Saturday, February 14, 2009
Rambles was written at 9:24 PM
Tadi masa lunch kami membuat "rhymes". It can and shall be the future lullaby for babies. Atau words of wisdom or inspirational quotes of the future =)Untuk GG :
"Alo, My name is Mr. Lohan,
I come from Japan,
Im 5ft tall and have a tan,
Im searching for a man. "
Untuk Buntal :
"Ui Wang, Behapa kau?
Behapa kau tadi di luar atu?
Cali usulmu, Kau pigang penyapu,
Talur usulmu ada jua macam babu"
Si Wai tu punya keraja. Nada keraja banar. Kali lapas atu we went to the gym to harass the P.E teachers : Sir Azlan and Sir Barney Fart-a-lot. And what do we get? FERRARO ROCHER. Pasal Sir Azlan cakap kami nada Valentine. Right. I ended the visit with applying finishing touches arah mapnya.
Will kacau again this Monday.
Sigh. Its quite depressing to spend a Saturday night dapan laptop but Im not complaining.
Double Sigh.
You got me XOXO,