Monday, June 30, 2008
I AM IN LOVE was written at 2:23 PM
He is AWESOME!!! I'm in love. Very. Lust kali but.. the way he hits it *purr* ~ This has GOT TO BE LOVE. Yes. It is. Very. Love ni. His abs.. -__-' His eyes so blue.. <3
You got me XOXO,
Friday, June 27, 2008
A bit of this and a bit of that. was written at 1:16 AM
Okay I've been downloading songs.. Randomly downloading macam orang kana belacan saja. So yeah...
Matchbox 20

I'm addicted though 2 of their songs were annoying 'cause they were TOO LONG. But not to the extent that I'd go 'WTF' and delete them completely; ada fuzzy-fuzzylah. Ommph songs would have to be 'If you're gone,' Rob Thomas' cover of 'Time After Time' and from their recent album,'These Hard Times.' Their music is really soothing (except those 2 songs) not to mention Rob Thomas' voice. His voice just blends in with the music but stands out which is cool; relaxed and sincere.
Corinne Bailey Rae

Her music feels like.. Hmm. when you drive down the hill yang hampir dengan Istana, her music just blends with that scene; peaceful. Haha. As always, she's amazing! My fave; well all of her songs really but yang oomph 'Young & Foolish,' 'Butterfly,' 'Enchantment' and 'One rainy day.' I mean, she has this thing with her music; cool, relaxing, sweet like, the day shimmers macam ada after rain glow, though the day was not raining. Haha apakan. Lawalah =D
3 Doors Down

I downloaded them because of 'It's not my time' really. Their music's good, I listen to them with ease but none of their songs stands out and got me freeze and stop what I do to listen. Yeah I'm not too crazy for them. Ommph song: 'It's not My Time.'
Michelle Branch

I'm giving her a 2nd chance here since someone asked me to..hahah so my conclusion: fuzzy-fuzzy saja. But, I have to say she's good. Her lyrics are awesome; they speak to me but I have this problem with her voice. Lawa pulang but there's some part of her singing got me clenching my teeth so yeah, unexplainable. Ommph songs: 'Breathe' and 'All you wanted'. Her songs made me feel that she writes them all alone in a room or somewhere and just.. thinksabout it. It just flows out and that's just sincere.
Oh Fiq, I totally agree with you on 'All you Wanted.' XD
Oh Fiq, I totally agree with you on 'All you Wanted.' XD

My playlist aku dangar sampai abis right and 'Blind' was on time aku downloading. So yeah; randomly downloaded. His voice soothing~ Their music just makes you want to lie down on the floor; letting gravity pull you down and you just gaze off whilst listening to them. The rain falling, the weather sajuk without you turning the aircond or kipas on and you just lie there; still macam urang mati. Ommph songs: 'Blind,' 'From Where You Are' and 'Hanging By A Moment.'
The Starting Line

I just have 'Island' from them. I love the song; enough said. Haha... just makes you float away to your own land in your head. Their lyrics and music suit eachother. Floating~ *dengan dengan suara dari syurga* Haha.. yeah. Adakah lagi lagunya yang lain ah? hmm..
The Kooks

Duhh, they're good; as always. I just wanted more of their songs. Cute wah lagu-lagu durang ah. The guy's voice pun lawa. Some of my cousins said they're weird but whatever. Durang tu yang weird inda pandai dangar lagu. Pui. Ommph songs: 'Naive,' 'Mr Maker,' and 'She Moves in Her Own Way.'
Yeah that's it.
Yeah that's it.
Nah Hong updated udah.
My legs hurt.
Yours Truly,
My legs hurt.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
A thought. was written at 12:31 AM
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Highlights masa attachment was written at 4:33 PM
Yes, Yes, I know. Its past the time I should have blogged about my attachment but who cares? Before aku menghighlight attachment ku, the people involved are:
From Maktab Sains:-
1.Me, Fiqah The Awesome One
2.Hajah Kumal yang menaruh harta bendanya dalam bag ku yang gorgeous.
3.Gayah, Si Qayah
4.Fifah yang Jatul panggil Piping
5.Jatul tukang gambar pakai Cybershot Merah
6.Melvin yang KIUTT BERABIS. Banartah. And that’s an understatement.
7.Nigel yang ketawa inda bebunyi tapi gegaran badannya berijap
9.Adi Lisea
From PTE:-
10.Wafiy the one who asks weird questions
11.Mizan yang ada dua kubail
12.Melissa yang dorang pikir couple sama Wafiy
From Maktab Duli, the one and only:-
14.Farhan Murni sahabat ku masa Darjah 6. I so remember kami nyanyi lagu Avril Lavinge- Complicated in a French accent just to wait for the PCE results keluar. Hahahaha. Happy times
Day 1, Monday 16th June 2008
Aku dengan semangatnya tiba di hospital pukul 7.30. So what did I do?
I bought a Marie Claire magazine (sal atu ganya ada yang worth reading) and went to the Black Sofa di Lobby (tampat kami hangout). One by one datangtah manusia- manusia dangan ku attachment. Bla bla bla.. kami report ke tingkat 4 kana brief then comes lunch.
Aku lunch Si Farhan lanja pasal hes flying off. So again, THANK YOU FARHAN=D saya pun memakan mee mamak yang berharga $2.50 tapi ia sungguh pedas so I didn’t finish it
In the afternoon kami kana separate into groups, saya group A bersama Jatul, Gayah, Fifah dan Farhan menalor di Accident and Emergency (In hospitalese its called A&E)
The doctor yang incharge of kami macam berabisly reluctant to show us around hence kami menalor.
Farhan ajar aku cakap arab “Hal anta wujud syamas?” hahaha. Will tell you what it means at school;P . Farhan, if you read this do not tag the meaning mun inda I wont say Bagus macam Sugus like you asked me to. Me and Farhan also became the DJs of RIPAS FM.
Souvenir of the day: tongue check thingy yang kami curi arah A&E doctor’s cubicle
Day 2, Tuesday 17th June 2008
3 words: Uncle Benji Chan. Or if you want it to be lawa Abang Benji Chan, short ABC. Gosh now I know where Ian got his genes. Benji dan Ian Chan adalah pasangan yang jadi best example untuk the peribahasa ‘Bapa borek Anak rintik’. I wouldn’t want to elaborate much karang kambang tia ABC. Hahaha
Today kami melawat all the labs and all… not much macam biasa lah. Its just labs, they’re all the same.
Lunch Hajah Kumal lanja. Saya makan Kolo Mee yang inda nyaman so aku kacau Kwe Tiaw si Hajah Kumal and Farhan and if im not mistaken lapas atu aku makan murtabak kosong pasal bau nya nyaman
Patangnya kami ke Radiology and Pharmacy. Nothing much Nothing much. Just ada this fridge yang dalamnya contain millions so if you wanna get rich, curi fridge 10.
Souvenir : alcohol swipe I stole arah tampat X-ray
Day 3, Wednesday 18th June 2008
Kami arah Therapeutic Department which is tampat recovery. Note: if you are constantly feeling unwanted or neglected, This is the place to be. Seriously. Ani tah tampat where everyone tells us that they have a shortage of manpower and please join… (insert name of department).
Lunch saya makan Kwe Tiaw pasal the day before Kumal makan nyaman tapi masa aku makan it was just Ok=(
Patangnya kami arah National Dental Clinic. Not bad. But I wouldn’t want to work there everyday meliat mulut orang? Give me a break.
Souvenir: A ‘When to brush your teeth” bookmark
Day 4, Thursday 19th June 2008
Saya tiba di rumah Hajah Kumal pada pukul 8.07. first thing my mom says ‘ eh banyak jua kucing si Amal ani.’ Haha. So you can guess what I did before kami bertolak ke Child Development Centre. FYI, Kumal has an obese cat, I am not kidding.
Off we went to CDC. It was fun. I actually might consider working there. Oh1 arah bungalow 7 ada the most comfiest red carpet. Its like walking on belly fat. It was that comfy!!
Lunch? Heheheh before saya bercerita I would like to thank ayahanda tersayang Hajah Kumal, Uncle Yahya for lanja-ing us. I guess kami lapar banar pasal 6 orang makan $112.20 worth of food. Btw if any of the people who was there ( Kumal, Jatul, Fifah, Gayah and Farhan) becerita yang aku banyak makan: do not listen to what they say. They are LYING. Haha
Patang atu kami ke RIMBA Health Centre. Siuk lah pasal the Doctors sana very willing to explain and all although half of the time I just put on my ‘why-yes-that-is-quite-intresting-what-you’re-saying-there’ look.
Souvenir; Bio hazard bag yang si Farhan atau Wafiy kah unshamelessly ask for. So kami semua pun dapat=D
Day 5, Saturday 21st June 2008
Our last day, kami kana bagi Ward rounds which was VERY AKWARD *do it in a sing song voice*. My group abis pukul 8.40ish ah so this doctor bawa kami minum arah Orthopedic punya common room. VERY AKWARD. Haha. After that aku Menalored with the PTE boys pasal the other girl in my group, Adi Lisea balik pukul 9.30. But it was Ok the boys were cool and funny in a lame-but-still-haha-funny way.
Lunch, again saya makan Kwe Tiaw. I might be addicted to the stuff.
Patangnya was AWESOMEEE *buat macam bunyi dari syurga*. Guess What? Guess What? Kami masuk Operation Theatre ( hospitalese : O.T) but but before that… KAMI PAKAI SCRUBS
Hahahahah SIUKK !! Farhan kept on saying that it was like being in Gray’s Anatomy.
As you all should know, I am VERY VERY AFRAID of blood so guess what I did masa ada this very bloody operation? I had a long conversation with the person in charge of anesthetics. I kept on asking questions sampai the operation habis. So yeah, that’s one way of not looking at blood.
Kumal, Jatul… kamu nada=( it was fun masa atu and I know you guys would have enjoyed it.
Souvenir: The ‘hat’ yang pakai untuk masuk O.T
Sorry it’s a tad bit too long but atu baru highlights imagine if aku buat what happens ervery second. But yeah, overall it was a nice fulfilling week. I think I might go for the 1 week Shadowing in December. Mun kan meliat gambar check out Zatul punya blog and Farhan jua (linknya go to Mahirah's blog and click there)
Ydah Syah, Yun, Wina. Thy miss you guys. =D Shall we go out and get our hair cut together? Text me.
From Maktab Sains:-
1.Me, Fiqah The Awesome One
2.Hajah Kumal yang menaruh harta bendanya dalam bag ku yang gorgeous.
3.Gayah, Si Qayah
4.Fifah yang Jatul panggil Piping
5.Jatul tukang gambar pakai Cybershot Merah
6.Melvin yang KIUTT BERABIS. Banartah. And that’s an understatement.
7.Nigel yang ketawa inda bebunyi tapi gegaran badannya berijap
9.Adi Lisea
From PTE:-
10.Wafiy the one who asks weird questions
11.Mizan yang ada dua kubail
12.Melissa yang dorang pikir couple sama Wafiy
From Maktab Duli, the one and only:-
14.Farhan Murni sahabat ku masa Darjah 6. I so remember kami nyanyi lagu Avril Lavinge- Complicated in a French accent just to wait for the PCE results keluar. Hahahaha. Happy times
Day 1, Monday 16th June 2008
Aku dengan semangatnya tiba di hospital pukul 7.30. So what did I do?
I bought a Marie Claire magazine (sal atu ganya ada yang worth reading) and went to the Black Sofa di Lobby (tampat kami hangout). One by one datangtah manusia- manusia dangan ku attachment. Bla bla bla.. kami report ke tingkat 4 kana brief then comes lunch.
Aku lunch Si Farhan lanja pasal hes flying off. So again, THANK YOU FARHAN=D saya pun memakan mee mamak yang berharga $2.50 tapi ia sungguh pedas so I didn’t finish it
In the afternoon kami kana separate into groups, saya group A bersama Jatul, Gayah, Fifah dan Farhan menalor di Accident and Emergency (In hospitalese its called A&E)
The doctor yang incharge of kami macam berabisly reluctant to show us around hence kami menalor.
Farhan ajar aku cakap arab “Hal anta wujud syamas?” hahaha. Will tell you what it means at school;P . Farhan, if you read this do not tag the meaning mun inda I wont say Bagus macam Sugus like you asked me to. Me and Farhan also became the DJs of RIPAS FM.
Souvenir of the day: tongue check thingy yang kami curi arah A&E doctor’s cubicle
Day 2, Tuesday 17th June 2008
3 words: Uncle Benji Chan. Or if you want it to be lawa Abang Benji Chan, short ABC. Gosh now I know where Ian got his genes. Benji dan Ian Chan adalah pasangan yang jadi best example untuk the peribahasa ‘Bapa borek Anak rintik’. I wouldn’t want to elaborate much karang kambang tia ABC. Hahaha
Today kami melawat all the labs and all… not much macam biasa lah. Its just labs, they’re all the same.
Lunch Hajah Kumal lanja. Saya makan Kolo Mee yang inda nyaman so aku kacau Kwe Tiaw si Hajah Kumal and Farhan and if im not mistaken lapas atu aku makan murtabak kosong pasal bau nya nyaman
Patangnya kami ke Radiology and Pharmacy. Nothing much Nothing much. Just ada this fridge yang dalamnya contain millions so if you wanna get rich, curi fridge 10.
Souvenir : alcohol swipe I stole arah tampat X-ray
Day 3, Wednesday 18th June 2008
Kami arah Therapeutic Department which is tampat recovery. Note: if you are constantly feeling unwanted or neglected, This is the place to be. Seriously. Ani tah tampat where everyone tells us that they have a shortage of manpower and please join… (insert name of department).
Lunch saya makan Kwe Tiaw pasal the day before Kumal makan nyaman tapi masa aku makan it was just Ok=(
Patangnya kami arah National Dental Clinic. Not bad. But I wouldn’t want to work there everyday meliat mulut orang? Give me a break.
Souvenir: A ‘When to brush your teeth” bookmark
Day 4, Thursday 19th June 2008
Saya tiba di rumah Hajah Kumal pada pukul 8.07. first thing my mom says ‘ eh banyak jua kucing si Amal ani.’ Haha. So you can guess what I did before kami bertolak ke Child Development Centre. FYI, Kumal has an obese cat, I am not kidding.
Off we went to CDC. It was fun. I actually might consider working there. Oh1 arah bungalow 7 ada the most comfiest red carpet. Its like walking on belly fat. It was that comfy!!
Lunch? Heheheh before saya bercerita I would like to thank ayahanda tersayang Hajah Kumal, Uncle Yahya for lanja-ing us. I guess kami lapar banar pasal 6 orang makan $112.20 worth of food. Btw if any of the people who was there ( Kumal, Jatul, Fifah, Gayah and Farhan) becerita yang aku banyak makan: do not listen to what they say. They are LYING. Haha
Patang atu kami ke RIMBA Health Centre. Siuk lah pasal the Doctors sana very willing to explain and all although half of the time I just put on my ‘why-yes-that-is-quite-intresting-what-you’re-saying-there’ look.
Souvenir; Bio hazard bag yang si Farhan atau Wafiy kah unshamelessly ask for. So kami semua pun dapat=D
Day 5, Saturday 21st June 2008
Our last day, kami kana bagi Ward rounds which was VERY AKWARD *do it in a sing song voice*. My group abis pukul 8.40ish ah so this doctor bawa kami minum arah Orthopedic punya common room. VERY AKWARD. Haha. After that aku Menalored with the PTE boys pasal the other girl in my group, Adi Lisea balik pukul 9.30. But it was Ok the boys were cool and funny in a lame-but-still-haha-funny way.
Lunch, again saya makan Kwe Tiaw. I might be addicted to the stuff.
Patangnya was AWESOMEEE *buat macam bunyi dari syurga*. Guess What? Guess What? Kami masuk Operation Theatre ( hospitalese : O.T) but but before that… KAMI PAKAI SCRUBS
Hahahahah SIUKK !! Farhan kept on saying that it was like being in Gray’s Anatomy.
As you all should know, I am VERY VERY AFRAID of blood so guess what I did masa ada this very bloody operation? I had a long conversation with the person in charge of anesthetics. I kept on asking questions sampai the operation habis. So yeah, that’s one way of not looking at blood.
Kumal, Jatul… kamu nada=( it was fun masa atu and I know you guys would have enjoyed it.
Souvenir: The ‘hat’ yang pakai untuk masuk O.T
Sorry it’s a tad bit too long but atu baru highlights imagine if aku buat what happens ervery second. But yeah, overall it was a nice fulfilling week. I think I might go for the 1 week Shadowing in December. Mun kan meliat gambar check out Zatul punya blog and Farhan jua (linknya go to Mahirah's blog and click there)
Ydah Syah, Yun, Wina. Thy miss you guys. =D Shall we go out and get our hair cut together? Text me.
oh oh btw yesterday, 23rd june 2008 marks the birth of my new companion which i have yet to name^^,
btw kucing ku is now a FATHER!!! HAHAHA anaknya gorgeous, macam aku:P
P.S; buntal equals open bracket
You got me XOXO,
Pilot! was written at 1:35 AM
Wah~ Layout baru... Awwweeessoommmeee~ *dengan dengan suara dari syurga* HAHA.Anyway yeah espeed ada udah and I am freakin happy! XD Matiku tadi memikirkan excited. I was very excited. Ecstatic really. So what have I been doing? The usual: facebook, friendster, blogger etc and what I mean by etc is porn. NADA WAH I'M JOKING.
During this holiday:
- I went out with my friends twice.
- Cleaned my room.
- Rearranged it.
- Angan-angan.
- Makan.
- Sleep.
- Dangar lagu.
- Ran from a bug.
- Main drum.
- Angan-angan.
- Finished readin' Shopaholic and Sister.
- Finished readin' If you could see me now.
- Bought two DVDs tapi alum di liat.
- Trying to read Shopaholic and Baby without hurting my head.
- Trying to do my homework without hurting my head.
- Angan-angan.
- Liat Tv.
- Ran from a lizard. Ukh.
- Ate sushi.
- Ate satay.
- Ate cake.
- Ate chocolate.
- Ate Fish.
- Ate keropok.
Yes, the list goes on... Go figure. Haha.
The problem with this picture is that Fiqah's not in it.
Why? Cause she couldn't make it for that outing and even the other one.
And I'm mentioning this because? I'm pissed.
Why? Pasal aku lama udah inda jumpa ia.
Why am I pissed? Pasal ia lambat reply messages.
Or is it DST yang lambat?? Hmm...
Well anyway, Azeef Bon voyage man I hope you're reading this. Haha tekajut saya masa tejumpa kamu di McD itu. Tidak saya sangka. Eceh. All I've got to say is, a word of wisdom from yours truly...
Study hard, have fun and enjoy it, open your eyes but stay focused. Don't drink too much, don't get laid a lot... Haha nada wah but, yeah I mean it pulang jua =S. Haha.
So this is your first step to your life, I mean really. You just got to agree. You're leaving your nest and flying on your own, getting closer to responsibilities and what not. Hahah. Your choices makes your future, no turning back, no regrets. Even when you'd have them, you know, regrets; don't fret. Move on and learn from them. I mean it's better to have an ending than being stuck. Time doesn't freeze until you get it you know.
Yes it's sad to leave your family and friends but you know tutup mata and buka, in no time you'll be back flying for RBA which aku in a way takut. Well that's just me; my cousin driving pun aku takut and he's 25. Hahah. But yeah you win some, you lose some; that's just life.
Good Luck Yah =D
Hahah okay I'm ready to pass out now. =D
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Monday, June 23, 2008
Let us gag was written at 5:47 PM


I'm freakin' happy! XP
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Today's not my day. was written at 12:36 AM
Okay, there I was bored. So I took my camera out, my shy of 2 months old camera and started to take pictures. Then, inda semana my camera was focusing but it didn't 'take' the picture. It did that lots of times already but eventually it would in the end so I was not that worried. When it did 'take' a picture, there was this thing blocking the surroundings. So I panicked. I mean I literally went WTF?!So I studied the thing. The camera okay, the buttons and all. I checked the lens and oh yeah...The problem was there. The freakin aparture's tecabut! I mean, seriously tecabut! I zoomed in, out, rotated it left and right; the thing was in there hanging, tecabut, ampai-ampai! Aku panick lah and you should not, ever, see me when I panick.
So I thought hard on what to do, pacing around my room. Out of desperation I did what I'd always, always do at times like these; which was to go straight to my dad's toolbox and get the necessities: screwdrivers. So I got them, went back to my room and started to lay the lens out on the floor, natural light shinning on it. I felt like a surgeon. A very scared one who's giving birth instead of delivering them. Yes I was that crap. Shit. Shit. So I covered the lens with their duhh, cover and then started to 'try' unscewing them but they didn't budge.
Grateful that they didn't as I went through my history with fixing things...Some went well and some didn't like my mp3 player. Taie tu but yeah I'm glad the screws won't budge.
Then I remembered yang my camera tehantak. That was it's first hantak man and I'm sure that was not the cause. I mean, it was okay wah. I took good pictures after that hantak.
So what's left for me? Well, tell my dad about it. Damnit I hate this. My mum knows about it already and she said just tell dad and I quote,'rilek saja inda apa-apa tu.' I hate this I really hate this. I mean why is it always the stuff that I love yang rusak/lost? My pendrives, my mp3, my speakers, earphones, chargers? Why? Why? I mean, I take care of them. I share! I clean them up! They have wonderful spots in my cabinets. Wonderful! Yet, they're the ones who'd get hurt, lost and damaged. And furthermore, the lens were that way since day 1. Okay? SINCE DAY 1! Taie wah! Crap...!
So my dad has no clue yet and I'm scared to tell. It's not easy. Seriously not that easy. I mean, I know he won't stay mad forever and chuck me out of the house or anything but dissapointing him is really depressing. I hate the look when he's dissapointed in me. I mean he expects me to take care of things and I've been crap in that department since, ever. Taie eh.
So Bri you're asking me about my lens? Well it's dead.
Crap eh like shit.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I opened my eyes and I see suprise was written at 9:08 AM
Mornin..*singing* I guess I woke up on the wrong side of my bed today..
Well, I did 'cause I rearranged my freakin' room! And it's freakin me out! My room looks..Nicer. =S Macam, when I see my room now, my old arrangement looked like it's for a deathbed scene. You know my bed was pushed to the walls, between the window and the door so if you open the door and I'm sleeping you might think that I'm going to die. The light (from the window) falling on my face, me on the bed looking, well dead. Then inda tau-tau when I woke up ada tia you guys crying on the side of my bed thinking I'm dead. Inda lagi membanguni aku tu to check. Ok, I'm not making any sense. Well yeah I cleaned my room and it was gila! Sneezing frenzy yo! Dust bunniesku ani obese wah! Buleh lagiku putik saja and throw! Huh. But, atleast it looks nicer.
I was looking up what fate means and apparently it means..
1. A supernatural ability to make things happen.
2. Something that cannot be avoided.
No.2 would be death and for anything else, I'd have to say..You can avoid them..
What's no.1 to me? Well it's precisely what fate mean; the ability to make it happen and to not.
Like, there's too many triggers in our life that we sometimes..well, always can't seem to differentiate between fate, luck or good tracking habits. *wink*
So my point is, I'm gonna push the triggers untill I get it right and what I mean by right is not that certain ending which is precise in my heart right now, and if I explain any further you might think I'm crazy so I won't. Explain any further.
I remembered someone asked this question..
Why do we live?
I'm gonna have to say..
We live because it's hard to and the fact that it is, a mystery we live to find the answer.
Okay, emo much? HAHA..
Boredku eh. Tiang telipun..Tiang telipun..Where are thou tiang telipun..Antam saya ah.
Shopaholic sucks man. My head hurts just by reading it. Macam, the plot's good but I just hate Becky's mind! You feel that you just want to latuk her head! And I spent most of my nights for the last 2 weeks trying to finish Shopaholic & Sister and I'm still not finished!
Eh laparku eh..
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Holidays was written at 8:22 PM
I just remembered that our school holidays has begun; I forgot. Anyway my cousins are here about 8 of 'em. Our parents went to Lawas to attend a wedding and here we are left to defend ourselves. As I'm the 2nd eldest in the bunch, I'm in-charge. What are my jobs? Well,(a) Make sure that they don't go out to the open road.
(b) They eat.
(c) Sleep early.
(d) Play nicely.
My 19years old cousin is, sad to say; pathetic. No offence but whatever. Boring bui!!
Okay, what did we do last night? We jammed and I asked him to give a melody for this thing I wrote. He did a good one but I strongly feel that it didn't fit. So yeah...I just hope someone would fit it in someday... My small cousins played DDR and the semi-big ones played badminton outside. My aunts were funny mind you. They kept warning us to not go out 'jalan-jalan' with the car. Haha we kept saying 'Insayallah' just to tease them and who came to my house at 1am? My aunt Bumai. Haha..Rasa wah uri ah. She slept at our house. Well, she nyubuh the whole time though; meliat Euro ah.
So tadi, I spent the whole morning listening to songs in my laptop...Gila banyak. Not that much but yeah I thought inda banyaklah. I reminisced my music taste; from rock to K-pop, jazz to soundtracks. So whilst listening, I planned some of things I should/could do during the holidays:
1. Do homework.
2. Clean my room.
3. Arrange my notes.
4. Jalan.
5. Gambar-gambar.
6. Dangar lagu.
7. Reading.
8. Patiently waiting..
9. The internet.
10. Menalur lying staring blankly at the ceiling.
That's some of them so far. I don't think we're going outside of Brunei really. My parents are working.
Bored..Bored..I miss less than three ku and my friends as well..It's cold and I think Telbru should be working on Sundays. Banar tah. Tiang telipunku...
Let's reminisce:
...I got a big head and small hands..
Happy holidays guys! Spend them well. =D
You got me XOXO,
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Art Of Cooking was written at 3:18 PM
Cooking compromises everything. When i say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. so erm yeah. Biology, Chemistry, Physics crap, Maths, English, Malay, Ugama, Psycology, Computer, Business, Music, Art. EVERYTHING. majal jua tu aku ah.The biology of cooking:
Diffusion. Osmosis. Enzymes. Biology. Marinate. Yes? so no need for futher explaination.
The chemistry of cooking:
Rate of reaction. Salt. Chemistry. Salt. Chopping food so it gets cooked faster. Yes? Needs no futher elaboration.
The physics crap of cooking:
Light. Energy. Heat. Crap. Physics. Fire, Flame to cook food. No crap in cooking. Thats just disgusting. HAHA
The maths of cooking:
Ratio. Mass. Volume. Grams. Litres. Maths. Amount used for ingredients.
The english of cooking:
Letters. Words. Sentences. Paragraphs. English. Reading recipes from the English cook book. Enough said.
The malay of cooking:
refer to paragraph above, change english to malay :)
The ugama of cooking:
Diffrentiate between halal and haramshit.
The psychology of cooking:
Patience. Psychology. Patience is neede when waiting for the food to cook, the soup to boil, the lamb chop to get its tang, The dough to rise... The list goes on so patience is a must.
The computer of cooking:
Being computer literate is a must when you are trying to download a recipe or a cooking video so yes. Computer.
The business of cooking:
When you sell the food that you cook. Thats business baby.
The music of cooking:
Thats you singing while waiting for the cake to rise. Its actually a matter of opinion, when you open your mouth and all the food rot, its noice but if all the food sways (like it does to me;P) to your follow your musical voice, its music.
The art of cooking:
Decorating the food. Art. Walaupun nyaman bah apa kau masak atu mun macam t*** usulnya, i doubt urang yang ampai-ampai setangah mati atu pun kan makan. Baik ia mati kali. Eh apakan. Emo jua ku. HAHA. Apanya si Fiqah ah.
So erm yeah. Cooking is Everything. If you know how to cook then You actually are a genius. Its also multitasking - doing LOADS of things at once.
I dont really know the point of this post. Im just doing this sal i've got nothing else to do. Eventhough Sir Stats gonna love me esuk for not doing any homework. AT ALL. I actually DO NOT see the point of stats. Sheesh. The probability of... The Standard Cumulative Thingy.. WHATS THE POINT?? Well i guess mun ku keraja jadi Chef slash Enviromentalist (HAHA. wai. this is for you) i would probably need the Probabilty distribution to know which fish untuk di masak for which customer and whatever. Note the Sarcasm.
bah bah im off to cook,
p.s: Jeer, if you read this, baik kau tag!!=D
p.p.s : Buntal less than three (mal. this is for you. HAHA)
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Jumaatku yang menawan was written at 5:16 PM
Inda wah kemarin wah...Kemarin Jumaat right? Yatah wah.Masa Khamis malam awal yoh tidurku pukul 7.30 ah! Naleh wah pasal patang atu main handball and malam sebelumnya lagi aku tidur pukul 2am, time GP ku cuba bawa tidur. Tidur pulangku ganya tebangun-bangun takut Mr.Albert nampak.
Ah ari Jumaat. Yatah awal bangunku pukul 6am. Siapa punya pasal? Antiku ah bising nyapu bilikku! So kebawah tahku meliat tv..Heaven jamo meliat tv ah sakit sajaku memikirkan so malasku pikir any further. Lama-lamaku meliat ada tia adiku yang damit ngumban bantalnya dari atas kebawah. Turun ya, ambilnya bantalnya atu sambungnya lagi tidur dapan tv. Sekali ada tia mamaku meneriak manggil aku so aku naiklah. Sekali rupanya papaku kan betanya,
Papa: di malam napa kau tidur awal atu lai??
Weh: ah? Nada ydah naleh yatah tidur awal atu. Inda lagi sadar. Napa?
Papa: nada tidurmu atu awal, bis babumu datang di bawah kau di atas papa pikir apa.
Weh: owh. Pa bureng eh. Ada bejalankah?
...sekali mamaku nyampuk...
Mama: ada... membali bunga mau ikut?
Weh: *memberi senyuman yang menawan* mau~
So ambuk pun buleh guess, aku ikutlah meliat bunga. Adi-adiku pun kana banguni ikut bejalan. Ke pasar Gadong kami and damn! Was it hot! Gila tebakar wah mukaku merasa! The bunga lawa-lawa..Bau lungkang sana atu pun, ehem menusuk ke kalbu jua lah. Ku bawa kameraku yatah mengambar-gambarku. And in my head, I was all 'apanya ydah ah..Mengambar-gambar ya..' haha si pikah punya pasal tu. Amg. Whatever.
Ah ada wah this plant, kami sekeluarga inda tau namanya tapi memang papaku kan mencari plant atulah ah. Yatah sekali tejumpa, papaku tanya urang yang menjual atu,
Papa: ani yang tumbuh kerebo ani kan?
Sang Penjual Yang Bijaksana: ah? Kerebo? Apa kerebo ini ji?
...inda salahku papaku alum Haji wah soku diam saja...
Papa: eeh anu yang tumbuh kambang ah..Macam rambut kerebo ah..
Sang Penjual Yang Bijaksana: oh ngak tau ji inda saya pasti ji tapi ini bagus ji..
Macam paedah jua tu ah menjual mun inda tau apa jadinya. Kami atu pun, membali jua so indaku tau yangmana bijaksana ni. Anyway udah abis di sana, bejalan kami masuk kerita memikirkan dimanakan makan. Aku mau kek, papa sama mamaku mau murtabak, adiku mau CD. So, kami ke kadai Ginchu! Gincu? Ginxu? Cinchu? Entah eh pokoknya kadai tempat para-para pekerja yang bertauliah sebrunei suka lepak minum. Kata papaku lama udah kadai...atu yatah ada gambar kadainya lama. Yatah tebayangku kalaulah bangunan atu masih kana pakai sampai ani..Allah sekali angin meniup lawa tu ah kadai ah. Anyway, sana ada kek, ada murtabak and ada CD so semua satisfied. Aku makan roti sama kek yaw. Handal kali ah what can I say what can I say. Hahaha. Takut papaku memikirkan aku makan ah. Aku Pms wah screw it! Makanlah!
Ah udah makan, papaku bayar, then kami pun jalan balik. Tapi sebelum atu membali pasu pakai menanam plant kerebo atu and siapa jua yang menanam? Yours truly jua. Duhh. Tapi aku tanam sepasu saja. 1 pasu ada 3 plant kerebo yatah ku namakannya si Do,Re and Mi. Lawa cute wah durang ah..Little kerebo munchkins. Huh. Aku baru sadar wah mamaku atu suka vaining and I'm like woah.. Okay. Adang.
Yatah usulnya kalauku becerita tu. Haha nanti tahku upload the pictures. Wuh.
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
To You was written at 11:46 PM
Yes, I dedicate this post to You.I'm sorry that I used the word 'crush.'
It's not true, it's not from the heart.
If I was to say it honestly...
I liked you.
I really, really, really liked you.
But I'm okay now.
I've let go.
You're the one who lifted me up when I was down; the one who woke me up in the morning so that I'd go to school, the one who made me smile when I was sad; the one who made my heart beat laju laju. Haha. I would feel calm everytime I saw you walked past by my class; just by hearing from people that you were there in school puts me at ease with the thought that you're there and breathing. So with that I thank you. Thank you for being there letting me feel how it is to care for someone and thank you for being so oblivious about it and no, I'm not being sarcastic.
Though you may hit me with reality, gave me some frowns here and there; it's fine. I mean, who am I to be mad at you about it? You didn't know right. Heheh. So yeah it's alright. I'm the one who was all tongue-tied.
I pray that you'll be happy, I pray that you're always in full control with your life and I hope that you do not regret with anything you choose. =D
I'm randomly typing it in so yeah.
I see it as a beautiful memory of mine when I really, really, really liked you; something that can't be replaced and I hope with all my heart that you wouldn't regard it as 'something that happened.' I'll cherish it with all my heart and I hope you would, well, I hope you'll cherish it lah.
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,