Friday, May 30, 2008
The time of my life was written at 7:11 AM
It's 5.54am right now; last time I checked. My mum had to work today and she literally banged my door down to get her stuff in my room. Her room's big enough already but apparently she likes to go into mine! EVERYBODY likes to go into my room...Ada sign 'Wahidah's Room; Crash it' kali depan atu which I can't see. *sigh* My room's too awesome..I know..It's maybe one of the places you should see before you die. At the rate it's in.Anyway! My chest's fluttering and I love the feeling! It's actually annoying but to hell you all, I'm fighting! Err. I can't continue sleeping sal ada trouble sleeping...I can say the song suits me right now. The lyrics I mean.
I'm also under my covers right now and my amah tarus tarus masuk. I can't see her but I think she's sweeping the floor. Sakit mataku eh.
Kemarin skulah was fun, maths inda ramai orang so we just did 'simple' math work and as usually I was asked to correct myself TIME IA MARKING. Nothing much happened there.
Then, ada GP di library...I hate libraries. It's too boring. I can take silence but silence with rules? Amg! Banyak pulang cakapku tu. I think I made M.Hafiz feel uncomfortable when I sat across from him (table's length of separation) and asked him about his life. He was turning on his ipod and then I just stared at him for a while. Then I sat back and asked, without staring away, 'So Piz how's your life right now? Are you happy? How's *****? You guys were fighting right? Are you guys ok now?' and then he sorta took his earphones off and sat straighter. After that he answered...Well, stammered I should say. After a while he went away leaving his wallet on the table. I took it and then cerita sama si Naqiu. Time time cerita, I rummaged Hafiz's wallet..Hahaha..Gambar library cardnya cali!
Then after GP, I had Computer (fave subject!)... I was happy on the way ke lab that I managed to prance my way through the crowd, three lanes crowd and get there. Then I pranced around a few more times in the lab. Ms.Robina biasa udah liat so she was fine with it ganya I forgot that kami punya lab is like a zoo cage and yeah everybody can see us in there really. So while I was prancing around, Ms.Whitehead passed our lab and yeah...raised eyebrow. Then Jamalina masuk and Ms.Robina told her that the lab is actually ward 5, I'm the patient, everyone's the nurses and she's the doctor -_-' happy wah...Ok...
Then after computer, break...The break was ok lah nada apa apa. Then cca softball siuk! =D Batting yoh after months of...Not! I just can't wait to go and play on a better, safer field. Sungguhpun the better field is like Sahara Dessert. Fiqah cakap. Haha...
After cca kami menalur. Actually all of us ada pm classes on Thursdays so it's kind of a 'tradition' for us to stayback. Sekali this Thursday no pm classes, we just hang saja. Kami becali and eat our hearts out time atu...Haha old times. It still feels like it after 4years.
Then Naqiu came ngaga si Wina punya guitar and dangarkan his songs. Lawa lah ia main guitar but whatever...Haha...I got over being jealous on guitarists. Tapi yeah, lawa. Then after that, main handball and I have to say that particular handball session was a crashing frenzy. I crashed 4 to 5 timeskah I can't remember. The one dengan Reza yang paling sakit but I just walk it off. Huh. Haha.
So yeah I think now I can finally continue my sleep.
You think I don't rememberkah ah?
Haha love you both and mudahan dapat banyak presents, Amin!
Yours truly,
You got me XOXO,