Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Bored hantap bah was written at 12:38 AM

I miss editing pictures tapi lama udah inda edit edit. Malas. Hehe..but yeah tu nah one aku buat. Vainningku. Gila wah di Facebook ah panuh bah pics be edit edit. Jeles juga saya. HAHA!
Now that I think about it, I didn't mention about my birthday anywhere did I? Haha. Baru I sadar wah.. Anyways..
Au wah I admit bah I'm bored (yes it's possible to get bored at 12.41am) and I've got nothing to write about so bah ani tah sajaku write about..
I birthday time bulan puasa beb. Got the earliest birthday greet dari si Najen and Op nganya aku jahat. I know I was. Inda pandai show aku appreciate. Not that aku inda appericiate, kan nangis ada pulang tu banarnya that they came nganya indaku pandai kan show it.. Aku handal bah jadi pelakun ani. Hantap. Serious shit. And alum lagi mendangar berita sedih tu. They didn't know it but I guess it showed, but hey no body knows what's going on in one's mind.
Just had sungkai panggil the families. I like it; nada havoc macam a 10 foot choco fountain on the side, with games galore everywhere. Haha. Chill saja. Makan with the people I know and love, music. Perfect. Wished I had the friends as well datang tapi macam.. InsyaAllah nanti tah. Then there's this cake my mum balikan. Sweet chocolate bah. Hahah. I like XD.
Now that I think about it, I didn't mention about my birthday anywhere did I? Haha. Baru I sadar wah.. Anyways..
Au wah I admit bah I'm bored (yes it's possible to get bored at 12.41am) and I've got nothing to write about so bah ani tah sajaku write about..
I birthday time bulan puasa beb. Got the earliest birthday greet dari si Najen and Op nganya aku jahat. I know I was. Inda pandai show aku appreciate. Not that aku inda appericiate, kan nangis ada pulang tu banarnya that they came nganya indaku pandai kan show it.. Aku handal bah jadi pelakun ani. Hantap. Serious shit. And alum lagi mendangar berita sedih tu. They didn't know it but I guess it showed, but hey no body knows what's going on in one's mind.
Just had sungkai panggil the families. I like it; nada havoc macam a 10 foot choco fountain on the side, with games galore everywhere. Haha. Chill saja. Makan with the people I know and love, music. Perfect. Wished I had the friends as well datang tapi macam.. InsyaAllah nanti tah. Then there's this cake my mum balikan. Sweet chocolate bah. Hahah. I like XD.

Oh yeah tadi I went out liat Ninja Assasin bersama the family. Au si Harris pun meliat. Au ia liat. Au tauku banyak darah and swords, au si Harris meliat. Haha apakan saya ah. I have to say AWESOME! PALUI! GILA KALI! My fave part time si Abang Rain kelaie sama them ninjas and just hurt them in one swipe! AWESOME HANTAP! I was at the edge of my seat. Better than New Moon. HANTAP! XD

My parent's anniversary is coming up. I already told them just give $100 and I'll think of the cake. Haha! My mum cute. She LOVES things like this. Macam celebrate celebrate ani. She likes to celebrate everything! Birthdays, Annversaries, Pass Exams, Birth, Getting Pregnant, Getting Engaged, For doing Nothing; you name it we've done it. Serious shit. And I'm not being sarcastic ni ah pleaselah she's my mother for god's sake. Ani for the annversary ah.. She went like this..
*Saya kana summon ke bilik tamu*
Saya: Ah napa ma?
Mama: Ani bah duduk bah sama kami disscuss apakan di buat 8th ah.
Saya: Ahh.. *duduking* Ok.. Alright! Bagi saja Wedah 100 pakai buat cake. Sekali Wedah mau catering! Bunga api sana sini! 3 band kah main? Bah 3 set tu beampaian on every sudut belawan band tani.
*My aunt ada masa atu*
Aunt: Ka Anna si Wedah panat. Bagus kau Wedah anak tah banar.
Saya: Of course! XD
My parents banggang saja dangar what I have to say.
No comment, I mean come on. I don't have the money to plan them.. It's up to them what they want. Just order me around and InsyaAllah I'll do them. Hehe.
Ok, it's 2 now. Haha. Karang sekulah tapi saya macam malas hantap. Tidak I mau. HAHA. Liatlah ah. Ikut angin. Hehe.

My parent's anniversary is coming up. I already told them just give $100 and I'll think of the cake. Haha! My mum cute. She LOVES things like this. Macam celebrate celebrate ani. She likes to celebrate everything! Birthdays, Annversaries, Pass Exams, Birth, Getting Pregnant, Getting Engaged, For doing Nothing; you name it we've done it. Serious shit. And I'm not being sarcastic ni ah pleaselah she's my mother for god's sake. Ani for the annversary ah.. She went like this..
*Saya kana summon ke bilik tamu*
Saya: Ah napa ma?
Mama: Ani bah duduk bah sama kami disscuss apakan di buat 8th ah.
Saya: Ahh.. *duduking* Ok.. Alright! Bagi saja Wedah 100 pakai buat cake. Sekali Wedah mau catering! Bunga api sana sini! 3 band kah main? Bah 3 set tu beampaian on every sudut belawan band tani.
*My aunt ada masa atu*
Aunt: Ka Anna si Wedah panat. Bagus kau Wedah anak tah banar.
Saya: Of course! XD
My parents banggang saja dangar what I have to say.
No comment, I mean come on. I don't have the money to plan them.. It's up to them what they want. Just order me around and InsyaAllah I'll do them. Hehe.
Ok, it's 2 now. Haha. Karang sekulah tapi saya macam malas hantap. Tidak I mau. HAHA. Liatlah ah. Ikut angin. Hehe.
You got me XOXO,