Saturday, May 31, 2008
Believe Me was written at 1:28 PM
Aku confused and this is the only way to say it. Wawa...
Now I'm wondering,
What is it inside,
I can see it in your eyes,
I'm wondering,
With all my heart,
With all my soul
There's nothing left in me,
That you could not see,
And all I hope from you now,
Is to believe,
In me
To see,
That you don't need to explain everything,
To me
You got me XOXO,
Friday, May 30, 2008
Hot kali ah was written at 11:51 PM
A mix of the pictures taken today (30th May), time celebrating birthday Wina and Fiqah. It was FUN. Excapade --> Movie: Prom Night --> Coffee Bean. Excapade as usual, I prefer McDonald's but I didn't point that out. Wawa... Err, then the movie palui, I screamed my butt off and si Hong and Zatul ambil bagku so that I wouldn't have anything to cover my eyes with except my hands... tapi buduhlah; I hate thrillers. I prefer movies with rainbows. Err, sekali hang out di Coffee Bean. I find it stupid really that I went to Coffee Bean tapi bali Chocolate Blend which, is NOT COFFEE. Haha but it was fun.
Fiqah: Boring wah kau balik awal but atleast you came.
Syah: Haha siuk yeah! Like, 'WE'eee...hahaha...FW.
Yun: Bajumu pink like shit and I love it. Sungguhpun aku inda suka pink and aku ada bag pink.
Ian: The asparagus nyaman! Haha... and why did you left early? aiya~
Wina: Haha hope you like my present and yeah if you want the pictures time sliparmu testuck, ada ni. Haha.
Zatul: You suck; you took my bag time movie. Haha and Si Hong pun. You guys should just go and get married and leave me alone. Pui!
Hong: As above; you suck as well. I can't believe you've gotten taller and thinner. Siao. Rambut macam ikan paus! Pui!
Wafil: Haha nice to know you; Mr.Clumsy. Haha..
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
You know what day it is. was written at 9:48 PM
Yes, ladies and germs, at 09 45 hours i was officially 17 years old and truth to be told its no biggie. why?1. I still look the same. so that dream of changing into a 5'10 size 2 model is still a dream.
2. I still smell the same. but then again we are all the same ;p
3. My eyebrows are still not symmetrical.
4. I still have the bruises from when i was 16. thank you btw to the people who i crashed into masa handball. i may be bruised for life. thank god its a nice shade of green and you all know how much i like green.
5. My cheeks are still quite big for my face.
Ok so maybe im expecting a lil bit too much just for turning 17. but hey! its not everyday you turn 17 =D
so guys thanks for the sushi outing tadi. it was funnn although i was there skajap saja but whatev.
and to all who had greeted me a happy birthday, THANK YOUU
<3<3<3 Fiqah
You got me XOXO,
The time of my life was written at 7:11 AM
It's 5.54am right now; last time I checked. My mum had to work today and she literally banged my door down to get her stuff in my room. Her room's big enough already but apparently she likes to go into mine! EVERYBODY likes to go into my room...Ada sign 'Wahidah's Room; Crash it' kali depan atu which I can't see. *sigh* My room's too awesome..I know..It's maybe one of the places you should see before you die. At the rate it's in.Anyway! My chest's fluttering and I love the feeling! It's actually annoying but to hell you all, I'm fighting! Err. I can't continue sleeping sal ada trouble sleeping...I can say the song suits me right now. The lyrics I mean.
I'm also under my covers right now and my amah tarus tarus masuk. I can't see her but I think she's sweeping the floor. Sakit mataku eh.
Kemarin skulah was fun, maths inda ramai orang so we just did 'simple' math work and as usually I was asked to correct myself TIME IA MARKING. Nothing much happened there.
Then, ada GP di library...I hate libraries. It's too boring. I can take silence but silence with rules? Amg! Banyak pulang cakapku tu. I think I made M.Hafiz feel uncomfortable when I sat across from him (table's length of separation) and asked him about his life. He was turning on his ipod and then I just stared at him for a while. Then I sat back and asked, without staring away, 'So Piz how's your life right now? Are you happy? How's *****? You guys were fighting right? Are you guys ok now?' and then he sorta took his earphones off and sat straighter. After that he answered...Well, stammered I should say. After a while he went away leaving his wallet on the table. I took it and then cerita sama si Naqiu. Time time cerita, I rummaged Hafiz's wallet..Hahaha..Gambar library cardnya cali!
Then after GP, I had Computer (fave subject!)... I was happy on the way ke lab that I managed to prance my way through the crowd, three lanes crowd and get there. Then I pranced around a few more times in the lab. Ms.Robina biasa udah liat so she was fine with it ganya I forgot that kami punya lab is like a zoo cage and yeah everybody can see us in there really. So while I was prancing around, Ms.Whitehead passed our lab and yeah...raised eyebrow. Then Jamalina masuk and Ms.Robina told her that the lab is actually ward 5, I'm the patient, everyone's the nurses and she's the doctor -_-' happy wah...Ok...
Then after computer, break...The break was ok lah nada apa apa. Then cca softball siuk! =D Batting yoh after months of...Not! I just can't wait to go and play on a better, safer field. Sungguhpun the better field is like Sahara Dessert. Fiqah cakap. Haha...
After cca kami menalur. Actually all of us ada pm classes on Thursdays so it's kind of a 'tradition' for us to stayback. Sekali this Thursday no pm classes, we just hang saja. Kami becali and eat our hearts out time atu...Haha old times. It still feels like it after 4years.
Then Naqiu came ngaga si Wina punya guitar and dangarkan his songs. Lawa lah ia main guitar but whatever...Haha...I got over being jealous on guitarists. Tapi yeah, lawa. Then after that, main handball and I have to say that particular handball session was a crashing frenzy. I crashed 4 to 5 timeskah I can't remember. The one dengan Reza yang paling sakit but I just walk it off. Huh. Haha.
So yeah I think now I can finally continue my sleep.
You think I don't rememberkah ah?
Haha love you both and mudahan dapat banyak presents, Amin!
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
Monday, May 26, 2008
was written at 2:36 PM
1. What disappoints you the most?when the sun doesnt shine in the morning.
2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
3. What's your favorite thing to do?
4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
5. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
To be a chococlate engineer. Dont ask me why.
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
HAHA. becali ia soalan ah.
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
My appetite
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Not in this lifetime
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you?
Wai - weird, in a good way; good listener; fun to be with
Yun - always happy; brights up my day; gullible. HAHA
Sarah - maths other half ku; siuk; lets me tiru her answer masa maths
Wina - my birthday other half; VERY gullible; feeds me.
11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
The ability to use their brain.
12. What type of person do you hate the most?
Manusia yang inda paham. HAHA
13. What is your ambition?
To cook and cook my heart out.
14. If you can teleport once, where would you go?
To the moon. Is it really made out of cheese?
15. Are you awesome?
16. If you could undo doing one mistake in the past, what would it be?
When i ate A LOT masa time time puberty.
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
The part where my eyes just cant stop rolling when a stupid question is asked. Yes, i know its rude. Iatah. Hang on, is that a character? *rolls eyes*.
18. What music have you been listening to recently?
John Mayer and David Cook.
19. What is your least favourite animal?
Kerabau. I dont have anything against it (yet) but whatever.
20. What is your ultimate addiction?
Buntal. To those of you yang inda tau, Buntal is my cat;)
Instructions: Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
i tag you.
so ydah, kumal, kubree and kujeer : I POSTED.
P.S : Whats happening in 4 days? heheh ^^,
P.P.S : buntal ^^,
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The infamous handball was written at 11:06 PM
Listening to music is a comfort. It isn't when you have to carry, open and wait for your laptop to turn on, just so you can listen to them. -_-' The point is I need an Mp3 player. I don't care what brand it is as long as I can use it and listen to use a word, easily. Earphones handphone saya hilang bah..Sama my handphone memory card full sudah. I can delete the songs and download new ones ganya sayang. I still listen to them sunguhpun classic.Anyway, I was doing my computer project for my As Level. My Problem Definiton's all done and all I need to do now is make my database. It's actualy finished but then I remembered that I didn't save the damn thing into my laptop and ah... I lost my pendrive where I saved it in. Huh, membuat lagilah. Anyway, then time-time membuat the project, baruku ingat that I need to do the handball report for PE. So I opened up Microsoft Word to do the report but as usual, my pathetic-ness arise; 'cause I forgot the score, I didn't record anything in (just pictures) and I don't even remember when was it. So yeah, crap eh. Click 'x.' To Red Brigades and Monday Blues: Be ready for I will hunt you guys down.
So handball. Started as a work that we prau-1 pe students need to do; now a favourite game for them prau-1s to get together and have fun. They say it's 'practise' but seriously everyone's crashing the futsal field and it's NOT to practise. Even NU, even me. =D It's not a bad thing mind you. I mean through handball I've gotten to know some of my fellow classmates, I gain experiences on being in charge and suffered the consequences when I didn't do my job; I talked to some of the prau-1s that I didn't even knew existed and it's hell of a fun! A game both male and female can play where no school rules can interfere, yet. What more can you ask?
As for the league, it's freaking annoying. I hate competitions and that's why I don't join them that much. It's overwhelming with its competitive strikes, sniggering comments from the PE teacher and the ever famous rule war.
You play hard and what do you get?
-A raised eyebrow PE teacher saying that we take it 'too' seriously.
You play just for fun and ended up losing. What do you get?
-A sore loser feeling which gets you the motivation to try and win for the next match.
You play hard and you win?
-Pride and a plastic spoon trophy. Which in my opinion is just...Ahh...*raise eyebrow* Okay...
So I'm confused with how I'm suppose to feel when I play in the league. Huh.
So I end with this...
If I was to live a thousand years, I'm pretty sure I'd look like someone who should be dead. Just so you know.
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I don't give a damn was written at 8:59 PM
My response when people talked about David Cook:Me: Who's he?
My response time durang cakap David Cook manang American Idol:
Me: Owh, I thought ia manang udah last year.
My response time Syah tanya aku tau kah inda lagu duffy?:
Me: Tau eh! *singing* you got me begging you for mercy! Why won't you leave... me!
Syah: Bukan Duffy atu!
My response time liat gambar Nick Canon kawin sama Mariah Carey:
Me: OMG they married?
Inn: Lama jua udah kenapa kau?
Me: Owh.
I'm oudated like shit and I don't give a damn.
Tadi saya main softball,
Siuk melambung-lambungkan ball,
Dahi Fiqah binjul ulehku,
Timeku umban capnya askew
Tapi sebelum atu kami belajar,
Pure mathlah yang awal-awal,
Ms.Lim tadi ilang sabar,
Si Shahminan malar keluar
Keluar bahapa indaku tau,
Yang pastinya aku keliru,
Dengan soalan-soalan math yang di seru,
Nasib baik si Hanif ada di situ
Haha...Antam aku ah...
Sekali kami ada GP,
As usual kami di library,
Aku duduk baca surat khabar macam si taie,
Usul membaca serious padahal inda merati
Si Naqiu pun mengucap aku,
Cara ku menyabut blu tac inda macam lidahnya atu,
Aku cool saja pasal aku tau,
Ia jealous wah kan aku
Then the end Period GP,
Aku pun keluar dari library,
Time bejalan indaku tejumpa si Insyi,
Rupanya ia bejalan ke lab sendiri
Period computer pun starting,
As usual before duduk kami shuffling,
Ms.Robina diam saja tegilling-gilling,
Aku pun peduli ya continuelah shuffling
Si A.Hafiz malar ngucap aku,
Sakit atiku malar ngucap pasal juburku,
Ia atu te 'jugubugur mugu jugubugur mugu',
aku pun balas 'efentafah kafaufu'
Haha antam... Antam...
Eh naleh eh.
Anyway, after cca I ate lunch, in a way alone. Si Fiqah ada the JIS briefing which I rejected earlier. Then we had physics with Mr.Jee and I got 4/40 for my deformation paper. I felt stupid but whatever. Then, I crashed a handball game (as usual). Haha udah eh nalehku.
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Untuk Si Syah was written at 6:06 PM
Syah, aku tau kau inda suka membaca, so nah. Khas untukmu, gambar-gambar... Hahah... Tadi was fine, main handball with my compact sauna aka. kain grayku and yeah homeworkku (excluding pure math) NADA! yeay...Fahizun's Birthday
My Cousin's Wedding

Glimpse of my house
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Procrasting. was written at 2:44 PM
Homework saya betimbun, enough said. Pure math to be exact. Sigh... I freakin hate that subject. Too many freakin work. So freakin much that I don't even freakin get it anymore. Not to mention freakin annoying. I mean, kalauku sudah hand in my freakin work freakin mark it saja bah! Jangan tah suruh luruskan dulu and then you mark. I don't freakin care what I get for my freakin work. As long as I freakin get it, I freakin get it. I mean, why freakin can't you freakin mark them first, then freakin record my freakin marks into the freakin mark book and after that, then you give me my freakin work back for me to freakin correct? Freakin pissed ku eh. Karang tu ah suruhnya freakin correct tangah-tangah ia freakin marking it and then I ended up forgetting, to give the freakin work back to her for her to freakin mark and oficially chop the freakin work saying I handed it in. Tau tah aku ani inda pandai susun kraja, I lose them wah! I freakin lose them! So membuat dari mula tahku lagi tu kraja atu! Sheesh. -_-'Anyway, I've been sleeping alot. How much is alot? Tidur pukul 8pm, then bangun pukul 7am, sambung balik tidur pukul 8am, then bangun 11am, then pukul 1pm tidur balik lapas atu bangun pukul 5pm. Then malamnya tidur pukul 8.30pm. It feels good to sleep tapi seriously; that's alot. Chocolate prices are going up! Pissed juaku tu! I mean, Mars bars usually cost about $1.10. Now, $1.50! Cadbury blackforest yang biji-biji atu usually $1.00. Now, $1.30! Gah! -_-'
The MS gray kain is literally a sauna. You don't need to jog everyday just so you could have small legs. Just wear the kain and you're half way there... *thumbs up and smile wide*
Other names for pig:
1. Lembu kiut.
2. Krabau pendek.
3. Anjing cacat.
Apakan aku ah -_-'
Some funny canteen comments:
1. Burung beranak.
2. Ikan menyusu.
3. Lembu menyalak.
Bowh my eyes are closing.
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, May 15, 2008
In the end I didn't get to see his abs was written at 9:11 PM
There I was sitting at our usual canteen table (see we don't got no special name to call ourselves so just guess who sits there) gazing at si Baie aka. si Aishah Yang Pintar, when all of a sudden a light caught my sight. It was glaring, tearing my eyes. As I look up, there it was; a definite structure of perfect ABS (sp?)... I look at the feet who owned them, the perfect ABS... hmm... he's bare footed. My heart starts to beat so fast when I realize I think I know who owns them. I slowly gaze up, indulging bliss. As my eyes reached his face, horror struck me. My heart literally froze, my eyes bulging out. The abs belonged to non other than.... *censored name* Damn it! Okay, pokoknya bukan abs yang ku mau ah okay! So in frustration I stood up, took my bag and stomped down the corridor screaming, 'KHAAANNN.......!!!!" Yeah my day was nothing but frustration and that was just one of them.Anyway, my cousin kahwin this week so right now my other cousins are playing DDR and I'm playing my laptop. I told you, I'm addicted to internet.
So, think about this; what if I'm crazy? What if the life I'm living now, me blogging, the guys I know, my parents and basically my existence is just in my head? What if in reality I'm actually in Ward 5, weeping, laughing with no apparent reasons and in medications? What would be my real life? What made me that way? If I am so, you know crazy, please wake up man.
Yours truly,
p.s: Fiq seriously man blog wah!
You got me XOXO,
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Crap like shit was written at 9:52 PM
I'm back to square one. Sakit jua atiku tu. Sabar...Sabar... I mean come on don't you see me? Bah antam tah.Anyway, tadi crap. Everything was crap. The food, the lessons, the day, my tiredness. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Sakit ati. Crap. Mr.Albert was not in school; crap. I is tired very to the ness because of handball; yes crap. I slipped twice masa jalan with the gray kain; crap lah! The kain is so stupid. Udah tah tabal, barat lagi tu. Macam pakai selimut saja. Crap. FDA I hate you and you're so...crap. Crap like shit. Crap.
Tadi I played the drums. Crappy lah rasaku hilang udah mojo beatsku. I felt stupid. I need proper lessons STAT. It's like gone! boom! Just like that! Even my dad was annoyed with my drum roll and that NEVER happened before.
I also umpired the gym's handball match this afternoon. I felt like crap. No one was listening and some of them even contradicted. As always, I change my decisions as fast as they come but whatever; I hate wasting time. I think I'd like to be a PE teacher. It's fun wah and I concentrate hard on PE (computing jualah).
You know the feeling when the guy you like ignores you? It hurts. Pushes you down so hard that all you can do is smile it off. Heheh... Whatever eh.
Crap yaw.
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Just shows that I'm the genuine 'Awesome' was written at 11:27 PM
Okay, I finally managed to get Fiqah her own account on this blog. After 2 weeks of nagging her to do it; in the end aku jua buat. Haha... See, aku yang awesome wah! Kau Fiq...Ehem.. kau bau. Haha nada wah. I love you Fiq and I know you love me. =3 Haha omg I sound like a lesbian. Whatever.So my camera, somehow it's in my bag and it goes out to take pictures of my family outing saja. Kesian =( I actually wanted to take the so called 'artsy' pictures but the sad part is that people just can't take their hands off it. I mean I don't mind yang urang-urang tua pigang, I just can't stand the kids pun mau and the pathetic part is that I get weak with kids! Huh. Kesian aku ani eh. Whatev.
Tadi aku suka my day! Ia senyum saja =D aku pun senyumlah! macam ani =D Haha... Keep on smilling yeah =D like this =D
Huh, I guess tunggu 3 taun baru tah aku dapat ambil gmabar with ease...
You got me XOXO,
Friday, May 9, 2008
I'm still happy was written at 10:49 AM
Yes. I'M STILL HAPPY. Bangun tidur pun senyum-senyum. Teehee... My heart's all racing everytime I think about it and the best part is that there were no regrets coming from it =D If I could just scream out loud what happened, I would but doing that would stop the chances of it happening again. Teeheehe... Teeheehe... Teeheehe...Teeheehe... Teeheehe... Teeheehe...
Today is Friday,
I'm feeling okay,
Today is The Day,
My cousin is taken away
hahaha...Lame. Lame. Sabar peminat! Sabar! Ada lagi...
I'll be taking pictures,
Of people having fixtures,
Because today is The Day,
My cousin is Taken Away
I'm happy,
So happy,
I'm so damn happy
All you need to do is smile,
That's all it takes for my heart to run a mile,
All you need to do is breathe,
That's all it takes for me to feel at ease
I'm stoned,
I'm high,
I'm not a gemini
I'm breathing,
I'm living,
I'm loving this feeling
I'm happy,
So happy,
I'm so damn happy
Because I'm in love,
That is why,
I'm up above,
Over and high
hahaha..Lame..Lame..I know..But I'm just damn...Happy!
Teeheehe... Teeheehe... Teeheehe... =D
You got me XOXO,
Weh; I'm happy like shit. was written at 1:10 AM
Yes. I'm happy. VERY happy. Want to know why? Inda. I don't want to tell. Pokoknya I was (well, still) freakin happy to the point that I pranced around in the computer lab and sing songs of god knows what; making my friends and Ms.Robina rasa hairan and annoyed. I was so happy that my walk around the school atu macam ada extra oomph and to the point I was not even pissed at afternoon Physics. Everytime my thoughts wander, it would come to the oh so happy incident and I would laugh macam urang gila kana belacan. I was THAT happy! I'm freakin' happy okay? HAPPY! I'm freakin happy! It brightened up my Thursday and even when I played handball this afternoon pun tenang because it was not sunny like shit and I even had fun because of the thing. =DHaha...Anyway, softball was canceled for this week and we were ordered to go to the Audi instead. That sucked but hey! Happy wah yatah inda terasa sengsaranya.
Have you guys tried the basi thingy where you figure out how to connect and disconnect them? Membari banci jangan tah. It's addictive and I figured the damn thing after 2 days. Slow, I know but hey! Atleast I got it and I'm happy! =D
I'm freakin tired but it was worth it. Chef, you don't know what to do? Here's a tip: read it first. Haha. Apalah kau ani! Haha. =D
You got me XOXO,
Monday, May 5, 2008
27 dresses was written at 8:10 PM
Aku obsessed. BE RA BIS. HAHAHA. James Marsden, kau hot. You can marry me ANYTIME.So anywayyy, thanks to handball training slash practice slash friendly match, i is brown very much like chocolate, except y'noe.. aku lagi awesome lah. HAHA. But hey! it was fun despite the weather was PANAS BE RA BIS and i didnt get a clue what we were really doing. it wasnt exactly handball, it was pretty much antam-antah-kau-ball.
Faizul, on the event that you read this, which is very VERY VEERRRYYYY unlikely, youre welcome for the sunblock. Not that you ever did express your gratitude but yeah. you are very much welcomed.
Please Please PLEASE let today be the first and last handball training slash practice slash friendly match. No offense, It was fun BUT y'noe a girls gotta take care of her complexion. HAHAH. did i spell that right? besides how dark do you want me to be? Dont answer that.
bah im off. talor kali i cant believe you read the whole post. HAHAHAHAH
<3, fiqah.
p.s : yyy..kau bau^^, you know it bro. brother. bretherin.
p.p.s : buntal=3
You got me XOXO,
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Yeah yeah yeah. was written at 6:03 PM
Wahey, I got tagged with these things... Thanks Syarifah, lubs <3.1. What disappoints you the most?
- When people think I'm mean and cold...Inda melayan urang. I'm shy ok.
2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
- Korea <3
3. What's your favorite thing to do?
- Angan-angan, baca buku, angan-angan.
4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
- Peace of mind makes me happy so yeah, it does.
5. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
- Gigi T.keith got all tongue-tied to answer my questions. I mean, in reality I'm the one who's all tongue-tied.
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
- I guess, as long as I have food then I'm good.
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
- Seeing my parents being happy together.
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
- Shop, go to college and give it to the needy (which include my brothers).
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
- I'd like to try.
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you?
- Mai; she's fun, fuuny and kekasih lamaku. =P
11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
- Accepts the fact that,"I am who I am."
12. What type of person do you hate the most?
- The ones that doesn't appreciates.
13. What is your ambition?
- Write a book, a song; produce/direct a movie.
14. If you can teleport once, where would you go?
- In a closed bakery time early in the morning masa ada pastries yang fresh-fresh. =D
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- My happiness.
16. If you could undo doing one mistake in the past, what would it be?
- Falling in love with Bubu.
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
- Being lazy, I'm good at it.
18. What music have you been listening to recently?
- Juno soundtracks, Muse, Copeland and London Elektricity.
19. What is your least favourite animal?
- Cats; 'cause their ugly and Creepy crawlies; I mean, hello! they're disgusting.
20. What is your ultimate addiction?
- Internet.
Instructions: Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
Jamalina kekasih lama
Haha malasku tag eh. Sorry guys.
You got me XOXO,
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Laksamana. Got. Gold. Period. was written at 4:09 PM
For the first time after 5 years being in MS, LAKSAMANA WON THE FREAKIN SPORT'S CUP! Woo...!! Woo...Oo...Oo...!! Oo...!! Woo...!! Aaa...Aaaa...!! Khalakhalakhala!! Woo...!! Oo....! Oo...! Woo...! *Jump up and down, pom-poms in the air, run left and right* Woo..! Oo..! Woo..!...That's what I did when they announced it and now my throat's all scratchy. As for my voice, sexy yaw~
How does it feel to win? AWESOME but it went by quick. One minute we were celebrating, jumping our asses off and the next, the padang was empty.
One of my friend said the Laksamanas, I should say, cheerleaders were like psychos running loose. Haha nice. That's what we aimed for and I'm glad it worked. We cheered like we were shitting ourselves by the sounds of it. Haha...We battled the Hulubalangs and I know we won. We stole their cheers kali ah...Woo!
In addition, we also learned the hakka and we sport it off eh! Well, Sir Raime lead it, then we just followed him and grunt ourselves off.
Haha..It was cool. Weird, but cool. I just wished I brought my camera with me! It was a moment that I won't ever forget. Banar tah. Penyesalan memang tidak beguna...Ah well.
So to these following people, minta ah gambar! :
- Rifah.
- Zureen.
Bowh atu ganya yang ku ingat but I'm sure I posed banyak. So yeah...I'll be hunting for them then.
It was dissapointing that the one and only was absent. *sigh* Of all the days to be absent, you chose today. -_-' Antam tah kau, see you Monday. Iski udahkan atleast tejumpa...sekalinya...Huu...Anyway, you're hot Gigi T.Keith. No denying it. XD
Lastly, the Laksamana hakka chant from yours truly:
"Laksamana, Laksamana kaora...
Laksamana, Laksamana kaora...
Together we stand as one,
This defines as the team Laksamana...
For honor,
For glory,
Together we will shine...
Hee!!" - Sir Raime.
You got me XOXO,
Friday, May 2, 2008
My name is Wahidah, I'm your biggest fan. was written at 11:19 PM
Saya letih, saya mental. What I'll be writing would not make any sense, I think.Chef! Jangan tah kau ingau that you said goodbye, there's always next time and when that time comes you better do this:
You say,"hey *name of guy sensored* give me some sugaa..."
Mesti cakap the 'a' arah the sugaa with your tongue keluar. Then baru kau wiggle your boobs...Err you know how it went, I showed it to you pernah.
Finally tomorrow's sport's day! No more staying back 5 school days straight, no more friday activities and no more annoying form3 students who couldn't dance even when their life depends on it with eyes rolling around when you try to correct them. Rasakanku cabut wah matanya ah skali di cincang lapas atu buat sambal then bagi kuyuk makan sampai kuyuk atu pun teroll eyes nya pasal inda kenyamanan sampai ia pun mati. And then, gunting bibirnya pakaiku ngikat rambut ku 'cause I think lips are stretchy so yeah...Buleh ikatlah ah; as they were not serious, they kept talking, not listening to what I say, showing off like shits. Padahal ada two left feet. Yes girls, I hate you.
I wish I could krump.
The drums are out of tune.
Siapa pandai main?
Ajar aku.
Wina, I want the song from Hope ah. =) And yeah I'll link you up when I get the chance. I hope you got your bag back.
Bri, malasku bawa my camera esuk. Barat.
Chocolate mousse di Apple...
Beef burger di Blue's...
Wantan Ho di Trader's Inn...
Dim sum...
Gigi T.Keith <3
Skank house...Hahaha...Sarah...Sarah...
Any new books yang Stephenie Meyer standards? Let me know 'cause her Twilight's awesome.
Good Night =)
You got me XOXO,
Thursday, May 1, 2008
This is for pissing me off. was written at 1:14 AM
I just realize that I'm messing with the wrong crowd. Not that I noticed it nor do I care; I mean, I don't want to be in it anyway. I have friends who cares, whom I trust (about 12; both female and male) and their secrets are safe with me. I don't befriend a person just because they're rich, cool or beautiful. I know it's hard to believe but like hell, I seriously don't. You can be bitchy, ego kah, weird kah, geeky kah; I don't care. If you see me as a friend then I am. If you don't then we're not. You got a new thinggamajig kah, you're flying off somewhere kah just go right ahead; I'm just happy for you. I mean what good does it give me if I think about what you have and try to gain from it or even get all worked up about it in all the negative ways possible? Tebria-bria ada pulang kali. If in any way, you think that I'm being friends with you because you're cool, smart, rich or beautiful and then with that, I'm taking advantages from it; you better go and dig a grave now. 'cause I'd kill you right there and then. I DON'T DO THAT. You're reaching for your goals; I'm happy for you, go get it, good luck and always stay happy. You've got the new Ipod that you wanted; cool, I'm happy for you. You're happy; then I'm happy. I believe you're capable of making your dreams come true (Syah), I believe you have all the confidence in the world to get what you want in life (Fiq) and I believe that you have all the strength to be strong and stay happy for yourself; not for anyone else (Yun). Even if my friends one day would leave me behind I would not be staying there. I'd be on my own way making decisions, enjoying new experiences and being happy with my life; then at the same time think about you guys and pray with all my heart that you're happy. I try not to leave you behind, I try to keep in touch and I try with all my being to keep your secrets. And THAT'S for being my friend.I know this post is cheesy but I'm pissed off as hell can ever be right now. It was better when we didn't talk to eachother. That way, I didn't get hurt by you and your "friends."
Owh, just so we're clear, this post is for you Bastad.
Chef, just agree with me and don't ask what happened. I'll eventually tell anyway.
Di suruh inda jua di buatnya. Inda jua ikhlas tu...Buduh.
You got me XOXO,