Monday, June 15, 2009
Term..inated. was written at 9:02 PM
So I open with a picture of us both sick, limpang-limpang macam homeless dudettes with them di bawah kana brief oleh cigu Izam. HAHA. Sanggup lagi tu kami ah datang to practice. I was wondering why were we there, we could've just stayed home and rest.. Sigh I still wonder.

So Pesta Sukan Remaja was held yesterday and if you want to get an inside about it (which includes video of the performance) click here. Sadly I didn't bring my camera on D-Day, I brought it on a very boring day instead which didn't include any of us wearing the PSR clothes and such. Talur bah saya ah. Sigh. It was a fun experience really. The moves were created in two days and we learned the whole lot in, also two days and though the week practice was excrutiating, it was still fun! Me and Fiq will miss the lot that we dance with; the teachers who were involved and yang datang support pun, we'll surely miss you guys! Haa! Sama the food, mun ada lagi, panggil tah kami. HAHA!

So Pesta Sukan Remaja was held yesterday and if you want to get an inside about it (which includes video of the performance) click here. Sadly I didn't bring my camera on D-Day, I brought it on a very boring day instead which didn't include any of us wearing the PSR clothes and such. Talur bah saya ah. Sigh. It was a fun experience really. The moves were created in two days and we learned the whole lot in, also two days and though the week practice was excrutiating, it was still fun! Me and Fiq will miss the lot that we dance with; the teachers who were involved and yang datang support pun, we'll surely miss you guys! Haa! Sama the food, mun ada lagi, panggil tah kami. HAHA!

I did nothing today to officially start my holidays. XD Haha.. I just woke up, took my shower, ate and just lay down on my bed. Bliss yoh jangan jua! XD It was freaking fun! Hehe..

That's it for now, till then.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,