Saturday, June 27, 2009
Im not Broke, Im Bankrupt was written at 10:04 AM
How Palaw is this? For some unfanthomable reason aku lupa datang for my driving class. Well not unfanthomable really. More like a pathetic misunderstanding. Macam palaw lah ah and yet aku amused ni jan bagai.The story goes that I dreamt that my driving class was cancelled. Kali masa mama banguni and tanya what time is my class, I said my class is cancelled. Showing how palaw I am at 6.48 in the morning. She asked why and I remember dozing back to sleep. Kali mcm pkul 9.30 ah ada tia instructor ku call and asked where I am. And me being the palaw person that I am jawab "Baru bangun Cikgu". Enough said. As you can see by now, I love using the word Palaw. Si Wai tu ngajar and now its stuck.
Esuk BARA and I CANT WAIT. Mostly pasal aku kan jumpa bini ku. She promised a hug. HEHE. Jan saja nada. And if Im lucky I might get a peck on the cheeks. HAHAHAH. Hint tu wai.
The day after that buka tia skulah... Something Im not looking foward to. I am quite comfortable waking up hours after the crack of dawn. And I dont think I actually did any studying. Quals in like 3 weeks time. Then again bila jua wah urang study 3 weeks before exam? No offense but if you DO, hands down pasal i wish i had your willpower.
Anyway... Me thinks this is the right time to introduce thy husbands
No. 1
Introducing sexy beast which I named Lukman =)

Ak. Tae Sung bin Pg. Lee

I was watching shopaholic ari atu and this line got stucked in my head
" I was stalked once... By a dog"
HAHAHA. Priceless.
Lastly, Who wants to bet si Wai inda datang first day of school? HAHAHAHA =P
You got me XOXO,