Friday, October 2, 2009
GREATEST INVENTIONS was written at 3:42 PM

I'm pretty sure Rimba zone and zones yang sewaktu dengannya agrees with me. It lights up your night, it gets your aircond to work and if it weren't for this, we'd still be wrapping animal skins around us. Inda ja?

Most awesome ever. Your toes won't share their sweat together so when you wiggle your toes inda macam, you know.. slippery? Yang lain rasanya ah. I don't like the feeling. Banar. Lain. Haha.

Very awesome. I love potatoes but I tak pandai peel them pakai knife cause merbahaya. This comes in handy berabis. I can peel them like it's nothing in seconds flat. HAHA labih jua in seconds..Nada wah acah saja wah. But hey it does help. XD
Those are the greatest inventions to date. Anyways, esuk raya celebration di sekulah.. Aku datang. Au ego lah diriku kerna tidak datang sekulah time belajar tapi time ani datang. Hey what to do, yatah aku tu. Wow it sounds negative. HAHA please don't hate me for that.
*Thinking hard and the bini would know what I'm thinking* In conclusion I'm still there and relax saja. Haha.
Oh yeah, dangar lagu Owl City The Saltwater Room. CHANTEK!
Oh yeah, dangar lagu Owl City The Saltwater Room. CHANTEK!
You got me XOXO,