Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Dinner was written at 6:01 PM
Went home at 12.30 and spent the whole day chatting with Fiqah with a known fact in my head that we'd see eachother tonight. Ganya lama chatting nauzubillah. I don't know why we do that; maybe it's just this one unwritten rule that we can't get enough of eachother. Maybe. Haha. Anyway, Fiqah went offline so I started getting ready. For the dinner.Yes the dinner. Aniticipation rises not knowing what to expect as our batch NEVER went out under the same roof other than our school before. Anyway, got ready and I waited for my mum to send me. She was taking a long time to get into the car. Always been; both of them. My parents I mean but since I'm used to it, I just kept it cool numbing my senses by not looking at the time. So then I'm in the car and yeah... I think I was the last to arrive with Rafiah.
As I enter the hall, UIC band was playing I think lagu the Killers kah. I think. I can't remember because I'm blinded by my fellow classmates. They all look beautiful/handsome. You can't even believe it was them. Well some were expected to look hot but others were.. Wow.
Found my friends and yes we giggled about our secrets. You can't help it; EVERYBODY has secrets. Few videos previewed about the good ol' times, food were eaten, drinks, flashes of the camera literally everywhere. The fear of the dinner being a dud just dissapears.
I walked alot di sana. Every pelusuk of the place; talked to my friends yang away udah di MD/PTE, my classmates, mates and etc. The only place yang indaku berapa aga was the food aisle. Macam, payah kan ke sana atu.
The finale were the cakes and the farewell hugs and handshakes.
I looked from afar the farewells; tears were there, hugs, smiles. I wasn't even tearing up for my friends who are going. I don't know. I can say I'm just not that emotional or I don't got any close connections with any of them. Wait. I can't even say that I mean, Sabri's going away and I've known him since I was 3. 3 goddamnit. So yeah; I'm just not that emotional. Numb. I can't cry when people are watching.
But hey! It was hellofafun! Cringy sana sini, and aku inda beranti jalan jalan sampai sahabat saya payah kan track down saya. What can I say, I'll meet them at school anyway. Hahah.
I took this from cikgu... punya blog. The pics. Hahah.

Owh and the guys HOT SEMUA...
High hormonesku meliat durang baik jua inda bedarah idung
Yours Truly,
You got me XOXO,