Sunday, March 15, 2009
Barney Stinson less than three was written at 10:34 AM
Take a deep breath.Do you smell that?
Im sure you did.
The scent is getting stronger by the day.
No doubt its the smell of the HOLIDAYSSS =)
For sure it aint much of a big deal seeing its just a week- minus Fridays and Sundays BUT STILL. THE HOLIDAYSSS.
Anyway kudos (i dont know what that actually means but i assume it means Congrats pasal ppl always say that in a cheerful way) to Wai who must have put a record for leaving things in the spur of the moment. Ani compliment ni Wai ah. I mean.. Who else would leave their own school bag arah kerita orang lain? *salutes* HAHAHA.
This week has prolly been one of the shortest. Mcm only three days of school. And i soo regretted not attending the Sports Selection. Macam siuk usulnya. Tapi panas. But whatever. Its history now. And Im not part of it.
Oh btw.. To Man U, bali tah keeper baru. Mun dapat yang matanya inda kabur. wawawawawa.
=) Fiqah
You got me XOXO,