Friday, February 6, 2009
was written at 11:41 AM
My room's really cold right now and I'm not even turning on the fan or AC.Bahapa saja saya?
I've been watching 2Days1Night..Utube..
Boys before flowers aku baru abis liat ep 10 tadi..
I'm still in my pyjamas..
Sajuk eh talur kali.
I like rain; tapi if its ujan panas lagiku suka. I mean, rain sama sunshine wah at the same time!
Kemarin kami house meet and I don't got no pictures to show. =(
My camera's with my aunt di Brisbane so I've to wait for tomorrow.
So anyway I've been doing my work very well. I haven't study regularly yet tapi I'm getting there. Konsentrasi saya meningkat untuk Computer dan Physics sudah; saya perlu kan nya untuk Math sama GP lagi. Semua kerja saya buat kecuali Math; entah kenapa aku tidak mau buat.. Saya tidak suka numbers.
Pelajarku makin banyak numbers! Gila kali.
Sekali ada classmate computer saya bawa booklet Warwick Uni kemarin. Gila excited saya menengok.. Booklet jua ganya. -__-'
Sekali Ms.Robina becakap pasal Brunei. Dia kata kami patutnya berasa sungguh beruntung kerana mempunyai Kad IC berwarna kuning.
I couldn't agree more.
Rehat and Lunch was boring kemarin. I've no idea why.. Maybe semua were not in the mood.
And lagipun there's a friend of ours yang kan terabang..
Bah atu saja.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,