Monday, July 21, 2008
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? was written at 2:47 PM
The following is a random conversation between Person A and person B:
Note: The characters are a work of fiction thus has no relations with anyone dead or alive. HAHA. Apakan. Anyway…
Note: The characters are a work of fiction thus has no relations with anyone dead or alive. HAHA. Apakan. Anyway…
A: eh yaw, tau kau si Fiqah kah?
B: Fiqah? Fiqah mana?
A: Ehh... si Fiqah yang anu bah… yang awesome atu...
Three days later …
A: Tau kau kan?
B: Awuu. Kenal ku. Yang malar inda online ah. Yang ia share blog sama si Waidah atu kan?
A: Ahh… Ia tah tu. Napa ia malar inda online atu kan?
Iatawah. Aku pun betanya. Napa banar ah aku jarang online?
Haha. And I being THE Fiqah they’re talking about might have the answer(s) to the very question. So Why? Why? Why?
1. Aku malas.
2. Aku mau tidur.
3. Aku malas switch on laptop.
4. For the past three days, badan ku sakit. Banartah. Thanks to Circuit Training masa PE (Freaking BURPEE. Siapa kan yang berjasa sangat mencipta atu?) and Softball yang ada Coach De Guzman yang nada bagi Take 5. Ngalih kali ah bejamur atu. TEBAKAR KULITKU MIKIRKAN. Hang on, Its… TEBAKAR JIWA KU MIKIRKAN.
7. YouTube has disappointed me.
8. Aku malas.
9. Entah.
Mmm… yeah that’s it.
Bah I posted ^^,
Awu Wai aku tau aku awesome teramat sangat sampai aku pissed off cos I can’t figure out the aimini thing and you had to try it out for me. HAHA. Thanks. Its heart touching, really, the things Waidah does for me. He he=3
Banarnya kan, banyak udah wah urang ngajar aku cana mendownload videos and songs, aku ganya babal. HAHA.
Thanks to Sab ngajar aku kai which yes, I downloaded the file but don’t know where it is in my lappy top. I search and search and search some more, still I fail to locate the video downloaded.
Thanks to Jeer yang balik-balik kan ngajar pakai the helper thingy that I don’t quite remember the name but yeah, THANKS.
Thanks to Ydah yang patiently (I’m just assuming here. HAHA nadawah. Aku tau you liked doing it=D) mengajar and mendownload and everything. Lurbsss^^,
While we are on the Thanking subject I would also like to Thank Mr. Albert Polita yang membagi saya chukulit for me bday. HAHA=P
Thanks to Hajah Kumalina for the Green Tea set<33333
Sama Thanks to Syah and Nurun and Wina for being Syah and Nurun and Wina.
<333> Fiqah.
P.s : Wai i figured out udah the aimini thing ^^,
P.p.s : Buntal ^^,
You got me XOXO,