Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Crap like shit was written at 9:52 PM
I'm back to square one. Sakit jua atiku tu. Sabar...Sabar... I mean come on don't you see me? Bah antam tah.Anyway, tadi crap. Everything was crap. The food, the lessons, the day, my tiredness. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Sakit ati. Crap. Mr.Albert was not in school; crap. I is tired very to the ness because of handball; yes crap. I slipped twice masa jalan with the gray kain; crap lah! The kain is so stupid. Udah tah tabal, barat lagi tu. Macam pakai selimut saja. Crap. FDA I hate you and you're so...crap. Crap like shit. Crap.
Tadi I played the drums. Crappy lah rasaku hilang udah mojo beatsku. I felt stupid. I need proper lessons STAT. It's like gone! boom! Just like that! Even my dad was annoyed with my drum roll and that NEVER happened before.
I also umpired the gym's handball match this afternoon. I felt like crap. No one was listening and some of them even contradicted. As always, I change my decisions as fast as they come but whatever; I hate wasting time. I think I'd like to be a PE teacher. It's fun wah and I concentrate hard on PE (computing jualah).
You know the feeling when the guy you like ignores you? It hurts. Pushes you down so hard that all you can do is smile it off. Heheh... Whatever eh.
Crap yaw.
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,