Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Sound Of White was written at 11:43 PM

Yeah I finished the book; finally. It's slow yeah I agree Fiq and it's freaky. Freaky. Gila kali. Freaky.
just like to say goodbye to Fadzay. I've known her since Pra (along with Sabri, but I've known him since I was 3) and I'm glad that I've gotten to know her. To reminisce back, banyak jua ni ah..Naleh juaku. But to pendekkan what I have with her..
I'm happy for you Fad; as another friend of mine who's going for her dreams. Though it's sudden but yes, we'll meet again. Lintas-lintas jalan kampung atu jua wah. Hahah. Strive yoh and excel di UBD. Don't menyiring and lose track of your vision; it's what you want so yeah.. hahah you don't need that much of advice, you're pretty tough yourself. Don't change, keep that playful heart of yours cause atu yang aku enjoy about you. =D
I came late tadi but as Sir Albert mentioned; 2nd last. Hahah Naqiu yang paling akhir. It was pretty normal. Nothing much happened; unless you count 'an attempt to excape Stats Math but inda jadi' as something. Fiqah said nampak mukaku merah macam bedusa saja time ia melintas aku. Haha I guess I was scared; just shows that I'm not evil. Got my computer paper back; it was ok, my marks was not the highest but it'll do. I don't care for marks that much.
Yours Truly,
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,