Thursday, December 4, 2008
emo-ish was written at 9:23 AM
I'm on the floor, my cousins and brothers are still fast asleep. Mana inda, tidur pukul 5.30 seorang seorang. Aku nyaman tidurku udah tu. Hahah.. Durang sleep-over sini! and today's day 1.I don't know why but I feel emo-ish today; you can tell it from the way I'm typing this post. Banar tah. I'm confused about something; battling it in my head. It's confusing as it's not as obvious as others. I mean, when I think that way at first, my head would say it's not that simple or absolute when I think about it further. Point is.. I just hope it is what I think it is.
Anyway, hari ani baru tah saya akhir bangun (8.30) after 4 days of not. I cannot describe the bliss that it gave me when I open my eyes and I see sunshine shinning on my bed. Heaven bebeh~ Hahah.. I've been competing in the IGS Explore Venture thing along with my other schoolmates and yeah, it was fun. Those 4 days of work felt like a week's worth, so I guess it really occupied my time.
As of now I am a picture uploader addict on Facebook and I've come to understand why people sanggup tunggu 60 pictures to be up; pasal it doesn't take that long! And to tell you the truth there's a whole lot of pictures in my laptop that I don't know what to do with it but biarkan bejaruk saja. And as I tagged them up; I can't help but feel like a stalker. Macam, mati gambar kamu atu sekali di kumpul buleh buat album kisah hidup kamu. Belambah. -__-' So yeah I shall be uploading some more nanti when my excitements are at its lowest level.
I have no idea what to do with my cousins.. As in what activities should we do to occupy time. I've asked them and all have said that they don't mind if I'd just leave them with my laptop and the internet. So I'm all.. Hmm. Durang ani tah banar. Haha.
Seriously my emo-ish thingy is confusing me like shit.
Till' then. bye.
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,