Thursday, June 11, 2009
was written at 9:27 PM
Today marks the day that I am free... from exams! Haa! Tapi talur ah, I couldn't care less.. Payah =S so an hour time limit jadi a 45minutes-ish by yours truly.
Today marks the day that I am free... from exams! Haa! Tapi talur ah, I couldn't care less.. Payah =S so an hour time limit jadi a 45minutes-ish by yours truly.
So anyways, somehow me and the bini involved ourselves in the Pesta Sukan Remaja punya performance. In like, 3 days we managed to learn all the dancemoves. AWESOME KALI AH HELLO~ Hahaha.. the people involved are fun yaw so macam I think if I didn't join I'll be very sad. I mean I'm not saying just because you didn't that makes you the sad person.. Aku lah I mean. So the dancemoves awesome I'd have to say eventhough the music..crap =S. Tapi really, the ones in charge made the song cantik yaw~
4 days of going to the stadium at 10.30am-4/5pm you gotta love it XD. Skipping class.. Yes yes I do feel guilty about it but hey, duty calls. =P HAA! Sekali aku nada membawa cameraku kesana 4 hari ani.. Mcm paedah jua tu. Karang kamu cakap aku membual! FINE, wait for it on saturday..Woo! Sekali kan aku nada cakap sama ia pun which makes it sad. Well not really since aku macam like him when I see him so I guess I don't like him anymore. Well I may still like him considering the fact that when I see him I get the tingle but hey that may just be my habit which is yet to fade. You know. But hey, life goes on. APANYA~ HAHAHA..
Acne ku working up lagi ah -__-' Sedihku ni. Seriously I'm not being funny. Nalehku bepurdah around people. =( Ia pun aku nampak staring at it. Yeesh =(. Entah eh.
Nantilah I'll post some pics of it when I do take the pictures.
That's it for now.
PS: Aku in love with Yuna yang nyanyi - Dan Sebenarnya.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,