Good Listener
- Not a smoker
My perfect guy has…
- Defined abs
- Tanned skin
- No bulging biceps
- A soft spot for cute animals i.e. cats, bunnies and gremlins.
- The perfect smile
- A great sense of humor
- A great sense of style
- A great sense of music
- A nice cropped hairstyle (Long hair is a major turn off. Not to mention ponytails on men.)
My perfect guy can…
- Read my mind
- Carry heavy objects i.e. my shopping bags
- Choose the right gift for me
- Remember all the important dates i.e. birthdays=D and anniversaries
- Cook and Bake
- Dress for any occasion
My perfect guy likes…
- Food
- To accompany me shopping
- Travelling
- Adventures; The Great Outdoors
- Sports
- Music
- Arts
- Movies
- Joking around
My perfect guy would…
- Congratulate me when I have just bought a new pair of shoes (or anything for that matter.)
- Sing me to sleep
- Not annoy me during my PMS
- Feed my cat when I’m gone
- Be happy as long as I am by his side
My perfect guy need not climb the highest mountain nor dive into the deepest sea just to express his love, though I wouldn’t have a problem if he had done so.
Most importantly, my perfect guy would love for who I am, not for what I am or what I have.
Yes that’s me being cheesy but whatever. Those are the perfect little things that matter to me. For now. It may not be much but hey! It’s the small things that matter most. If any of you people know a guy who fits at least two-thirds of the description, DO TELL ME. Haha.
<3> Fiqah
P.s: Buntal equals three
You got me XOXO,
Monday, July 14, 2008
Melt my heart to stone was written at 5:38 PM
Kya!! I is happy to the ness' ness of shitty, shit, shit! Gahahahahaha! In your faces feaces! BOO! Woo!! TEBAKAR KEPALAKU MEMIKIRKAN...! WOO..! OH YEAH...! BWAHAHAHAHAH! GAHAHAHA!Ok, I can only express that much and that far. If I go any further you'd close this blog karang.
Okay, okay, okay. What should we blog about today? My day? What happened? Okay. Hahah manasaja.
But before that,
I keep hearing wah this certian people will sing for the PU1 dinner. I would just like to say,
inda.. nada durang nyanyi tu.. I'm sure of that. Heheh.. so yeah.
Moving on..
Computer: Nada apa-apa. Just us computer people doing our 'work' which includes: becali, becerita, main game, dangar lagu and liat gambar. Hahah. No internet surfing though; nada server. Huh. Yeah I shared stories with them and Ms.Robina and yeah durang symphatise aku. Heheh. In a way.
PE: We did fitness. No, not the test; just plain old, pain strickin' fitness. We did the circuit stations and yeah naleh like shit. We did that saja and yeah rehat in the cold Gym.
Break: Aku sama Syah keluar Gym awal and we ate awallah. So becerita-cerita planning on going to padang tomorrow ganya aku inda dapat pasal cousinsku datang ke rumahku. So yeah, SORRY SYAH. Sekali the bell rang and durang pebinian datanglah. Fiqah told a funny story about Si Cute and I told her mine yang involve ehemNya and My Yours Truly. Heheheh.. Sekali aku nyanyi wah and Nurun tepakai laguku. What can I say, what can I say.. Haha. *singing* Apa maknanya~ Bunga emas yangku beri dulu~ Sekali sekali, we talked about a certain mother. HAHA shit aku ani jahat eh but you know I can't help it. I don't mean no harm; it was just my imaginations gone wild. Sakit parutku memikirkan. Hahah.
Math: Syukur atas hadrat Illahi, kami buat past year! So no dozing of to wonderland. Suka ku. And the time went by smoothly. Macam, tutup mata buka, *stunned* 'Ihh..! abis udah class?? WAWAWAWA' I went like that literally.
Physics: Allah ani tebakar matakukan tidur ulehnya. At first correction prac; snooze. Sambung belajar; DOULBLE SNOOZE. Tebakar kepalaku memikirkan cemanakanku kan keep on bangun.
Akhirnya 12.30
Sekali pukul 1 to 3, we had our Physics Practical. SASAKKU. STRESSING. INDA SAMPAT WAH AKU MEMBUAT. GILA KALI TEBAKAR KEPALAKU MEMIKIRKAN. The graphs and the last questons I didn't get to do them so I was pretty pissed. Taie.
Sekali pukul 3.45pm baruku kana ambil.
Sekali my mum bawa bali fun donut; My love. Hahah... My fave: Boston Cream. It actually tastes macam this other kind of donut ganya Boston looks nicer so yeah, My love. Haha.
Sekali balik rumah right, my grandmother ada datang duduk-duduk di bawah. Haha mengambil angin. She likes to come and hang at my house. Cute tu ya kalau ya datang. Dengan amahnya tah bejalan kerumah tu. Hahah.. reminisce ku eh. I'd wave esctaticly and smiled at her and she'd smile back dengan dengan gusinya. Usul my grandmother macam mother goose, I mean, she likes to tell stories, ia pakai specs baru yatah cute and ia pakai skarf kan. So yeah; mother goose. Homely and motherly.
Sekali tadi we went to bandar liat cucul. Just lintas pulang then makan satay arah the gerai near the sungai ah. Nyaman like shit. Bwahahah.. Sekali ada bungsuku ke sana and yeah kami makan lah. Hahah. Then semua kami jalan ke rumah my tua di Serdang melawat ia cause she's sick. =( So we were there melawat and aku cerita-cerita with my cousins and wrestled with my 3months pregnant aunt. Hahah OF COURSE kami biar ia manang! Kami splat on the floor ulehnya. Gila kali munku lawan balik! Hahah minta tampar? Sekali aku dozed off sekajap arah katil cousinku. Nyaman wah katilnya ah; comfy. Haha. Then we ate the remaining satay yang kami bawa and watched this movie arah HBO. LAWA LIKE SHIT BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME. Hahah. Action. Udah abis the cerita kami pun chaw balik. hahah. But yeah kesian my tua =(. Get well soon.
Sekali the bandar was literally haunted except for Coffe Bean and the cafe next to it, I can't remember the name. Hahah and I saw this MS teacher dengan dengan laptopnya sana, indaku ingat namanya ah. Ah well. Hahah.
Ooh and kami pelahan lahan jalan bandar pasal sibuk mencari guards yang jaga the Bandar tonight. Cool wah! I felt like a spy! Or an assasin; Whichever comes first. Hahah. Tapi yeah adalah! Atas bangunan, around the padang, cari the guards yang jaga the Bandar, VERY COOL! Ganya windowku foggy wah so inda nampak banar. -__-' If I could take a picture of them in action menjaga di bangunan atu, AWESOME TU BANAR TAH. Then, arah this so called essay, I'd give the title 'Ready to fight.' Hahah.. One day. I hope.
Sekali tadi we went to bandar liat cucul. Just lintas pulang then makan satay arah the gerai near the sungai ah. Nyaman like shit. Bwahahah.. Sekali ada bungsuku ke sana and yeah kami makan lah. Hahah. Then semua kami jalan ke rumah my tua di Serdang melawat ia cause she's sick. =( So we were there melawat and aku cerita-cerita with my cousins and wrestled with my 3months pregnant aunt. Hahah OF COURSE kami biar ia manang! Kami splat on the floor ulehnya. Gila kali munku lawan balik! Hahah minta tampar? Sekali aku dozed off sekajap arah katil cousinku. Nyaman wah katilnya ah; comfy. Haha. Then we ate the remaining satay yang kami bawa and watched this movie arah HBO. LAWA LIKE SHIT BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME. Hahah. Action. Udah abis the cerita kami pun chaw balik. hahah. But yeah kesian my tua =(. Get well soon.
Sekali the bandar was literally haunted except for Coffe Bean and the cafe next to it, I can't remember the name. Hahah and I saw this MS teacher dengan dengan laptopnya sana, indaku ingat namanya ah. Ah well. Hahah.
Ooh and kami pelahan lahan jalan bandar pasal sibuk mencari guards yang jaga the Bandar tonight. Cool wah! I felt like a spy! Or an assasin; Whichever comes first. Hahah. Tapi yeah adalah! Atas bangunan, around the padang, cari the guards yang jaga the Bandar, VERY COOL! Ganya windowku foggy wah so inda nampak banar. -__-' If I could take a picture of them in action menjaga di bangunan atu, AWESOME TU BANAR TAH. Then, arah this so called essay, I'd give the title 'Ready to fight.' Hahah.. One day. I hope.
Yours Truly,
Bah babus nya, udah update Laii~ *dengan dengan landihnya sekali*
Fiq, your turn! =D
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Shows that we ain't gonna stand shit was written at 9:49 PM
Hari in hari Selasa. Apa ada?? Not much I just felt the day went by dengan laju.
I miss..
My laptop <3
Yours Truly,
Physics: Did the practical corrections. I was grateful about that. Hahah.. No major information went into my head so inda barapa paninglah and the time just.. flew. That's suprising coming from my Physics.
Computer: TODAY'S MS.ROBINA'S BIRTHDAY! So what did we do? We suprised her of course! We sang her happy birthday and gave her a card. Yeah that was the suprise.. NOT. Haha. Sabar ada lagi~ We spent the half hour listening to her talking about her blood donating experience. Once she was done talking; Nuren and Insyirah went to the toilet, M.Hafiz, A.Hafiz and Fahizun went out to see Mr.Farid to help him with his stuff and I talked to Ms.Robina some more and told her about our PE ON Monday. Behind these actions; Nuren and Insyirah menunggu durang Hafiz keluar and durang ambil cake and food. Hahah and I was the distraction -_-'. So durang miss call aku and I went out and we entered the class nyanyi nyaring-nyaring happy birthday lagi with the cake. Haha she just smiled and yeah happylah; I'm glad. The cake was a blueberry cheesecake. Hahah.. NYAMAN LIKE SHIT. I HAD SECOND SERVING! BANGGA JUAKU TU! BOO! Then yeah sakit parutku lapas atu banyak makan. Wawawa.. POKOKNYA AKU NADA BELAJARLAH AH OR DO ANY OF MY COMPUTER PROJECT. BAHGIAKU. Nanti tah ku upload pictures udah ambil dari Fahizun. Wawa.
Break: Haha..Duhh menalur and sedakah gula-gula arah anak-anak di tempatku biasa duduk atu. Si baie NADA ah. Mana ya kan?? =(( I miss you dear. Hahah.. Alphebatical
order: Fiq, Mazizipoo, Syah; SARANGHAE.
GP: Sarcastically kana marahi uleh Mr.Albert pasal inda membuat kraja. I was doing it! I just got caught up with stuff masa atu and he has this sensory eyes thingy to notice at the wrong time -____-'. What did he say to me? He said, 'Wahidah I don't need to see you, I already can sense you're not doing your work.' Macam, apakan~ FYI I DID MY WORK AND I'M ON MY LAST QUESTION. Huh. Haha.
Math: If time was to somehow stop; Math would be the time. Macam, drawling wah ia becakap tebakar telingaku. Then kana suruh buat excercises baruku bangun mata tepalak sejagat. Hahah.
Di rumah: :Laptop ku bereformat -__-' so I didn't know what to do since ia nada. Kan tidur I was wide awake so I stole my brother's laptop and youtube-d. Hahah. Liat Adele and in the end belajar main piano 'A Thousand Miles.' I'm getting there. Sore ni jari jemariku sama wristku jualah ah. Ahah. And aku inda sadar that it was 7 o'clock tadi -__-'. I thought it was 5pm. Haha. Bilikku patang bah~ hahah..
Computer: TODAY'S MS.ROBINA'S BIRTHDAY! So what did we do? We suprised her of course! We sang her happy birthday and gave her a card. Yeah that was the suprise.. NOT. Haha. Sabar ada lagi~ We spent the half hour listening to her talking about her blood donating experience. Once she was done talking; Nuren and Insyirah went to the toilet, M.Hafiz, A.Hafiz and Fahizun went out to see Mr.Farid to help him with his stuff and I talked to Ms.Robina some more and told her about our PE ON Monday. Behind these actions; Nuren and Insyirah menunggu durang Hafiz keluar and durang ambil cake and food. Hahah and I was the distraction -_-'. So durang miss call aku and I went out and we entered the class nyanyi nyaring-nyaring happy birthday lagi with the cake. Haha she just smiled and yeah happylah; I'm glad. The cake was a blueberry cheesecake. Hahah.. NYAMAN LIKE SHIT. I HAD SECOND SERVING! BANGGA JUAKU TU! BOO! Then yeah sakit parutku lapas atu banyak makan. Wawawa.. POKOKNYA AKU NADA BELAJARLAH AH OR DO ANY OF MY COMPUTER PROJECT. BAHGIAKU. Nanti tah ku upload pictures udah ambil dari Fahizun. Wawa.
Break: Haha..Duhh menalur and sedakah gula-gula arah anak-anak di tempatku biasa duduk atu. Si baie NADA ah. Mana ya kan?? =(( I miss you dear. Hahah.. Alphebatical
order: Fiq, Mazizipoo, Syah; SARANGHAE.
GP: Sarcastically kana marahi uleh Mr.Albert pasal inda membuat kraja. I was doing it! I just got caught up with stuff masa atu and he has this sensory eyes thingy to notice at the wrong time -____-'. What did he say to me? He said, 'Wahidah I don't need to see you, I already can sense you're not doing your work.' Macam, apakan~ FYI I DID MY WORK AND I'M ON MY LAST QUESTION. Huh. Haha.
Math: If time was to somehow stop; Math would be the time. Macam, drawling wah ia becakap tebakar telingaku. Then kana suruh buat excercises baruku bangun mata tepalak sejagat. Hahah.
Di rumah: :Laptop ku bereformat -__-' so I didn't know what to do since ia nada. Kan tidur I was wide awake so I stole my brother's laptop and youtube-d. Hahah. Liat Adele and in the end belajar main piano 'A Thousand Miles.' I'm getting there. Sore ni jari jemariku sama wristku jualah ah. Ahah. And aku inda sadar that it was 7 o'clock tadi -__-'. I thought it was 5pm. Haha. Bilikku patang bah~ hahah..
I miss..
My laptop <3
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Monday, July 7, 2008
That's what you get when you stream ALOT. was written at 8:00 PM

She is AWESOME *dengan dengan suara dari syurga*. Macam Corinne Bailey Rae jualah ia ani but NOT BY THAT MUCH. Corinne's more of jazzy-jazzy macam, bunyi fields, grass and all; tapi Adele punya jazzy-jazzy macam, rainy london downtown thingylah. Okay I hope that explains alot. I LOVE HER!Lagunya yang 'Daydreamer' and 'Hometown Glory' LAWA! So siapa minat Corinne, go for it.
And yeah the girl in the picture is her. She got beautiful eyes.
Au aku tau aku pemajal semasa. Napaan?? HAHA..
If you're my friend then you'd know..
I like to share..
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Playing pirate was written at 10:25 PM
Okay she is a must hear. I'm in love. A 5/5 ni banar tah! Tebakar telinga kamu ni mendangar ia. I mean I literally starved myself testuck mendangar her album.
DANGAR banar tah. Well, lagunya yang 'I Kissed a Girl' ah. Try that dulu.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Random =D was written at 9:27 AM
Last thursday my mum ditched work and fetched a time close to 3 o clock. We had a mother daughter thingy event whatsis. So what did two females - one half girl half lady, the other half lady half girl (its up to you to pick which is which) - do? why.. we went SHOPPING of course. Dari kadai-kadai di Delima atu ke Kiulap ke Gadong. Yang pastinya inda muat barang-barang ah arah bunit (HAHA) Macidis ah. Haha. Apart from shopping, kami makan, ketawa-ketawa, begusip-gusip... It was fun! I wish my mum would ditch work all the time. Oh Oh! aku sakai pasal Fun Donut yang di Kiulap buka sudah... WHEEEEEEEE ^^,Today Im absent from school cos I just felt like it. I mean this time last week jua kami cuti and I dont feel like we had a cuti at all. Macam inda kerasaan wah "cuti" ah. wth. Apakan. yang pastinya Im sick today. Sick of school. So, following the footsteps of me madre, im ditching school. HAHAHA. And hell, it feels good. Waking up late.. Fixing a DELICIOUS breakfast, lazing around, liat tv, menalor... This is THE life. HAHA. I bet Amal and Maz are Bio-ing right now, Ydah Maths-ing, Syah Physicscrap-ing, Wina Geo-ing, Yun p.e-ing... GAWSHHH i feel so awesome knowing my friends' timetables. AHHAHAHA. Apakann. HAVE FUN GUYS. DONT MISS ME TOO MUCH. hahahahha
I wonder where my cat is. Ia ditching being a cat kali. I guess ia main dengan anaknya. Tekajut ku ia inda menyamak masa aku breakfast tadi. Selalunya ada ia mengiau-ngiau. Makan pun inda besanang. Macam tah ia atu inda kana bagi makan. Its not like aku biarkan ia kebuluran macam kucing-kucing yang arah Tom and Jerry yang selalunya dalam the black dust bin. HELLOO~ aku bagi makan kaliah.
Apa baik ku buat ah? Macam I feel like Ive done everything yang mun aku di skulah apa ku pikirkan apa kan di buat mun inda skulah. HAHAHA. Mana kamu paham tu. Maybe I should watch grass grow. Or discover something so I can be in the Guiness Book. Maybe I should find my cat and paint it blond. Or should I find I screwdriver and unscrew the bolts and screw di rumah ani? My dad would surely love me if i do that.
HAHA. Tadi my chem classmates test. HAHAHAHA. I guess I would have mine this Monday.
Eh baru ku ingat, mama ku mana keraja on Saturday! HAHAHA i foresee shopping in the near future. HEHEHEHEHHE=D Its AWEOME being a psychic. I should get paid. banartah.
Btw jeer! thank you for the DAVID VILLA POSTER<33Karang ku begambar sama ia dengan jersey spain ku ^^,
i guess thats it. i posted. Enough said.
With Love,
p.s : Buntal equals close bracket
You got me XOXO,
Friday, July 4, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD was written at 2:09 AM
4th July marks as my dad's birthday so yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki and ah.. banyak-banyak tah lanja aku~ Princess kita~ hahaha apakan apanya si Wedah ah~So tonight was the celebration; combined with his long time best friend's birthday, Uncle Simon (or is it seamon? ntah eh. HAHA). His birthday is on the 3rd of July. So yeah there were two big boys having their big birthday bash in a way family style and a little girl! I almost forgot! My lil cousin; Tasha. Hahah.
So yeah..
Before the party:
I was excused from helping as I had stomachache and it was total bliss! I just laze around in my room handling the pain alone. Padahal di bawah ada my aunts making chicken rice, some guys menguling the kambing -as my mum calls it- and my dad was designing the whole place; usai meja, pindahkan batu ke sana sini and usai the plants. Haha cute wah ya ah. Iski kan birthday party. Uu~
My brothers, cousins and neighbour were playing the bouncer. Jealousku aku inda dapat main pasal parutku sakit. Of all the time wah. -__-'
As the party was starting:
I decided to ikut my aunt and go ambil the cakes cause aku mau ikut tarus bali present for my dad. So, my cousins 2 orang ikut; Ka Amal and Lina. We had a mission, which was to get the cakes, get ice and get pasai kah namanya tu.. Ntah eh lupaku pokoknya it's food lah ah.
Banyak.. Rintagan.. Sampai in the end inda jadi bali present. -__-'
1. The fuel was near to 'E.'
So we went to the Gadong gas station.. Ada banyak kerita. We went to the one yang ampir post office. Kami bebaris right, sekali udah ampir and udah lama nungu, baru sadar that there was a sign saying, 'DIESEL HABIS.' TAIE WAH. So buang masa tah kami and went to the other station and yeah BAIK JUA SANA ADA.
2. Mum's ada ramai orang time udah kami masuk.
Masa kami masuk inda ya ramai; deserted wah usulnya. Udah dalam 3 seconds ramai tia urang ah! Macam, are we THAT lucky? SERIOUSLY WAH ANNOYEDKU. So pendek kata, we had to WAIT IN LINE LAGI.Ukh. We ordered 2 cakes and yeah SLOW SERVICE. TEBAKAR KAKIKU MENUNGGU.
3. Couldn't find the house that got the pasai.
It was in Tungku, the perumahan was making me dizzy, I was hungry and my mum gave a very pathetic info about the house: ada perahu tebalik ampai-ampai di rumahnya. KAMI INDA TECARI PUN. SAKIT TEBAKAR MATAKU MENCARI PERAHU TEBALIK AMPAI-AMPAI. NADA JUA ADA. Cari punya cari inda jua dapat, my dad called oredering us to get back home pasal orang makan udah. Tapi aunt ku pajal jua mencari pasal kesiankan mamaku and in the end we found the freakin house and got the pasai. The house was the one kami lintasi 3 kali udah and about the perahu: IT WAS BETAPUK UNDER THE STAIRS. MACAM TAH URANG NAMPAK TU! PUI! Yeah I was pissed.
At the party:
We arrived and the food was nearly gone. MARAHKU KALI AH. So aku laju-laju mengaut. I was the first to ngaut among the ones yang bejalan but I WAS THE LAST TO EAT. The down side of being the party host, KANA SURUH DO STUFF. CRAPPY STUFF. I was ordered to go around ambilkan barang apa with my plate on my right hand. PISSING. In the end ku suruh cousinku pigangkan plateku.
So my plate was somewhere and I was busy helping with the cakes, mencari the crappy digital camera, mencari gunting, mencari selipar urang and mencari my plate filled with food. =S
After all of that's done, I was summoned into the music room. The room was filled with guitars, keyboard, a bass guitar and my drums. And in the middle of this stuff stood this gorgeous guy. VERY GORGEOUS. Tall, lean and he wore a cap. I remembered him. We went to the same school, couldn't remember which but I think ugama and I can't believe he would be there in my house. IN MY HOUSE. Gorgeous~~~ TAIE~~~ Hahah.. dengan-dengannya ada pulang =P: My mum, her ex-recruit and this other dude but I'm not interested in him. HAHA. Rupanya ex-recruit my mum went to school dengan aku jua! He remembered me! Tapi aku inda ingat ia and he said I was small masa atu. Bangga juaku tu kana ingati uleh urang basar. Wawawa.
Anyway, as suspected, they were musicians and YES the gorgeous guy is one jua. Except the other dude yang aku inda interested. Ia duduk saja diam-diam macam anak misali. HAHA. The gorgeous guy plays the guitar, the keyboard and the drums! Tepikat juaku lagi tu! Double bass lagi tu ya main. Tebakar mataku mliat. AND HE'S GORGEOUS~~~
Durang balik-balik suruh main but aku malas and lagi pun aku inda pandai pasal aku mau gawk arah the gorgeous dude saja. Haha. Gatal aku ah. Paduli ya sementara di rumahku atu jua. I didn't take pictures of upstairs though =( so nada ia lah. But oh yeah~
So I asked about the drums, Travis Barker (and uh! he looks like him jualah =P. In a way) and becalilah. Cali wah ya ah. Cute XD. Fun.
So aku di sana saja arah tempatnya and belajar drums.
And yes, he's again, gorgeous. Ada biceps and very rock. I LIKE. haha majal.
Cousinsku kesian wah yang para-para guitarists ah. Malu sorang-sorang kan masuk. Udah durang di luar bediri-diri baru tah durang masuk and main guitars. Haha. Entah eh.
Aku jahat pulang tadi cause I didn't layan alot of my cousins and aunts apa. I don't know I was really pissed tadi. Taie but the gorgeous guy made my night. HAHA apakan.
So yeah that's what basically happened. Teehee.

So yeah..
Before the party:
I was excused from helping as I had stomachache and it was total bliss! I just laze around in my room handling the pain alone. Padahal di bawah ada my aunts making chicken rice, some guys menguling the kambing -as my mum calls it- and my dad was designing the whole place; usai meja, pindahkan batu ke sana sini and usai the plants. Haha cute wah ya ah. Iski kan birthday party. Uu~
My brothers, cousins and neighbour were playing the bouncer. Jealousku aku inda dapat main pasal parutku sakit. Of all the time wah. -__-'
As the party was starting:
I decided to ikut my aunt and go ambil the cakes cause aku mau ikut tarus bali present for my dad. So, my cousins 2 orang ikut; Ka Amal and Lina. We had a mission, which was to get the cakes, get ice and get pasai kah namanya tu.. Ntah eh lupaku pokoknya it's food lah ah.
Banyak.. Rintagan.. Sampai in the end inda jadi bali present. -__-'
1. The fuel was near to 'E.'
So we went to the Gadong gas station.. Ada banyak kerita. We went to the one yang ampir post office. Kami bebaris right, sekali udah ampir and udah lama nungu, baru sadar that there was a sign saying, 'DIESEL HABIS.' TAIE WAH. So buang masa tah kami and went to the other station and yeah BAIK JUA SANA ADA.
2. Mum's ada ramai orang time udah kami masuk.
Masa kami masuk inda ya ramai; deserted wah usulnya. Udah dalam 3 seconds ramai tia urang ah! Macam, are we THAT lucky? SERIOUSLY WAH ANNOYEDKU. So pendek kata, we had to WAIT IN LINE LAGI.Ukh. We ordered 2 cakes and yeah SLOW SERVICE. TEBAKAR KAKIKU MENUNGGU.
3. Couldn't find the house that got the pasai.
It was in Tungku, the perumahan was making me dizzy, I was hungry and my mum gave a very pathetic info about the house: ada perahu tebalik ampai-ampai di rumahnya. KAMI INDA TECARI PUN. SAKIT TEBAKAR MATAKU MENCARI PERAHU TEBALIK AMPAI-AMPAI. NADA JUA ADA. Cari punya cari inda jua dapat, my dad called oredering us to get back home pasal orang makan udah. Tapi aunt ku pajal jua mencari pasal kesiankan mamaku and in the end we found the freakin house and got the pasai. The house was the one kami lintasi 3 kali udah and about the perahu: IT WAS BETAPUK UNDER THE STAIRS. MACAM TAH URANG NAMPAK TU! PUI! Yeah I was pissed.
At the party:
We arrived and the food was nearly gone. MARAHKU KALI AH. So aku laju-laju mengaut. I was the first to ngaut among the ones yang bejalan but I WAS THE LAST TO EAT. The down side of being the party host, KANA SURUH DO STUFF. CRAPPY STUFF. I was ordered to go around ambilkan barang apa with my plate on my right hand. PISSING. In the end ku suruh cousinku pigangkan plateku.
So my plate was somewhere and I was busy helping with the cakes, mencari the crappy digital camera, mencari gunting, mencari selipar urang and mencari my plate filled with food. =S
After all of that's done, I was summoned into the music room. The room was filled with guitars, keyboard, a bass guitar and my drums. And in the middle of this stuff stood this gorgeous guy. VERY GORGEOUS. Tall, lean and he wore a cap. I remembered him. We went to the same school, couldn't remember which but I think ugama and I can't believe he would be there in my house. IN MY HOUSE. Gorgeous~~~ TAIE~~~ Hahah.. dengan-dengannya ada pulang =P: My mum, her ex-recruit and this other dude but I'm not interested in him. HAHA. Rupanya ex-recruit my mum went to school dengan aku jua! He remembered me! Tapi aku inda ingat ia and he said I was small masa atu. Bangga juaku tu kana ingati uleh urang basar. Wawawa.
Anyway, as suspected, they were musicians and YES the gorgeous guy is one jua. Except the other dude yang aku inda interested. Ia duduk saja diam-diam macam anak misali. HAHA. The gorgeous guy plays the guitar, the keyboard and the drums! Tepikat juaku lagi tu! Double bass lagi tu ya main. Tebakar mataku mliat. AND HE'S GORGEOUS~~~
Durang balik-balik suruh main but aku malas and lagi pun aku inda pandai pasal aku mau gawk arah the gorgeous dude saja. Haha. Gatal aku ah. Paduli ya sementara di rumahku atu jua. I didn't take pictures of upstairs though =( so nada ia lah. But oh yeah~
So I asked about the drums, Travis Barker (and uh! he looks like him jualah =P. In a way) and becalilah. Cali wah ya ah. Cute XD. Fun.
So aku di sana saja arah tempatnya and belajar drums.
And yes, he's again, gorgeous. Ada biceps and very rock. I LIKE. haha majal.
Cousinsku kesian wah yang para-para guitarists ah. Malu sorang-sorang kan masuk. Udah durang di luar bediri-diri baru tah durang masuk and main guitars. Haha. Entah eh.
Aku jahat pulang tadi cause I didn't layan alot of my cousins and aunts apa. I don't know I was really pissed tadi. Taie but the gorgeous guy made my night. HAHA apakan.
So yeah that's what basically happened. Teehee.
My dad punya cake.
yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Bored was written at 7:13 PM
Okay tadi aku inda seku..lah! Haha.. Pasal.. Err.. Malas. And inda dapat enough sleep. And it was raining. Hahah. It was raining hard man and I didn't sleep the whole night. It was noisy and scary. Haha and yeah I was thinking about ghosts jua. So yeah, not a good idea. That DOES NOT help you sleep.You know last week, dari Isnin sampai.. Jumaat, I didn't go out of the house. AT ALL and I didn't realise. Cool right? Hahah.. Macam, my parents didn't mind cause less money to spend. -__-' Hahah..But Friday Night I did went out my parents bawa. They brought me and my brothers to Mentiri and I just sat back and watched my dad hit golf balls. Serene saja rasanya sana atu. I ate ABC!
After Mentiri, we 'were' going to go out and eat. I was thinking of steamboat. -_-' Sekali my dad suggest something better and it's at the Beach. Didn't know which beach but I thought macam, Uuu.. FOOD~ Sekali, jauh-jauh jalan, we reached Muara Beach. It was dark, cold, and creepy. Rupanya apa nah? He brought us to our neighbour's camping night. -_-' Okaylah, atleast he didn't dropped by RBA to golf some more. ATLEAST. But siuk lah, it was fun, the fire, the boogle, the food! BBQ! haha ganya nada stars malam atu sal cloudy. Ah well. Then me and my brothers played with the shadows! Macam, there's this double shadow wah so if you ducked to that area we basically can't see you. I mean I thought my brother was at the right rupanya ia di left. Haha sekali kana marahi uleh my dad pasal main tapuk. Duhh.
Inda wah masa atu I dropped by my mum's office and I found this!
This my friend is a real baby shoe, 4cm long in size. Who did it belong to? My baby brother Harris. And get this. His feet was smaller that 4cm! Ia lahir awal wah and he was really tiny! I can even give him bottled milk pakai one hand saja. Yes I held him and the bottle with 1 hand! Haha.. But he was cute masa damit tapi udah basar.. Better not mention it. He likes to unscrew his toys now and he buy toys every day. An average of 1 toy/day. Banar tah. And he lalso ikes to say, 'Eh *cencsored* majal!' Macam, rasakan di tarik mulutya. -_-'
Lagu Paramore 'That's What You Get' LAWA. I mean, their good tapi that song is ze BEST. I mean, kalah yang lain lah and I've heard alot of them. I think. Haha.

Not that I want to tell you guys what it is.. Memalukan saja. -__-' But I'm not liking her that much. Her music's good but she doesn't stick on you and I only like her 'Umberella' saja and that song's not even hers. Lagunya yang ngam berabis untuk aku and Fiqah atu pun inda stick. Heeh..
Sharing links is fun..
Sending songs is fun too..
Downloading them is even better!
Haha nada wah Fiq.
Sharing links is fun..
Sending songs is fun too..
Downloading them is even better!
Haha nada wah Fiq.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Yes I'm blogging with the 'compose' thingy. was written at 2:25 PM
HAHA buleh lagi aku inda tau the existence of this 'compose' space. Palui -__-' and there I was all this time blogging using the 'Edit HTML.' Handal wah aku ah~ uu~ whatever.Anyway, school. Nalehku udah eh. I think I'm still in my holiday mood. Every subject just makes you want to.. YAWN. I can't wait for school to end and I even skipped Physics afternoon class kemarin. Screw it sakit saja kepalaku.
Tadi Physics was duuhh, yawn. I was practically bedikir the whole time 'Subhanallah.' Sakit bah mataku ah. Kan tidur saja inda and macam, these veins in my eyes hurts. Don't know which tapi yeah. GILA TEBAKAR MATAKU~ But baik jua Madam Koo suruh buat wave diagrams. Atleast, that got my mind active. Then ada tia Madam Koo mention this question, 'Describe the motion of the wave.' I was gonna answer a wavelike motion, tapi takut juaku kana latuk. Ah well. Worst, the air-cond was on full blast and I ate breakfeast tadi so I had stomachache.
Computer, uu~~ I did my project~ haha so did everybody else. It was silent. BERABISLY SILENT. Lain rasaku. I like silence when I'm alone sahaja. SAHAJA. Well that's basically it and yeah I showed them that I can do a blackflip and they were stunned. And awed. BERABIS. Nuren went through my playlist and she said banyak laguku; I don't think so. Huh.
Rehat is always, always, always the highlight of my day. Except for yesterday's rehat. That one sucked. Yeah baibun dengan pebinian and Fiqah kept teasing me about my big, lumpy, black laptop bag. Fiq, basar ertinya MAHAL! bwahahaha!!
GP was DOUBLE YAWN. MATIKU MEMIKIRKAN. Mr Albert asked us to read this passage about Hyroxic *something* and answer the questions. Macam, APAKAN.. SASAKKU. Then we checked the answer together. Mr Albert asked me to answer the last one but I told him I didn't answer that when infact I did but I just didn't want to read and get my voice out. Malasku. Nalehku. Sasakku. So yeah he just assumed that I didn't know what exacerbated mean and I was afriad to ask; and I just nod in agreement. I was too lazy to say anything. I'm not afraid of him, I'm just lazy. DEAD LAZY and lagipun, I asked Ani apa ertinya. It felt like I wanted to run from the class and go home. -_-'
Lastly was, hoo boy.. Math. Well, it was ok cause it was the last lesson so I was in a pretty good mood and had a fairly decent eyesight. We did excercises which is BETTER THAN LISTENING. If our Math teacher did continue with the lesson, BANAR LARIKU UDAH. BANAR TAH.
And then! school's done for the day!!! <3
You got me XOXO,