Saturday, February 7, 2009
Rambles was written at 9:22 PM
Yes ladies and gents; NEW LAYOUT.
Gila kali naleh ku memikirkan bah layout ah..AND IT'S NOT EVEN FINISHED YET.
I don't get it. I put my time and sweat on these layouts and I should get tired of it. You know, customizing layouts just 'for a blog,' a mere blog that not many even reads. But I'm not. Seriously, I freakin love it. The thought of changing it sends shivers up my spine and thoughts of paning crap just won't come up; udah ku abis baru tah.
Tadi saya akhir bangun and I was late for school.. 3 minutes late I think so taruslah ah aga my regis teacher who was teaching next door. I was hoping for sympathy.. And I got it. TEEHEE. =3
Today was VERY uneventful.
Saya sukalah lagu ah.. Pictures of you ah. Payahku mencari since I can't remember names well. Lama dah inda tengok lagu lagu baru.. I'm getting behind on it. Speech's due on monday and I've yet to start.
I'm doing one on Twilight: Is it that good?
Lawa tajuknya? Ok kah?
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,