Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Cheesy yet true was written at 5:36 PM
Shit shit shit
Shit shit shit
Man laki si Fudge,SHH ah.. Jangan bising.. Haha ku latuk kau if you do!CONGRATS TO
The Scholar Receipients
Especially to
Sabri Lakiku
Jamalina Kekasih Lamaku
Yee Fah Hong Kutu Babiku
I'm happy for you guys, make us proud yah. No party party, no drinking drinking (except for pina colada; atu buleh. HAHA.) and ALWAYS REMEMBER US DI NEGARA BRUNEI ANI.
Aku kenal ia dari kami umur 3. We were in Nusa Laila Putri together; and then when I transfered to Sakam Bunut, he was my classmate as well. I remember the time when we were in nursery. LAMPUH jamo si Sabri ah sampai ia begarak garak pun inda nampak wah. I mean, marung lagi tu nauzubillah. Haha. And masa di Sakam Bunut, masaku baru sadar ia bagas dari Nusa Laila aku mention arah iakan. Yatah ia time time atu sedang makan sorang sorang arah tangga ampir class kami atu. Yatah aku cakap,
"Kau ani bagas dari Nusa Laila Putrikan?"
Sekali ia cakap, "Au."
Me: Kenal aku?
Ia: Kenal ih napakan?
Sekali aku takut; so I ran off. Haha.
Then kami jadi classmates sampai... darjah 5. Sekali Darjah 6 tukar class but we were still close; I was Assistant head and he was head prefect. Hahah. I remember him pendiam, ambung ambungan sal ia pandai kalah aku. Malar best student apa; I hated him once. Sekajap pulang pasal ia malar tinggi markah. Haha lame plang but yeah. Haha. Paling manis was the time a group of my friends (including him) kana panggil oleh principal pasal beklaie sama primary 6's; we were in primary 2. Sekali ia kana panggilkan, iatah ia inda mau so ia ampai ampai betiarap with his head down di library punya floor. Kalah wa principal ia biarkan ia sana so he was safe. He's like this jeweled student; kana sayang uleh cigu. Hahah..
Then I remembered I used to fight dengan ia sampai kami 2 nangis (in a way) pasal ia ambil aku punya this cool pen/colour thingy. Ia minjam kan tapi inda balikkan wah yatah aku minta balik ia cakap ia punya! So aku marah and cried and ia marah jua. He doesn't wail, ia kalau marah diam tu and nangis diam jualah. Silent killer. Haha. Sekali aku pernah kalah kan ia arah mid year exams primary 5. Hahah..
Then I remembered kami malar ke rumah Fadzay to do projects and all but in the end we ended up bemain. In a way.. I thinklah ah. I think he was there. Hahah. I THINK now I'M NOT SURE.
Sekali masuk MS, entah ah I can't explain but we were close? In a way? I mean he knows who I like and all apa. So yeah we were. Ganya inda stick that much. Ia ucap ucap aku apa. Tukang mengucap wah ia ani. Matiku jadi mangsa. -__-' I'm gonna miss that. Sigh.
This year baru tah ku pernah bejalan keluar sama ia.. I mean how ironic is that? Taie wah. Hahah. Baru tah te 'TKG' 'TKG.' =( Shit eh.
So Bri, I'm happy for you yoh. Iskiku mendangar. You're my best guy friend; I have to admit. Lama lama tani kenal inda putus friendship atu besyukurku. You make me laugh, mengannoy aku jua and kau bau. HAHA.
Bri baik kau jangan lupakan aku udah kau di sana. Chat chat jua, if inda chat pun emailku kah, telipun kah! Yih! I know sebulan lagi kau jalan but screw it! You're going! And baik kau lanja!!
Jamalina(Far right)
Jamalina aka. Jah Kumal aka. Katak. Hahah danganku orientation dulu group Periwinkle. Remember mal?? Ingat?? Ingat? Baik kau ingat kalau inda ku tatak kau di sekulah. I mean, tani masih jumpa right? Haha.. Dangan dangan mencari flag, dangan meliat sekulah MS Rimba and yeah dangan belari lari but after that inda, nada contactlah ah. Not that we noticed. Jumpa and tagur tagur pulang but not in talking terms. Hahah..But udah form 3, I think that was the time tani becakap lagi (INGATKU LAH AH) and we were talking about your foot pasal injured so inda dapat main netball interclass. Hahah. Bangkak purple lagi tu, like a periwinkle. Hehe. So udah form 4 and 5 got close pasal aku malar hang arah class kamu rasakan ngaga biniku si Fiqah. Huu..Good times.. Oh! Close lagi since tani school team netball and team Violets jualah. Huh..
You like Japanese/Korean stuff. BANYAK LIKE SHIT BUKU AND DRAMAS SO RAMAI URANG MINJAM ARAH KAU. hahah and yeah I WILL TRY TO FINISH THE DRAMA. Sorry yah =(. Comicsmu lawa lawa like shit but when you're gone I won't get to read any new ones lah ah. I'm gonna miss you. Really I will. =D Cerita pasal familymu always makes me laugh. I'm gonna miss that jua. You're nice and I will always remember tani tag each other time besabalahan comp lab. Haha.
But I'm happy for you; ajja fighting sana! Belajar kuat kuat ah (hahah camanakan tu?) and jangan lupa aku.. Contact contact lah and don't lose contact. Hahah. Apakan aku ah. Hahah

Bangga kau Fah aku panggil kau Yee Fah? hahah Hong aka. Katak aka. Kutu Babi. See the reason that I insist on calling you kutu babi is because Jamalina udah Katak! long before YOU did. Haha ok? Anyway..
Yee Fah, sahabat saya semasa di tingkatan 1 hingga 3. He's the only chinese guy in the class and yeah. Palingku ingat pasal ia was the time.. Either Syazwani or Fiqah tu. One of 'em nyaya si Hong suruh lanja since it was chinese new year. Sekali duit nya yang di wallet kana ambilkan and it was a fifty and he said just take it with all the sincerity nampak wah.. So yeah I was shocked. Gila! Mun aku nadaku membagi! But they didn't take though; SAYANG. Sekali ia selalu kana kelaikan uleh Tiqah and Syah. Macam, they were all 'yee fah's mine!' 'No! Mine!!' hahah.. and he'll just diam saja and senyum.
Sekali naik form 4 I didn't see him that much pasal we were in DIFFERENT circles since ia ambil accounting kah tu. But when I do see him aku iski lah! Buleh lagi aku pernah nampak ia telanggar trash can. I mean, ia telanggar the trash can yang tempat Physics corridor. BASAR bunyi ia telanggar ah and I saw the whole thing from the OTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING. THAT was funny! BERABILSY FUNNY. hahahahaha..
Then, baru pernah jalan sama ia tahun ani jua. He said aku makin bising. Haha whatever Hong tapi di aga nya juaku. Cakap nya inda mau liat movie sama aku lagi pasal aku bising tapi udah di bawa datang jua ya. So yeah, I'm glad. Haha.
Hong Congrats and I'm gonna miss you. Same as above, study hard sana, don't drink too much, don't party that hard, focus and always remember me, your ambuk di Brunei. Bangga kau Hong aku cakap aku ambuk? Baik kau bangga kalau indaku tatak kau. Haha. Jangan ambung!
Yee Fah, sahabat saya semasa di tingkatan 1 hingga 3. He's the only chinese guy in the class and yeah. Palingku ingat pasal ia was the time.. Either Syazwani or Fiqah tu. One of 'em nyaya si Hong suruh lanja since it was chinese new year. Sekali duit nya yang di wallet kana ambilkan and it was a fifty and he said just take it with all the sincerity nampak wah.. So yeah I was shocked. Gila! Mun aku nadaku membagi! But they didn't take though; SAYANG. Sekali ia selalu kana kelaikan uleh Tiqah and Syah. Macam, they were all 'yee fah's mine!' 'No! Mine!!' hahah.. and he'll just diam saja and senyum.
Sekali naik form 4 I didn't see him that much pasal we were in DIFFERENT circles since ia ambil accounting kah tu. But when I do see him aku iski lah! Buleh lagi aku pernah nampak ia telanggar trash can. I mean, ia telanggar the trash can yang tempat Physics corridor. BASAR bunyi ia telanggar ah and I saw the whole thing from the OTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING. THAT was funny! BERABILSY FUNNY. hahahahaha..
Then, baru pernah jalan sama ia tahun ani jua. He said aku makin bising. Haha whatever Hong tapi di aga nya juaku. Cakap nya inda mau liat movie sama aku lagi pasal aku bising tapi udah di bawa datang jua ya. So yeah, I'm glad. Haha.
Hong Congrats and I'm gonna miss you. Same as above, study hard sana, don't drink too much, don't party that hard, focus and always remember me, your ambuk di Brunei. Bangga kau Hong aku cakap aku ambuk? Baik kau bangga kalau indaku tatak kau. Haha. Jangan ambung!
So yeah, again, CONGRATS =D
Hahah cheesykah? I guess. Aku reminscing wah! But yeah..
Tadi aku cakap sama ia. TEEHEE..
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,